.travis.yml 4.7 KB

  1. # Liang-Ting Chen 2019-09-07:
  2. # Switched to Build Stages
  3. # NB: don't set `language: haskell` here.
  4. language: c
  5. os: linux
  6. # Request Ubuntu Bionic (18.04 LTS). 20.04 is not yet available
  7. dist: bionic
  8. ##############################################################################
  9. # Every master and maintenance branches >= 2.5 or >= maint-2.4 must
  10. # be here. You can also add your private branches if you want travis to
  11. # test them.
  12. branches:
  13. only:
  14. - monoid
  15. - master
  16. - future
  17. - maint-2.4
  18. - stable-2.5
  19. - /^release-.*/
  20. # Test all issue* and future-.* branches. Saves you opening a PR.
  21. - /^issue.*/
  22. - /^future-.*/
  23. ##############################################################################
  24. # The submodules are needed by tests using the standard library and the cubical
  25. # library, but also needed for stack to find fix-whitespace. Even if it doesn't
  26. # need it, stack expects it to be there.
  27. #
  28. git:
  29. submodules: true
  30. ##############################################################################
  31. # Stages:
  32. #
  33. stages:
  34. - name: complete
  35. if: (branch =~ /^release-.*/) OR (tag IS present) OR (commit_message =~ complete\s+tests)
  36. jobs:
  37. # Builds are loooong, we want to send an email as fast as possible.
  38. fast_finish: true
  39. include:
  40. - &complete-job
  41. stage: complete
  42. env: GHC_VER=9.0.1 CABAL_VER=3.4
  43. before_install:
  44. - sudo -E apt-add-repository -y "ppa:hvr/ghc" &&
  45. travis_apt_get_update &&
  46. sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install ghc-${GHC_VER} cabal-install-${CABAL_VER} &&
  47. sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install texlive-binaries
  48. - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VER/bin:/opt/cabal/$CABAL_VER/bin:$PATH &&
  49. export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH &&
  50. export BUILD_DIR=$HOME/dist &&
  51. export PARALLEL_TESTS=2 &&
  52. export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH &&
  53. export PATH=$HOME/texlive/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH
  54. install:
  55. - .travis/cabal_install
  56. ##############################################################################
  57. script:
  58. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR common
  59. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR succeed
  60. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR fail
  61. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR interaction
  62. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR interactive
  63. # We don't run LaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX on Travis (see Issues #1022 and
  64. # #1675), but we still compare the generated tex/html files with the
  65. # golden files.
  66. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR DONT_RUN_LATEX="Y" latex-html-test
  67. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR examples
  68. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR std-lib-test
  69. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR cubical-test
  70. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR api-test
  71. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR user-manual-test
  72. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR internal-tests
  73. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR benchmark-without-logs
  74. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR benchmark-summary
  75. ##################################################################################
  76. # Andreas, 2019-08-20: disable compiler test on ghc 8.0 since it takes too long,
  77. # making the whole travis run fail.
  78. # Ulf, 2019-08-29: only disable the std-lib compiler test
  79. # Liang-Ting, 2019-12-02: the maximum heap size has been increased, and std-lib compiler test is working again on GHC 8.0
  80. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR compiler-test
  81. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR std-lib-compiler-test
  82. - make AGDA_TESTS_OPTIONS="-j${PARALLEL_TESTS} --hide-successes" TASTY_ANSI_TRICKS=false BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR std-lib-succeed
  83. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR std-lib-interaction
  85. - make BUILD_DIR="dist" test-size-solver
  86. - make BUILD_DIR=$BUILD_DIR testing-emacs-mode
  87. - make install-agda-bisect
  88. - <<: *complete-job
  89. env: GHC_VER=8.10.5 CABAL_VER=3.2
  90. - <<: *complete-job
  91. env: GHC_VER=8.8.4 CABAL_VER=3.2
  92. - <<: *complete-job
  93. env: GHC_VER=8.6.5 CABAL_VER=2.4
  94. - <<: *complete-job
  95. env: GHC_VER=8.4.4 CABAL_VER=2.2
  96. - <<: *complete-job
  97. env: GHC_VER=8.2.2 CABAL_VER=2.0