bzt b45cdbcc75 AdvGame 2.0 import 3 hónapja
en b45cdbcc75 AdvGame 2.0 import 3 hónapja
hu b45cdbcc75 AdvGame 2.0 import 3 hónapja
img 451a1f3f7a Keyboard layouts 4 hónapja b671297047 Minor fixes 4 hónapja 8725aa5f15 More docs 10 hónapja 21362eb5b2 Lots of fixes and textured 3D triangles 1 éve 89190e907e Code cleanup and fixed typos in doc 3 hónapja
manual.css 55eb9c9b85 Minor fixes, code indent, draw in line, lots of documentation 4 hónapja

MEG-4 Documentation

The user's manual is created with gendoc. You'll have to download and compile that tool.

gcc gendoc.c -o gendoc

Simple as that. Once you have gendoc, you can create the manual by going into one of the language code directories and running

cd docs/en
gendoc ../../public/manual_en.html manual.xml

Translating the User's Manual

  1. Copy the docs/en directory to the ISO-639-1 language code of the new language, for example docs/hu.
  2. There are some translateable texts in the doc (like "Search Results" and other captions, labels of the "Previous" and "Next" page buttons etc.), these are specified in docs/hu/manual.xml between the <doc> ... </doc> tag.
  3. Everything else is in MarkDown files, which you can translate freely.
  4. Copy the API reference in src/lang/ to src/lang/
  5. Be careful when you translate the latter, uses a special, minimalistic subset of MarkDown, because the API reference is embedded in the MEG-4 executable too. Watch out for the linebreaks, because the built-in help system does not break long lines automatically.

Translating MEG-4

  1. Increase the NUMLANGS define in src/lang.h.
  2. Copy src/lang/en.h to a new file, for example src/lang/hu.h.
  3. This contains only strings, translate them. The first is the two-letter ISO-639-1 language code. The keys can be found in lang.h.
  4. Include this new dictionary header in meg4.c in the dict array.

If you have used a new writing system (or most notably any CJK), then in the src/misc directory run

make langchk

This will check if the default font has all the glyphs for the new translation. If it reports errors, then use SFNEdit on src/misc/default.sfn and add the missing glyphs.

Finally, run make distclean all in the src directory. This will parse the assets (including the new translation files) and regenerate data.c to be embedded in MEG-4 (a clean recompilation should take no more than a minute).