implicit.tex 1.4 KB

  1. % Implicit arguments
  2. % Authors: Catarina Coquand and Ulf Norell
  3. %\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{amsart}
  4. \documentclass[11pt]{llncs}
  5. % \usepackage{amsthm}
  6. % \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]
  7. % \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma}
  8. % \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Corollary}
  9. % \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition}
  10. \usepackage{epsf}
  11. \usepackage{epsfig}
  12. %\usepackage{isolatin1}
  13. %\usepackage{a4wide}
  14. \usepackage{verbatim}
  15. \usepackage{proof}
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  18. \usepackage{stmaryrd}
  19. \usepackage{ifthen}
  20. \input{lhs2TeXpreamble}
  21. \input{macros}
  22. \newcommand\NoteOnPatternMatching{1}
  23. \newcommand\DetailedProofs{0}
  24. \title{Type checking in the presence of meta-variables}
  25. \author{Ulf Norell and Catarina Coquand}
  26. \institute{Department of Computer Science and Engineering \\
  27. Chalmers University of Technology \\
  28. {\tt \{ulfn,catarina\}}
  29. }
  30. \begin{document}
  31. \maketitle
  32. \input{abstract}
  33. \section{Introduction} \input{introduction}
  34. \section{The underlying logic \Core} \input{core}
  35. \section{The type checking algorithm} \label{secRules} \input{rules}
  36. \section{Examples} \input{examples}
  37. \section{Proof of correctness} \label{secProof} \input{proof}
  38. \section{Conclusions and future work} \input{concl}
  39. \paragraph{Acknowledgement} \input{acknowledgement}
  40. \bibliography{../../../../bib/pmgrefs}
  41. \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
  42. \end{document}