enforcement-case-studies.tex 75 KB

  1. % Tutorial Text for the Detailed Study and Analysis of GPL and LGPL course
  2. % License: CC-By-SA-4.0
  3. % The copyright holders hereby grant the freedom to copy, modify, convey,
  4. % Adapt, and/or redistribute this work under the terms of the Creative
  5. % Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International License.
  6. % This text is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  7. % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  9. % You should have received a copy of the license with this document in
  10. % a file called 'CC-By-SA-4.0.txt'. If not, please visit
  11. % https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode to receive
  12. % the license text.
  13. \part{Case Studies in GPL Enforcement}
  14. % =====================================================================
  16. % =====================================================================
  17. \chapter*{Preface}
  18. This one-day course presents the details of five different GPL
  19. compliance cases handled by FSF's GPL Compliance Laboratory. Each case
  20. offers unique insights into problems that can arise when the terms of
  21. the GPL are not properly followed, and how diplomatic negotiation between
  22. the violator and the copyright holder can yield positive results for
  23. both parties.
  24. Attendees should have successfully completely the course, a ``Detailed
  25. Study and Analysis of the GPL and LGPL,'' as the material from that
  26. course forms the building blocks for this material.
  27. This course is of most interest to lawyers who have clients or
  28. employers that deal with Free Software on a regular basis. However,
  29. technical managers and executives whose businesses use or distribute
  30. Free Software will also find the course very helpful.
  31. \bigskip
  32. These course materials are merely a summary of the highlights of the
  33. course presented. Please be aware that during the actual GPL course, class
  34. discussion supplements this printed curriculum. Simply reading it is
  35. not equivalent to attending the course.
  36. %FIXME-LATER: write these
  37. %\chapter{Not All GPL Enforcement is Created Equal}
  38. %\section{For-Profit Enforcement}
  39. %\section{Community and Non-Profit Enforcement}
  40. \chapter{Overview of Community Enforcement}
  41. The GPL is a Free Software license with legal teeth. Unlike licenses like
  42. the X11-style or various BSD licenses, the GPL (and by extension, the LGPL) is
  43. designed to defend as well as grant freedom. We saw in the last course
  44. that the GPL uses copyright law as a mechanism to grant all the key freedoms
  45. essential in Free Software, but also to ensure that those freedoms
  46. propagate throughout the distribution chain of the software.
  47. \section{Termination Begins Enforcement}
  48. As we have learned, the assurance that Free Software under the GPL remains
  49. Free Software is accomplished through various terms of the GPL: \S 3 ensures
  50. that binaries are always accompanied with source; \S 2 ensures that the
  51. sources are adequate, complete and usable; \S 6 and \S 7 ensure that the
  52. license of the software is always the GPL for everyone, and that no other
  53. legal agreements or licenses trump the GPL. It is \S 4, however, that ensures
  54. that the GPL can be enforced.
  55. Thus, \S 4 is where we begin our discussion of GPL enforcement. This
  56. clause is where the legal teeth of the license are rooted. As a copyright
  57. license, the GPL governs only the activities governed by copyright law ---
  58. copying, modifying and redistributing computer software. Unlike most
  59. copyright licenses, the GPL gives wide grants of permission for engaging with
  60. these activities. Such permissions continue, and all parties may exercise
  61. them until such time as one party violates the terms of the GPL\@. At the
  62. moment of such a violation (i.e., the engaging of copying, modifying or
  63. redistributing in ways not permitted by the GPL) \S 4 is invoked. While other
  64. parties may continue to operate under the GPL, the violating party loses their
  65. rights.
  66. Specifically, \S 4 terminates the violators' rights to continue
  67. engaging in the permissions that are otherwise granted by the GPL\@.
  68. Effectively, their rights revert to the copyright defaults ---
  69. no permission is granted to copy, modify, nor redistribute the work.
  70. Meanwhile, \S 5 points out that if the violator has no rights under
  71. the GPL, they are prohibited by copyright law from engaging in the
  72. activities of copying, modifying and distributing. They have lost
  73. these rights because they have violated the GPL, and no other license
  74. gives them permission to engage in these activities governed by copyright law.
  75. \section{Ongoing Violations}
  76. In conjunction with \S 4's termination of violators' rights, there is
  77. one final industry fact added to the mix: rarely does one engage in a
  78. single, solitary act of copying, distributing or modifying software.
  79. Almost always, a violator will have legitimately acquired a copy of a
  80. GPL'd program, either making modifications or not, and then begun
  81. distributing that work. For example, the violator may have put the
  82. software in boxes and sold them at stores. Or perhaps the software
  83. was put up for download on the Internet. Regardless of the delivery
  84. mechanism, violators almost always are engaged in {\em ongoing\/}
  85. violation of the GPL\@.
  86. In fact, when we discover a GPL violation that occurred only once --- for
  87. example, a user group who distributed copies of a GNU/Linux system without
  88. source at one meeting --- we rarely pursue it with a high degree of
  89. tenacity. In our minds, such a violation is an educational problem, and
  90. unless the user group becomes a repeat offender (as it turns out, they
  91. never do), we simply forward along a FAQ entry that best explains how user
  92. groups can most easily comply with the GPL, and send them on their merry way.
  93. It is only the cases of {\em ongoing\/} GPL violation that warrant our
  94. active attention. We vehemently pursue those cases where dozens, hundreds
  95. or thousands of customers are receiving software that is out of
  96. compliance, and where the company continually offers for sale (or
  97. distributes gratis as a demo) software distributions that include GPL'd
  98. components out of compliance. Our goal is to maximize the impact of
  99. enforcement and educate industries who are making such a mistake on a
  100. large scale.
  101. In addition, such ongoing violation shows that a particular company is
  102. committed to a GPL'd product line. We are thrilled to learn that someone
  103. is benefiting from Free Software, and we understand that sometimes they
  104. become confused about the rules of the road. Rather than merely
  105. giving us a postmortem to perform on a past mistake, an ongoing violation
  106. gives us an active opportunity to educate a new contributor to the GPL'd
  107. commons about proper procedures to contribute to the community.
  108. Our central goal is not, in fact, to merely clear up a particular violation.
  109. In fact, over time, we hope that our compliance lab will be out of
  110. business. We seek to educate the businesses that engage in commerce
  111. related to GPL'd software to obey the rules of the road and allow them to
  112. operate freely under them. Just as a traffic officer would not revel in
  113. reminding people which side of the road to drive on, so we do not revel in
  114. violations. By contrast, we revel in the successes of educating an
  115. ongoing violator about the GPL so that GPL compliance becomes a second-nature
  116. matter, allowing that company to join the GPL ecosystem as a contributor.
  117. \section{How are Violations Discovered?}
  118. Our enforcement of the GPL is not a fund-raising effort; in fact, FSF's GPL
  119. Compliance Lab runs at a loss (in other words, it is subsided by our
  120. donors). Our violation reports come from volunteers, who have encountered,
  121. in their business or personal life, a device or software product that
  122. appears to contain GPL'd software. These reports are almost always sent
  123. via email to $<$license-violation@fsf.org$>$.
  124. Our first order of business, upon receiving such a report, is to seek
  125. independent confirmation. When possible, we get a copy of the software
  126. product. For example, if it is an offering that is downloadable from a
  127. Web site, we download it and investigate ourselves. When it is not
  128. possible for us to actually get a copy of the software, we ask the
  129. reporter to go through the same process we would use in examining the
  130. software.
  131. By rough estimation, about 95\% of violations at this stage can be
  132. confirmed by simple commands. Almost all violators have merely made an
  133. error and have no nefarious intentions. They have made no attempt to
  134. remove our copyright notices from the software. Thus, given the
  135. third-party binary, {\tt tpb}, usually, a simple command (on a GNU/Linux
  136. system) such as the following will find a Free Software copyright notice
  137. and GPL reference:
  138. \begin{quotation}
  139. {\tt strings tpb | grep Copyright}
  140. \end{quotation}
  141. In other words, it is usually more than trivial to confirm that GPL'd
  142. software is included.
  143. Once we have confirmed that a violation has indeed occurred, we must then
  144. determine whose copyright has been violated. Contrary to popular belief,
  145. FSF does not have the power to enforce the GPL in all cases. Since the GPL
  146. operates under copyright law, the powers of enforcement --- to seek
  147. redress once \S 4 has been invoked --- lie with the copyright holder of
  148. the software. FSF is one of the largest copyright holders in the world of
  149. GPL'd software, but we are by no means the only one. Thus, we sometimes
  150. discover that while GPL'd code is present in the software, there is no
  151. software copyrighted by FSF present.
  152. In cases where FSF does not hold copyright interest in the software, but
  153. we have confirmed a violation, we contact the copyright holders of the
  154. software, and encourage them to enforce the GPL\@. We offer our good offices
  155. to help negotiate compliance on their behalf, and many times, we help as a
  156. third party to settle such GPL violations. However, what we will describe
  157. primarily in this course is FSF's first-hand experience enforcing its own
  158. copyrights and the GPL\@.
  159. \section{First Contact}
  160. The Free Software community is built on a structure of voluntary
  161. cooperation and mutual help. Our community has learned that cooperation
  162. works best when you assume the best of others, and only change policy,
  163. procedures and attitudes when some specific event or occurrence indicates
  164. that a change is necessary. We treat the process of GPL enforcement in
  165. the same way. Our goal is to encourage violators to join the cooperative
  166. community of software sharing, so we want to open our hand in friendship.
  167. Therefore, once we have confirmed a violation, our first assumption is
  168. that the violation is an oversight or otherwise a mistake due to confusion
  169. about the terms of the license. We reach out to the violator and ask them
  170. to work with us in a collaborative way to bring the product into
  171. compliance. We have received the gamut of possible reactions to such
  172. requests, and in this course, we examine four specific examples of such
  173. compliance work.
  174. % FIXME: make this section properly TeX-formatted
  175. \chapter{ThinkPenguin Wireless Router: Excellent CCS}
  176. \label{pristine-example}
  177. Too often, case studies examine failure and mistakes. Indeed, most of the
  178. chapters that follow herein will consider the myriad difficulties discovered
  179. in community-oriented GPL enforcement for the last two decades. However, to
  180. begin, this is a case study in how copyleft compliance can indeed be done correctly.
  181. This example is, in fact, more than ten years in the making. Since almost
  182. the inception of for-profit corporate adoption of Free Software, companies
  183. have requested a clear example of a model citizen to emulate. Sadly, while
  184. community-oriented enforcers have vetted uncounted thousands of ``Complete,
  185. Corresponding Source'' (CCS) candidates from hundreds of companies, this
  186. particular CCS release described herein is the first ever declared a ``pristine
  187. example''.
  188. % FIXME (above): link to a further discussion of CCS in the compliance guide
  189. % when a good spot exists, then (below) link to a ``CCS iteration''
  190. % discussion in compliance-guide.tex when one exists. (the ``iteration
  191. % process'' is discussed in~\ref{} of this guide)
  192. Of course, most CCS examined for the last decade has (eventually) complied
  193. with the GPL, perhaps after many iterations of review by the enforcer.
  194. However, in the experience of the two primary community-oriented enforcers
  195. (Conservancy and the FSF), such CCS results routinely
  196. ``barely comply with GPL's requirements''. To use an academic analogy:
  197. while a ``C'' is certainly a passing grade, any instructor prefers to
  198. disseminate to the class an exemplar sample that earned an ``A''.
  199. Fortunately, thanks in large part to the FSF's
  200. ``Respects Your Freedom'' (RYF) certification campaign\footnote{\href{http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/respects-your-freedom}{RYF is
  201. a campaign by FSF to certify products that truly meet the principles of
  202. software freedom}. Products must meet
  203. \href{http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/criteria}{strict
  204. standards for RYF certification}, and among them is a pristine example of
  205. CCS\@.}, a few electronics products on the market meet
  206. a higher standard of copyleft compliance. As such, for the first
  207. time in the history of copyleft, CCS experts have pristine examples to study
  208. and present as exemplars worthy of emulation.
  209. This case study therefore examines the entire life-cycle of a GPL compliance
  210. investigation: from product purchase, to source request, to CCS review, and concluding
  211. in a final compliance determination.
  212. Specifically, this chapter discusses the purchase, CCS provision, and a
  213. step-by-step build and installation analysis of a specific, physical,
  214. embedded electronics product:
  215. \href{https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/free-software-wireless-n-broadband-router-gnu-linux-tpe-nwifirouter2}{the
  216. ``TPE-NWIFIROUTER'' wireless router by ThinkPenguin}.\footnote{The FSF of
  217. course performed a thorough CCS check as part of its certification process.
  218. The analysis discussed herein was independently performed by Software
  219. Freedom Conservancy without reviewing the FSF's findings. Thus, this
  220. analysis is ``true to form'', and explains the typical procedures Conservancy
  221. uses when investigating a potential GPL violation. In this case, obviously, no
  222. violation was uncovered.}
  223. \section{Consumer Purchase and Unboxing}
  224. The process for copyleft compliance investigation, when properly conducted,
  225. determines whether users inclined to exercise their rights under a copyleft
  226. license will be successful in their attempt. Therefore, at every stage, the
  227. investigator seeks to take actions that reasonably technically knowledgeable
  228. users would during the ordinary course of their acquisition and use of
  229. copyleft-covered products. As such, the investigator typically purchases the device on the
  230. open market to verify that distribution of the copylefted software therein
  231. complies with binary distribution requirements (such as those
  232. \tutorialpartsplit{discussed in \textit{Detailed Analysis of the GNU GPL and
  233. Related Licenses}}{discussed earlier in \S~\ref{GPLv2s3} and
  234. \S~\ref{GPLv3s6}}).
  235. % FIXME: Above is my only use of \tutorialpartsplit in this chapter. I just
  236. % got lazy and that should be fixed by someone.
  237. \label{thinkpenguin-included-ccs}
  238. Therefore, the investigator first purchased the TPE-NWIFIROUTER through an
  239. online order, and when the package arrived, examined the contents of the box.
  240. The investigator immediately discovered that ThinkPenguin had taken advice
  241. from \S~\ref{offer-for-source}, and exercised
  242. \hyperref[GPLv2s3a]{GPLv2\S3(a)} and \hyperref[GPLv3s6]{GPLv3\S6}, rather than
  243. using the \hyperref[offer-for-source]{problematic offer for source
  244. provisions}. This choice not only accelerated the investigation (since there
  245. was no CCS offer to ``test''), but also simplified the compliance requirements for
  246. ThinkPenguin.
  247. \section{Root Filesystem and Kernel Compilation}
  248. The CD found in the box was labeled ``libreCMC v1.2.1 source code'', and
  249. contained 407 megabytes of data. The investigator copied this ISO to a
  250. desktop GNU/Linux system and
  251. examined its contents. Upon doing so, the investigator immediately found a
  252. file called ``README'' at the top-level directory:
  253. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  254. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  255. $ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=libreCMC_v1.2.1_SRC.iso
  256. $ mkdir libCMC
  257. $ sudo mount -o loop ./libreCMC_v1.2.1_SRC.iso libCMC
  258. mount: block device /path/to/libreCMC_v1.2.1_SRC.iso
  259. is write-protected, mounting read-only
  260. $ ls -1 libCMC
  261. bin
  262. librecmc-u-boot.tar.bz2
  263. librecmc-v1.2.1.tar.bz2
  264. README
  265. u-boot_reflash
  266. $ cat libCMC/README
  267. ...
  268. \end{lstlisting}
  269. \label{thinkpenguin-toplevel-readme}
  270. The investigator therefore knew immediately to begin the CCS check should
  271. begin with a study of the contents of ``README''. Indeed, that file contained the appropriate
  272. details to start the build:
  273. \begin{quotation}
  274. In order to build firmware images for your router, the following needs to be
  275. installed:
  276. gcc, binutils, bzip2, flex, python, perl, make, find, grep, diff, unzip,
  277. gawk, getopt, libz-dev and libc headers.
  278. Please use ``make menuconfig'' to configure your appreciated configuration
  279. for the toolchain and firmware. Please note that the default configuration is
  280. what was used to build the firmware image for your router. It is advised that
  281. you use this configuration.
  282. Simply running ``make'' will build your firmware. The build system will
  283. download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain, the kernel and all
  284. chosen applications.
  285. To build your own firmware you need to have access to a GNU/Linux system
  286. (case-sensitive filesystem required).
  287. \end{quotation}
  288. In other words, the first ``script'' that investigator ``ran'' was the above.
  289. This was not a software script, rather the processor for the script was the investigator's own
  290. brain --- like a script of a play. Less glibly stated: instructions written in
  291. English are usually necessary for the build and installation operations
  292. that demand actual intelligence.
  293. In this case, the investigator ascertained the host system requirements
  294. for construction of this embedded firmware.
  295. GPL does not give specific guidance on the form or location of
  296. ``scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable''
  297. and/or ``Installation Information''. Community-oriented GPL enforcers apply a
  298. ``reasonableness standard'' to evaluate such instructions. If an investigator of
  299. average skill in embedded firmware construction can surmise the proper
  300. procedures to build and install a replacement firmware, the instructions are
  301. likely sufficient to meet GPL's requirements. Fortunately, in this case, the
  302. instructions are more abundant and give extra detail.
  303. Nevertheless, these instructions offer more options than the reader
  304. typically sees in other CCS candidates. More typically, top-level build
  305. instructions name an exact host distribution to use, such as
  306. ``Debian 7 installed on an amd64 system with the following packages
  307. installed''. Of course, if the build will fail on any other system,
  308. instructions \textit{should} include such details. However, this CCS builds
  309. on a wide range of distributions, and thus it was appropriate (and preferred)
  310. that the build instructions do not specify a specific distribution.
  311. \label{thinkpenguin-specific-host-system}
  312. In this specific case, the developers of the libreCMC project (a Free
  313. Software project that forms the base system for the TPE-NWIFIROUTER) have
  314. clearly made an effort to ensure the CCS builds on a variety of host systems.
  315. The investigator was in fact dubious upon seeing these instructions, since
  316. finicky embedded build processes usually require a very specific host system.
  317. Fortunately, it seems such doubts were generally unfounded (although the
  318. investigator did find
  319. \hyperref[thinkpenguin-glibc-214-issue]{a minor annoyance that could be
  320. resolved with more detailed instructions}).
  321. Anyway, since these instructions did not specify a specific host system, the
  322. investigator simply used his own amd64 Debian GNU/Linux 6 desktop system. Before
  323. beginning, the investigator used the following command:
  324. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  325. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  326. $ dpkg --list | egrep '^iii' | less
  327. \end{lstlisting}
  328. to verify that the required packages listed in the README were
  329. installed\footnote{The ``dpkg'' command is a Debian-specific way of
  330. finding installed packages.}.
  331. Next, the investigator then extracted the primary source package with the
  332. following command:
  333. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  334. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  335. $ tar --posix -jxpf libCMC/librecmc-v1.2.1.tar.bz2
  336. \end{lstlisting}
  337. The investigator did notice an additional source release, entitled
  338. ``librecmc-u-boot.tar.bz2''. The investigator concluded upon simple
  339. inspection that the instructions found in ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash'' were
  340. specific instructions for that part of the CCS\@. This was a minor
  341. annoyance, and ideally the ``README'' would so-state, but the CCS filesystem
  342. layout met the reasonableness standard; the skilled investigator determine the correct
  343. course of action with a few moments of study.
  344. The investigator then noted the additional step offered by the ``README'',
  345. which read:
  346. \begin{quotation}
  347. Please use ``make menuconfig'' to configure your appreciated configuration
  348. for the toolchain and firmware. Please note that the default configuration is
  349. what was used to build the firmware image for your router. It is advised that
  350. you use this configuration.
  351. \end{quotation}
  352. This instruction actually exceeds GPL's requirements.
  353. Specifically, the instruction guides users in their first step toward
  354. exercising the freedom to modify the software. While the GPL does contain
  355. requirements that facilitate the freedom to modify (such as ensuring the CCS is
  356. in the ``preferred form \ldots for making modifications to it''), GPL
  357. does not require specific instructions explaining how to undertake
  358. modifications. This specific instruction therefore exemplifies
  359. the exceptional quality of this particular CCS\@.
  360. %FIXME: add a \hyperref to some ``preferred for for modification'' stuff above.
  361. However, for purposes of the CCS verification process, typically the
  362. investigator avoids any unnecessary changes to the source code during the
  363. build process, lest the investigator err and cause the build to fail through
  364. his own modification, and thus incorrectly identify the CCS as inadequate.
  365. Therefore, the investigator proceeded to simply run:
  366. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  367. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  368. $ cd libCMC
  369. $ make
  370. \end{lstlisting}
  371. and waited approximately 40 minutes for the build to complete\footnote{Build
  372. times will likely vary widely on various host systems.}. The investigator
  373. kept a
  374. \href{https://k.copyleft.org/guide/files/master/enforcement-case-studies_log-output/thinkpenguin_librecmc-complete.log}{full
  375. log of the build}, which is not included herein due its size (approximately
  376. 7.2K of text).
  377. \label{thinkpenguin-main-build}
  378. Upon completion of the ``make'' process, the investigator immediately found
  379. (almost to his surprise) several large firmware files in the ``bin/ar71xx''
  380. directory. Typically, this step in the CCS verification process is
  381. harrowing. In most cases, the ``make'' step will fail due to a missing
  382. package or because toolchain paths are not setup correctly.
  383. In light of such experiences, the investigator speculated that ThinkPenguin's engineers did
  384. the most important step in self-CCS verification: test one's own instructions
  385. on a clean system. Ideally, an employee with similar skills but
  386. unfamiliar with the specific product can most easily verify CCS and identify
  387. problems before a violation occurs.
  388. % FIXME: Is there stuff about the above in the compliance guide? If so, link
  389. % to it. If not, write it, then link to it. :)
  390. However, upon completing the ``make'', the investigator was unclear which
  391. filesystem and kernel images to install on the TPE-NWIFIROUTER hardware.
  392. Ideally, the original ``README'' would indicate which image is appropriate
  393. for the included hardware. However, this was ultimately an annoyance rather
  394. than a compliance issue. Fortunately,
  395. the web UI (see next section) on the TPE-NWIFIROUTER performs firmware image
  396. installation. Additionally, the router's version number was specified on the
  397. bottom of the device, which indicated which of the differently-versioned images
  398. we should install. The investigator would prefer instructions such as
  399. those found at
  400. \url{http://librecmc.org/librecmc/wiki?name=Tp+MR3020}{instructions similar
  401. to these} in the README itself; however, application of the reasonableness
  402. standard here again indicates compliance, since a knowledgeable user can easily
  403. determine the proper course of action.
  404. \section{U-Boot Compilation}
  405. %FIXME: link to u-boot reflash, maybe put it in log-output dir?
  406. The investigator then turned his attention to the file,
  407. ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash''. These instructions explained how to
  408. build and install the bootloader for the device.
  409. The investigator followed the instructions for compiling U-Boot, and found
  410. them quite straight-forward. The investigator discovered two minor
  411. annoyances, however, while building U-Boot:
  412. \begin{itemize}
  413. \item The variable \verb0$U-BOOT_SRC0 was used as a placeholder for the name
  414. of the extracted source directory. This was easy to surmise and was not a
  415. compliance issue (per the reasonableness standard), but explicitly stating
  416. that fact at the top of the instructions would be helpful.
  417. \label{thinkpenguin-glibc-214-issue}
  418. \item Toolchain binaries were included and used by default by the build
  419. process. These binaries were not the appropriate ones for the
  420. investigator's host system, and the build failed with the following error:
  421. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  422. \begin{lstlisting}
  423. mips-librecmc-linux-uclibc-gcc.bin: /lib/libc.so.6:
  424. version `GLIBC`_2.14' not found
  425. (required by mips-librecmc-linux-uclibc-gcc.bin)
  426. \end{lstlisting}
  427. (The
  428. \href{https://k.copyleft.org/guide/files/master/enforcement-case-studies_log-output/thinkpenguin_u-boot-build_fail.log}{complete
  429. log output from the failure} is too lengthy to include herein.)
  430. This issue is an annoyance, not a compliance problem. It was clear from
  431. context that these binaries were simply for a different host architecture, and
  432. the investigator simply removed ``toolchain/bin'' and created a symlink to
  433. utilize the toolchain already built earlier (during the compilation
  434. discussed in \S~\ref{thinkpenguin-main-build}):
  435. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  436. \begin{lstlisting}
  437. $ ln -s \
  438. ../../staging_dir/toolchain-mips_34kc_gcc-4.6-linaro_uClibc- \
  439. toolchain/bin
  440. \end{lstlisting}
  441. After this change, the U-Boot build completed successfully.
  442. \end{itemize}
  443. The
  444. \href{https://k.copyleft.org/guide/files/master/enforcement-case-studies_log-output/thinkpenguin_u-boot-finish_build.log}{full
  445. log of the build} is not included herein due its size (approximately 3.8K
  446. of text). After that, the investigator found a new U-Boot image in the
  447. ``bin'' directory.
  448. \section{Root Filesystem and Kernel Installation}
  449. The investigator next tested installation of the firmware. In particular,
  450. the investigator connected the TPE-NWIFIROUTER to a local network, and
  451. visited \url{}, logged in, and chose the option sequence:
  452. ``System $\Rightarrow$ Backup / Flash Firmware''.
  453. From there, the investigator chose the ``Flash new firmware image'' section
  454. and selected the
  455. ``librecmc-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr841n-v8-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin'' image from
  456. the ``bin/ar71xx'' directory. The investigator chose the ``v8'' image upon
  457. verifying the physical router read ``v8.2'' on its bottom. The investigator
  458. chose the ``sysupgrade'' version of the image because this was clearly a
  459. system upgrade (as a firmware already came preinstalled on the
  461. Upon clicking ``Flash image\ldots'', the web interface prompted the
  462. investigator to confirm the MD5 hash of the image to flash. The investigator
  463. did so, and then clicked ``Proceed'' to flash the image. The process took
  464. about one minute, at which point the web page refreshed to the login screen.
  465. Upon logging in, the investigator was able to confirm in the ``Kernel Log''
  466. section of the web interface that the newly built copy of Linux had indeed been
  467. installed.
  468. The investigator confirmed that a new version of ``busybox'' had also been
  469. installed by using SSH to connect to the router and ran the command
  470. ``busybox'', which showed the newly-compiled version (via its date of
  471. compilation).
  472. %FIXME: dg: can you get me a screen shot for the Kernel Log above, and paste
  473. %in the output of running busybox ?
  474. %FIXME: bkuhn: the screen shot for the Kernel Log is in the log output dir at
  475. %thinkpenguin_librecmc-built-kernel_log.png and the BusyBox output is in the
  476. %same directory at thinkpenguin_librecmc-built-busybox_output.log - you may want
  477. %to only use part of the BusyBox output (maybe even just the login) for brevity
  478. \section{U-Boot Installation}
  479. The U-Boot installation process is substantially more complicated than the
  480. firmware update. The investigator purchased the optional serial cable
  481. along with the TPE-NWIFIROUTER, in order to complete the U-Boot installation
  482. per the instructions in ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash'' in its section ``Installing
  483. u-boot to your router'', which reads:
  484. \begin{quotation}
  485. \begin{enumerate}
  486. \item Install and configure any TFTP server on your PC (tftp-hpa).
  487. Set a fixed IP address on your PC \ldots and connect it to the router,
  488. using RJ45 network cable \ldots
  489. \item Connect USB to UART adapter to the router and start any application to
  490. communicate with it, like PuTTY. \ldots
  491. \item Power on the router, wait for a line like one of the following and
  492. interrupt the process of loading a kernel:
  493. \begin{verbatim}
  494. Autobooting in 1 seconds
  495. (for most TP-Link routers, you should enter tpl at this point)
  496. Hit ESC key to stop autoboot: 1 (for 8devices Carambola 2, use ESC key)
  497. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 1 (for D-Link DIR-505, use any key)
  498. \end{verbatim}
  499. \item Set ipaddr and serverip environment variables:
  500. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  501. \begin{lstlisting}
  502. hornet> setenv ipaddr
  503. hornet> setenv serverip
  504. \end{lstlisting}
  505. \end{enumerate}
  506. \end{quotation}
  507. %FIXME: image of the serial cable available anywhere to put here:
  508. % https://www.adafruit.com/images/970x728/954-02.jpg
  509. The investigator used the purchased serial cable, which was a USB serial
  510. adapter with a male USB type A connector to 4 female jumper wires. The
  511. female jumper wires were red, black, white, and green.
  512. The instructions here were slightly incomplete, since they did not specify
  513. how to connect the wires to the router. However, the investigator found
  514. general information available online at
  515. \url{http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-wr841nd#serial.console} which
  516. described the proper procedure. While the ``power'' and ``ground'' cables
  517. were obvious, some trial and error was necessary to find the RX and TX
  518. cables, but this was easily determined since miswiring TX and RX yields no
  519. I/O and proper wiring yields the output as expected. Using the pin gender
  520. changer included with the adapter, the investigator was able to stably wire
  521. the pins for use once the proper RX and TX connections were determined.
  522. The investigator then used the recommended 115200 8N1 for serial console
  523. settings, leaving all flow control off, and tested both with the
  524. \verb0minicom0 and \verb0screen0 commands. The investigator found that if
  525. all 4 wires were connected on the USB serial adapter that the router would
  526. start without additional power and the console would receive the startup
  527. messages. The investigator could replicate the same behavior by omitting the
  528. power cable from the USB serial adapter (red wire) and connecting the main
  529. power adapter to the router instead.
  530. At this point, the on-screen messages as described in the installation
  531. instructions appeared, but the investigator found that no key events sent via
  532. the serial port appeared to reach the U-Boot console. In other words, while
  533. the investigator saw both U-Boot and kernel boot messages in the serial
  534. console, the investigator was unable to interrupt the boot process as
  535. instructed by ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash''. Hitting a key simply did
  536. \textit{not} interrupt the boot process and yield the \verb0hornet>0 prompt.
  537. After additional trial and error over a period of hours, the investigator had
  538. finally to consider this question for the first time during the process:
  539. ``Has ThinkPenguin violated the GPL?'' More specifically, the immediate
  540. question was: ``Given this failure, has the distributor met
  541. \hyperref[GPLv2s3-build-scripts]{the requirements for `scripts used to
  542. control \ldots installation of the executable' (GPLv2)} and
  543. \hyperref[GPLv3-installation-information]{necessary `Installation
  544. Information' (GPLv3)}?''
  545. The appropriate answer to the question (at this specific stage) is ``possibly,
  546. but more information is needed''. Embedded installation and configuration is
  547. a tricky and complex technical process. While the GPL requires documentation
  548. and clear instructions for this process, the investigator did not immediately blame the distributor
  549. for what may be an honest, correctable mistake, or an issue legitimately explained by
  550. feasible alternative theories.
  551. In this case, upon remembering the issues of wiring, the investigator wonder
  552. if perhaps the power pin was accidentally connected for a moment to the RX
  553. pin while live. Such action could easily fry the RX pin, and yield the
  554. observed behavior. Since the investigator could not rule out the possibility
  555. of accidental connection of power to the RX pin mentioned, the investigator
  556. had to assume the instructions would work properly if he had not made that
  557. error.
  558. That conclusion, while correct, also left the investigator with only two
  559. option to complete the final verification of the CCS:
  560. \begin{itemize}
  561. \item Purchase a new router and cable anew, and reattempt the installation
  562. process while taking extra care not to miswire any cables.
  563. \item Seek assistance from the libreCMC community to find an alternative
  564. method of installation.
  565. \end{itemize}
  566. The investigator chose the latter and then contacted a libreCMC developer
  567. familiar with the product. That developer, who agreed the the RX pin was
  568. likely ruined, described an alternative method for console access using the
  569. {\tt netcat}. The libreCMC developer described the process as follows:
  570. \begin{quotation}
  571. \begin{itemize}
  572. \item Change the IP address of the router to
  573. \item Change the IP address of a desktop GNU/Linux system to
  574. \item Power on the router while holding the reset button for 7 seconds.
  575. \item Use the {\tt netcat} command (as below) on the desktop, and press
  576. enter to receive U-Boot's prompt:
  577. \lstset{tabsize=2}
  578. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  579. $ nc -u -p 6666 6666
  580. uboot>
  581. \end{lstlisting}
  582. \end{itemize}
  583. \end{quotation}
  584. Upon following this procedure, the investigator was able to confirm the
  585. (original) shipped version of U-Boot was still installed:
  586. \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash]
  587. $ nc -u -p 6666 6666
  588. uboot> version
  589. U-Boot 1.1.4 (Jul 28 2014)
  590. \end{lstlisting}
  591. Thereafter, the investigator followed the instructions from
  592. ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash''. Specifically, the investigator configured a TFTP server
  593. and placed the newly built firmware into \texttt{/srv/tftp}. The investigator
  594. also followed the remaining instructions in ``u-boot\verb0_0reflash'', but
  595. used the \texttt{netcat} console rather than the serial console, and
  596. used U-Boot's \texttt{reset} command to reboot the router.
  597. Upon reboot, the serial console (still connect with working output) showed
  598. the message \texttt{U-Boot 1.1.4 (Oct 17 2014)}, and thus confirmed a
  599. successful reflash of the U-Boot image built by the investigator.
  600. \section{Firmware Comparison}
  601. Next, to ensure the CCS did indeed correspond to the firmware original
  602. installed on the TPE-NWIFIROUTER, the investigator compared the built
  603. firmware image with the filesystem originally found on the device itself.
  604. The comparison steps were as follows:
  605. \begin{enumerate}
  606. \item Extract the filesystem from the image we built by running
  607. \href{https://k.copyleft.org/gpl-compliance-scripts/files/master/find-firmware.pl}{find-firmware.pl}
  608. on ``bin/ar71xx/librecmc-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr841n-v8-squashfs-factory.bin''
  609. and then running
  610. \href{http://www.binaryanalysis.org/en/content/show/download}{bat-extratools}'
  611. ``squashfs4.2/squashfs-tools/bat-unsquashfs42'' on the resulting
  612. morx0.squash, using the filesystem in the new squashfs-root directory for
  613. comparison.
  614. \item Login to the router's web interface (at \url{ }) from a computer
  615. connected to the router.
  616. \item Set a password using the provided link at the top (since the router's
  617. UI warns that no password is set and asks the user to change it).
  618. \item Logged into the router via SSH, using the root user with the
  619. aforementioned password.
  620. \item Compared representative directory listings and binaries to ensure the set of
  621. included files (on the router) is similar to those found in the firmware
  622. image that the investigator created (whose contents are now in the local squashfs-root directory). In
  623. particular, the investigator did the following comparisons:
  624. \begin{enumerate}
  625. \item Listed the /bin folder (``ls -l /bin'') and confirm the list of files is the same
  626. and that the file sizes are similar.
  627. \item Checked the ``strings'' output of ``/bin/busybox'' to confirm it is similar in both
  628. places (similar number of lines and content of lines). (One cannot directly
  629. compare the binaries because the slight compilation variations will cause
  630. some bits to be different.)
  631. \item Repeated the above two steps for ``/lib/modules'', ``/usr/bin'', and other directories with
  632. a significant number of binaries.
  633. \item Checked that the kernel was sufficiently similar. The investigator
  634. compared the ``dmesg'' output both before and after flashing the new
  635. firmware. As the investigator expected, the kernel version string was
  636. similar, but had a different build date and user@host indicator. (The
  637. kernel binary itself is not easily accessible from an SSH login, but was
  638. retrievable using the U-Boot console (the start address of the kernel in
  639. flash appears to be 0x9F020000, based on the boot messages seen in the
  640. serial console).
  641. \end{enumerate}
  642. \end{enumerate}
  643. \section{Minor Annoyances}
  644. As discussed in detail above, there were a few minor annoyances, none of
  645. which were GPL violations. Rather, the annoyances briefly impeded the
  646. build and installation. However, the investigator, as a reasonably skilled
  647. build engineer for embedded devices, was able to complete the process with
  648. the instructions provided.
  649. To summarize, no GPL compliance issues were found, and the CCS release was
  650. one of the best ever reviewed by any investigator at any community-oriented
  651. enforcement organization. However, the following annoyances were discovered:
  652. \begin{itemize}
  653. \item Failure to explain how to extract the source tarball and then where to run the
  654. ``make'' command.
  655. \item Failure to explain how to install the kernel and root filesystem on the
  656. device; the user must assume the web UI must be used.
  657. \item Including pre-built toolchain binaries that don't work on all systems,
  658. and failure to copy and/or symlink built toolchain binaries in the right location.
  659. \item Failure to include information in the U-Boot installation instructions for
  660. wiring the serial cable.
  661. \item Ideally, the U-Boot installation instructions would also include the
  662. {\tt netcat} method of installation.
  663. \item Finally, the instructions should note that the new U-Boot firmware
  664. should be placed into \texttt{/srv/tftp} when using TFTP on most GNU/Linux
  665. desktops.
  666. \end{itemize}
  667. Thus, no CCS is absolutely perfect, but GPL violation investigators always
  668. give the distributors the benefit of any doubts and seek to work with the
  669. vendors and improve their CCS for the betterment of their users, customers,
  670. and the entire software freedom community.
  671. \section{Lessons Learned}
  672. Companies that seek to redistribute copylefted software can benefit greatly
  673. from ThinkPenguin's example. Here are just a few of the many lessons that
  674. can be learned here:
  675. \begin{enumerate}
  676. \item Even though copyleft licenses have them,
  677. \hyperref[thinkpenguin-included-ccs]{\bf avoid the offer-for-source
  678. provisions}. Not only does including the CCS alongside binary
  679. distribution make violation investigation and compliance confirmation
  680. substantially easier, but also (and more importantly) doing so
  681. \hyperref[offer-for-source]{completes the distributor's CCS compliance
  682. obligations at the time of distribution} (provided, of course, that the
  683. distributor is otherwise in compliance with the relevant copyleft license).
  684. \item {\bf Include top-level build instructions in a natural language (such
  685. as English) in a \hyperref[thinkpenguin-toplevel-readme]{clear and
  686. conspicuous place}.} Copyleft licenses require that someone reasonably
  687. skilled in the art can reproduce the build and installation. Typically,
  688. instructions written in English are necessary, and often easier than writing
  689. programmed scripts. The ``script'' included can
  690. certainly be more like the script of a play and less like a Bash script.
  691. \item {\bf Write build/install instructions to the appropriate level of
  692. specificity}. The upstream engineers
  693. in this case study \hyperref[thinkpenguin-specific-host-system]{clearly did
  694. additional work to ensure functionality on a wide variety of host build
  695. systems}; this is quite rare. When in doubt, include the maximum level
  696. of detail build engineers can provide with the CCS instructions, but also
  697. double-check to investigate if a more generalized solution (such as other
  698. host systems) work just as well for the build.
  699. \item {\bf Seek to adhere to the spirit of copyleft, not just the letter of
  700. the license}. Encouragement of users to improve and
  701. make their devices better is one of ThinkPenguin's commercial differentiators. Copyleft advocates
  702. that other companies have undervalued the large and lucrative
  703. market of
  704. users who seek hackable devices. By going beyond the
  705. mere minimal requirements of GPL, companies can immediately reap the
  706. benefits in that target market.
  707. \item Community-oriented enforcement organizations do not play ``gotcha''\footnote{For lack of a better
  708. phrase.} with distributors regarding GPL
  709. violations. The goal in the GPL enforcement process is to achieve
  710. compliance and correct mistakes and annoyances. Such organizations
  711. therefore take an ``innocent until proven guilty $\rightarrow$ assume guilty
  712. due to honest error rather than malicious action '' approach. The goal
  713. is compliance (in direct contrast with
  714. the \hyperref[Proprietary Relicensing]{discussion in \S~\ref*{Proprietary Relicensing} about the
  715. proprietary relicensing} business model).
  716. \end{enumerate}
  717. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  718. \chapter{Bortez: Modified GCC SDK}
  719. In our first case study, we will consider Bortez, a company that
  720. produces software and hardware toolkits to assist OEM vendors, makers
  721. of consumer electronic devices.
  722. \section{Facts}
  723. One of Bortez's key products is a Software Development Kit (``SDK'')
  724. designed to assist developers building software for a specific class of
  725. consumer electronics devices.
  726. FSF received a report that the SDK may be based on the GNU Compiler
  727. Collection (which is an FSF-copyrighted collection of tools for software
  728. development in C, C++ and other popular languages). FSF investigated the
  729. claim, but was unable to confirm the violation. The violation reporter
  730. was unresponsive to follow-up requests for more information.
  731. Since FSF was unable to confirm the violation, we did not pursue it any
  732. further. Bogus reports do happen, and we do not want to burden companies
  733. with specious GPL violation complaints. FSF shelved the matter until
  734. more evidence was discovered.
  735. FSF was later able to confirm the violation when two additional reports
  736. surfaced from other violation reporters, both of whom had used the SDK
  737. professionally and noticed clear similarities to FSF's GNU GCC\@. FSF's
  738. Compliance Engineer asked the reporters to run standard tests to confirm
  739. the violation, and it was confirmed that Bortez's SDK was indeed a
  740. modified version of GCC\@. Bortez had ported to Windows and added a number
  741. of features, including support for a specific consumer device chipset and
  742. additional features to aid in the linking process (``LP'') for those
  743. specific devices. FSF explained the rights that the GPL afforded these
  744. customers and pointed out, for example, that Bortez only needed to provide
  745. source to those in possession of the binaries, and that the users may need
  746. to request that source (if \S 3(b) was exercised). The violators
  747. confirmed that such requests were not answered.
  748. FSF brought the matter to the attention of Bortez, who immediately
  749. escalated the matter to their attorneys. After a long negotiation,
  750. Bortez acknowledged that their SDK was indeed a modified version of
  751. GCC\@. Bortez released most of the source, but some disagreement
  752. occurred over whether LP was also derivative of GCC\@. After repeated
  753. FSF inquiries, Bortez reaudited the source to discover that FSF's
  754. analysis was correct. Bortez determined that LP included a number of
  755. source files copied from the GCC code-base.
  756. \label{davrik-build-problems}
  757. Once the full software release was made available, FSF asked the violation
  758. reporters if it addressed the problem. Reports came back that the source
  759. did not properly build. FSF asked Bortez to provide better build
  760. instructions with the software, and such build instructions were
  761. incorporated into the next software release.
  762. At FSF's request as well, Bortez informed customers who had previously
  763. purchased the product that the source was now available by announcing
  764. the availability on its Web site and via a customer newsletter.
  765. Bortez did have some concerns regarding patents. They wished to include a
  766. statement with the software release that made sure they were not granting
  767. any patent permission other than what was absolutely required by the GPL\@.
  768. They understood that their patent assertions could not trump any rights
  769. granted by the GPL\@. The following language was negotiated into the release:
  770. \begin{quotation}
  771. Subject to the qualifications stated below, Bortez, on behalf of itself
  772. and its Subsidiaries, agrees not to assert the Claims against you for your
  773. making, use, offer for sale, sale, or importation of the Bortez's GNU
  774. Utilities or derivative works of the Bortez's GNU Utilities
  775. (``Derivatives''), but only to the extent that any such Derivatives are
  776. licensed by you under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The
  777. Claims are the claims of patents that Bortez or its Subsidiaries have
  778. standing to enforce that are directly infringed by the making, use, or
  779. sale of an Bortez Distributed GNU Utilities in the form it was distributed
  780. by Bortez and that do not include any limitation that reads on hardware;
  781. the Claims do not include any additional patent claims held by Bortez that
  782. cover any modifications of, derivative works based on or combinations with
  783. the Bortez's GNU Utilities, even if such a claim is disclosed in the same
  784. patent as a Claim. Subsidiaries are entities that are wholly owned by
  785. Bortez.
  786. This statement does not negate, limit or restrict any rights you already
  787. have under the GNU General Public License version 2.
  788. \end{quotation}
  789. This quelled Bortez's concerns about other patent licensing they sought to
  790. do outside of the GPL'd software, and satisfied FSF's concerns that Bortez
  791. give proper permissions to exercise teachings of patents that were
  792. exercised in their GPL'd software release.
  793. Finally, a GPL Compliance Officer inside Bortez was appointed to take
  794. responsibility for all matters of GPL compliance inside the company.
  795. Bortez is responsible for informing FSF if the position is given to
  796. someone else inside the company, and making sure that FSF has direct
  797. contact with Bortez's Compliance Officer.
  798. \section{Lessons}
  799. This case introduces a number of concepts regarding GPL enforcement.
  800. \begin{enumerate}
  801. \item {\bf Enforcement should not begin until the evidence is confirmed.}
  802. Most companies that distribute GPL'd software do so in compliance, and at
  803. times, violation reports are mistaken. Even with extensive efforts in
  804. GPL education, many users do not fully understand their rights and the
  805. obligations that companies have. By working through the investigation
  806. with reporters, the violation can be properly confirmed, and {\bf the
  807. user of the software can be educated about what to expect with GPL'd
  808. software}. When users and customers of GPL'd products know their
  809. rights, what to expect, and how to properly exercise their rights
  810. (particularly under \S 3(b)), it reduces the chances for user
  811. frustration and inappropriate community outcry about an alleged GPL
  812. violation.
  813. \item {\bf GPL compliance requires friendly negotiation and cooperation.}
  814. Often, attorneys and managers are legitimately surprised to find out
  815. GPL'd software is included in their company's products. Engineers
  816. sometimes include GPL'd software without understanding the requirements.
  817. This does not excuse companies from their obligations under the license,
  818. but it does mean that care and patience are essential for reaching GPL
  819. compliance. We want companies to understand that participating and
  820. benefiting from a collaborative Free Software community is not a burden,
  821. so we strive to make the process of coming into compliance as smooth as
  822. possible.
  823. \item {\bf Confirming compliance is a community effort.} The whole point
  824. of making sure that software distributors respect the terms of the GPL is to
  825. allow a thriving software sharing community to benefit and improve the
  826. work. FSF is not the expert on how a compiler for consumer electronic
  827. devices should work. We therefore inform the community who originally
  828. brought the violation to our attention and ask them to assist in
  829. evaluation and confirmation of the product's compliance. Of course, FSF
  830. coordinates and oversees the process, but we do not want compliance for
  831. compliance's sake; rather, we wish to foster a cooperating community of
  832. development around the Free Software in question, and encourage the
  833. once-violator to begin participating in that community.
  834. \item {\bf Informing the harmed community is part of compliance.} FSF asks
  835. violators to make some attempt --- such as via newsletters and the
  836. company's Web site --- to inform those who already have the products as
  837. to their rights under the GPL\@. One of the key thrusts of the GPL's \S 1 and
  838. \S 3 is to {\em make sure the user knows she has these rights\/}. If a
  839. product was received out of compliance by a customer, she may never
  840. actually discover that she has such rights. Informing customers, in a
  841. way that is not burdensome but has a high probability of successfully
  842. reaching those who would seek to exercise their freedoms, is essential
  843. to properly remedy the mistake.
  844. \item {\bf Lines between various copyright, patent, and other legal
  845. mechanisms must be precisely defined and considered.} The most
  846. difficult negotiation point of the Bortez case was drafting language
  847. that simultaneously protected Bortez's patent rights outside of the
  848. GPL'd source, but was consistent with the implicit patent grant in
  849. the GPL\@. As we discussed in the first course of this series, there is
  850. indeed an implicit patent grant with the GPL, thanks to \S 6 and \S 7.
  851. However, many companies become nervous and wish to make the grant
  852. explicit to assure themselves that the grant is sufficiently narrow for
  853. their needs. We understand that there is no reasonable way to determine
  854. what patent claims read on a company's GPL holdings and which do not, so
  855. we do not object to general language that explicitly narrows the patent
  856. grant to only those patents that were, in fact, exercised by the GPL'd
  857. software as released by the company.
  858. \end{enumerate}
  859. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  860. \chapter{Bracken: a Minor Violation in a GNU/Linux Distribution}
  861. In this case study, we consider a minor violation made by a company whose
  862. knowledge of the Free Software community and its functions is deep.
  863. \section{The Facts}
  864. Bracken produces a GNU/Linux operating system product that is sold
  865. primarily to OEM vendors to be placed in appliance devices used for a
  866. single purpose, such as an Internet-browsing-only device. The product
  867. is almost 100\% Free Software, mostly licensed under the GPL and related
  868. Free Software licenses.
  869. FSF found out about this violation through a report first posted on a
  870. Slashdot\footnote{Slashdot is a popular news and discussion site for
  871. technical readers.} comment, and then it was brought to our attention again
  872. by another Free Software copyright holder who had discovered the
  873. same violation.
  874. Bracken's GNU/Linux product is delivered directly from their Web site.
  875. This allowed FSF engineers to directly download and confirm the
  876. violation quickly. Two primary problems were discovered with the
  877. online distribution:
  878. \begin{itemize}
  879. \item No source code nor offer for source code was provided for a number
  880. of components for the distributed GNU/Linux system; only binaries were
  881. available
  882. \item An End User License Agreement (``EULA'') was included that
  883. contradicted the permissions granted by the GPL\@
  884. \end{itemize}
  885. FSF contacted Bracken and gave them the details of the violation. Bracken
  886. immediately ceased distribution of the product temporarily and set forth
  887. a plan to bring themselves back into compliance. This plan included the
  888. following steps:
  889. \begin{itemize}
  890. \item Bracken attorneys would rewrite the EULA to comply with the GPL and
  891. would vet the new EULA through FSF before use
  892. \item Bracken engineers would provide source side-by-side with the
  893. binaries for the GNU/Linux distribution on the site (and on CD's, if
  894. ever they distributed that way)
  895. \item Bracken attorneys would run an internal seminar for its engineers
  896. regarding proper GPL compliance to help ensure that such oversights
  897. regarding source releases would not occur in the future
  898. \item Bracken would resume distribution of the product only after FSF
  899. formally restored Bracken's distribution rights
  900. \end{itemize}
  901. This case was completed in about a month. FSF approved the new EULA
  902. text. The key portion in the EULA relating to the GPL read as follows:
  903. \begin{quotation}
  904. Many of the Software Programs included in Bracken Software are distributed
  905. under the terms of agreements with Third Parties (``Third Party
  906. Agreements'') which may expand or limit the Licensee's rights to use
  907. certain Software Programs as set forth in [this EULA]. Certain Software
  908. Programs may be licensed (or sublicensed) to Licensee under the GNU
  909. General Public License and other similar license agreements listed in part
  910. in this section which, among other rights, permit the Licensee to copy,
  911. modify and redistribute certain Software Programs, or portions thereof,
  912. and have access to the source code of certain Software Programs, or
  913. portions thereof. In addition, certain Software Programs, or portions
  914. thereof, may be licensed (or sublicensed) to Licensee under terms stricter
  915. than those set forth in [this EULA]. The Licensee must review the
  916. electronic documentation that accompanies certain Software Programs, or
  917. portions thereof, for the applicable Third Party Agreements. To the
  918. extent any Third Party Agreements require that Bracken provide rights to
  919. use, copy or modify a Software Program that are broader than the rights
  920. granted to the Licensee in [this EULA], then such rights shall take
  921. precedence over the rights and restrictions granted in this Agreement
  922. solely for such Software Programs.
  923. \end{quotation}
  924. FSF restored Bracken's distribution rights shortly after the work was
  925. completed as described.
  926. \section{Lessons Learned}
  927. This case was probably the most quickly and easily resolved of all GPL
  928. violations in the history of FSF's Compliance Lab. The ease with which
  929. the problem was resolved shows a number of cultural factors that play a
  930. role in GPL compliance.
  931. \begin{enumerate}
  932. \item {\bf Companies that understand Free Software culture better have an
  933. easier time with compliance.} Bracken's products were designed and
  934. built around the GNU/Linux system and Free Software components. Their
  935. engineers were deeply familiar with the Free Software ecosystem, and
  936. their lawyers had seen and reviewed the GPL before. The violation was
  937. completely an honest mistake. Since the culture inside the company had
  938. already adapted to the cooperative style of resolution in the Free
  939. Software world, there was very little work for either party to bring the
  940. product into compliance.
  941. \item {\bf When people in key positions understand the Free Software
  942. nature of their software products, compliance concerns are as
  943. mundane as minor software bugs.} Even the most functional system or
  944. structure has its problems, and successful business often depends on
  945. agile response to the problems that do come up; avoiding problems
  946. altogether is a pipe dream. Minor GPL violations can and do happen
  947. even with well-informed redistributors. However, resolution is
  948. reached quickly when the company --- and in particular, the lawyers,
  949. managers, and engineers working on the Free Software product lines
  950. --- have adapted to Free Software culture that the lower-level
  951. engineer already understood
  952. \item {\bf Legally, distribution must stop when a violation is
  953. identified.} In our opinion, Bracken went above and beyond the call of
  954. duty by ceasing distribution while the violation was being resolved.
  955. Under GPL \S 4, the redistributor loses the right to distribute the
  956. software, and thus they are in ongoing violation of copyright law if
  957. they distribute before rights are restored. It is FSF's policy to
  958. temporarily allow distribution while compliance negotiations are ongoing
  959. and only in the most extreme cases (where the other party appears to be
  960. negotiating in bad faith) does FSF even threaten an injunction on
  961. copyright grounds. However, Bracken --- as a good Free Software citizen
  962. --- chose to be on the safe side and do the legally correct thing while
  963. the violation case was pending. From start to finish, it took less
  964. than a month to resolve. This lapse in distribution did not, to FSF's
  965. knowledge, impact Bracken's business in any way.
  966. \item {\bf EULAs are a common area for GPL problems.} Often, EULAs
  967. are drafted from boilerplate text that a company uses for all its
  968. products. Even the most diligent attorneys forget or simply do not
  969. know that a product contains software licensed under the GPL and other
  970. Free Software licenses. Drafting a EULA that accounts for such
  971. licenses is straightforward; the text quoted above works just fine.
  972. The EULA must be designed so that it does not trump rights and
  973. permissions already granted by the GPL\@. The EULA must clearly state
  974. that if there is a conflict between it and the GPL, with regard to GPL'd
  975. code, the GPL is the overriding license.
  976. \item {\bf Compliance Officers are rarely necessary when companies are
  977. educated about GPL compliance.} As we saw in the Bortez case, FSF asks
  978. that a formal ``GPL Compliance Officer'' be appointed inside a
  979. previously violating organization to shepherd the organization to a
  980. cooperative approach to GPL compliance. However, when FSF
  981. sees that an organization already has such an approach, there is no
  982. need to request that such an officer be appointed.
  983. \end{enumerate}
  984. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  985. \chapter{Vigorien: Security, Export Controls, and GPL Compliance}
  986. This case study introduces how concerns of ``security through obscurity''
  987. and regulatory problems can impact GPL compliance matters.
  988. \section{The Facts}
  989. Vigorien distributes a back-up solution product that allows system
  990. administrators to create encrypted backups of file-systems on
  991. Unix-like computers. The product is based on GNU tar, a backup utility
  992. that replaces the standard Unix utility simply called tar, but has
  993. additional features.
  994. Vigorien's backup solution added cryptographic features to GNU tar, and
  995. included a suite of utilities and graphical user interfaces surrounding
  996. GNU tar to make backups convenient.
  997. FSF discovered the violation from a user report, and determined that the
  998. cryptographic features were the only part of the product that constituted
  999. a derivative work of GNU tar; the extraneous utilities merely made
  1000. shell calls out to GNU tar. FSF requested that Vigorien come into
  1001. compliance with the GPL by releasing the source of GNU tar, with the
  1002. cryptographic modifications, to its customers.
  1003. Vigorien released the original GNU tar sources, but kept the cryptographic
  1004. modifications proprietary. They argued that the security of their system
  1005. depending on keeping the software proprietary and that regardless, USA
  1006. export restrictions on cryptographic software prohibited such a release.
  1007. FSF disputed the first claim, pointing out that Vigorien had only one
  1008. option if they did not want to release the source: they would have to
  1009. remove GNU tar from the software and not distribute it further. Vigorien
  1010. rejected this suggestion, since GNU tar was an integral part of the
  1011. product, and the security changes were useless without GNU tar.
  1012. Regarding the export control claims, FSF proposed a number of options,
  1013. including release of the source from one of Vigorien's divisions overseas
  1014. where no such restrictions occurred, but Vigorien argued that the problem
  1015. was insoluble because they operated primarily in the USA\@.
  1016. The deadlock on the second issue was resolved when those cryptographic
  1017. export restrictions were lifted shortly thereafter, and FSF again raised
  1018. the matter with Vigorien. At that point, they dropped the first claim and
  1019. agreed to release the remaining source module to their customers. They
  1020. did so, and the violation was resolved.
  1021. \section{Lessons Learned}
  1022. \begin{enumerate}
  1023. \item {\bf Removing the GPL'd portion of the product is always an
  1024. option.} Many violators' first response is to simply refuse to
  1025. release the source code as the GPL requires. FSF offers the option to
  1026. simply remove the GPL'd portions from the product and continue along
  1027. without them. Every case where this has been suggested has led to
  1028. the same conclusion. Like Vigorien, the violator argues that the
  1029. product cannot function without the GPL'd components, and they
  1030. cannot effectively replace them.
  1031. Such an outcome is simply further evidence that the combined work in
  1032. question is indeed a modified version of the original GPL'd component.
  1033. If the other components cannot stand on their own and be useful without
  1034. the GPL'd portions, then one cannot effectively argue that the work as a
  1035. whole is not a based on the GPL'd portions.
  1036. \item {\bf The whole product is not always covered.} In this case,
  1037. Vigorien had additional works aggregated. The backup system was a suite
  1038. of utilities, some of which were the GPL and some of which were not. While
  1039. the cryptographic routines were tightly coupled with GNU tar and clearly
  1040. made a whole new combined work of both components, the various GUI utilities were separate and
  1041. independent works merely aggregated with the distribution of the
  1042. GNU-tar-based product.
  1043. \item {\bf ``Security'' concerns do not exonerate a distributor from GPL
  1044. obligations, and ``security through obscurity'' does not work anyway.}
  1045. The argument that ``this is security software, so it cannot be released
  1046. in source form'' is not a valid defense for explaining why the terms of
  1047. the GPL are ignored. If companies do not want to release source code
  1048. for some reason, then they should not base the work on GPL'd software.
  1049. No external argument for noncompliance can hold weight if the work as
  1050. a whole is indeed a modified version of a GPL'd program.
  1051. The ``security concerns'' argument is often floated as a reason to keep
  1052. software proprietary, but the computer security community has on
  1053. numerous occasions confirmed that such arguments are entirely specious.
  1054. Security experts have found --- since the beginnings of the field of
  1055. cryptography in the ancient world --- that sharing results about systems
  1056. and having such systems withstand peer review and scrutiny builds the
  1057. most secure systems. While full disclosure may help some who wish to
  1058. compromise security, it helps those who want to fix problems even more
  1059. by identifying them early.
  1060. \item {\bf External regulatory problems can be difficult to resolve.}
  1061. The GPL, though grounded in copyright law, does not have the power to trump
  1062. regulations like export controls. While Vigorien's ``security
  1063. concerns'' were specious, their export control concerns were not. It is
  1064. indeed a difficult problem that FSF acknowledges. We want compliance
  1065. with the GPL and respect for users' freedoms, but we certainly do not expect
  1066. companies to commit criminal offenses for the sake of compliance. We
  1067. will see more about this issue in our next case study.
  1068. \end{enumerate}
  1069. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1070. \chapter{Haxil, Polgara, and Thesulac: Mergers, Upstream Providers and Radio Devices}
  1071. This case study considers an ongoing (at the time of writing) violation
  1072. that has occurred. By the end of the investigation period, three
  1073. companies were involved and many complex issues arose.
  1074. \section{The Facts}
  1075. Haxil produced a consumer electronics device which included a mini
  1076. GNU/Linux distribution to control the device. The device was of interest
  1077. to many technically-minded consumers, who purchased the device and very
  1078. quickly discovered that Free Software was included without source.
  1079. Mailing lists throughout the Free Software community erupted with
  1080. complaints about the problem, and FSF quickly investigated.
  1081. FSF confirmed that FSF-copyrighted GPL'd software was included. In
  1082. addition, the whole distribution included GPL'd works from hundreds of
  1083. individual copyright holders, many of whom were, at this point, up in
  1084. arms about the violation.
  1085. Meanwhile, Haxil was in the midst of being acquired by Polgara. Polgara
  1086. was as surprised as everyone else to discover the product was based on
  1087. GPL'd software; this fact had not been part of the disclosures made during
  1088. acquisition. FSF contacted Haxil, Polgara, and the product managers
  1089. who had transitioned into the ``Haxil division'' of the newly-merged
  1090. Polgara company. Polgara's General Counsel's office worked with FSF on
  1091. the matter.
  1092. FSF formed a coalition with the other primary copyright holders
  1093. to pursue the enforcement effort on their behalf. FSF communicated
  1094. directly with Polgara's representatives to begin working through the
  1095. issues on behalf of itself and the Free Software community at large.
  1096. Polgara pointed out that the software distribution they used was mostly
  1097. contributed by an upstream provider, Thesulac, and Haxil's changes to that
  1098. code base were minimal. Polgara negotiated with Thesulac to obtain the
  1099. source, although the issue moved very slowly in the channels between
  1100. Polgara and Thesulac.
  1101. FSF encouraged a round-table meeting so that high bandwidth communication
  1102. could occur between FSF, Polgara and Thesulac. Polgara and Thesulac
  1103. agreed, and that discussion began. Thesulac provided nearly complete
  1104. sources to Polgara, and Polgara made a full software release on their
  1105. Web site. At the time of writing, that software still has some build
  1106. problems (similar to those that occurred with Bortez, as described in
  1107. Section~\ref{davrik-build-problems}). FSF continues to negotiate with
  1108. Polgara and Thesulac to resolve these problems, which have a clear path to
  1109. a solution and are expected to resolve.
  1110. Similar to the Vigorien case, Thesulac has regulatory concerns. In this
  1111. case, it is not export controls --- an issue that has since been resolved
  1112. --- but radio spectrum regulation. Since this consumer electronic device
  1113. contains a software-programmable radio transmitter, regulations in (at
  1114. least) the USA and Japan prohibit release of those portions of the code
  1115. that operate the device. Since this is a low-level programming issue, the
  1116. changes to operate the device form a single combined work with the kernel named
  1117. Linux. A decade later, this situation remains largely unresolved.
  1118. \section{Lessons Learned}
  1119. \begin{enumerate}
  1120. \item {\bf Community outrage, while justified, can often make negotiation
  1121. more difficult.} FSF has a strong policy never to publicize names of
  1122. GPL violators if they are negotiating in a friendly way and operating in
  1123. good faith toward compliance. Most violations are honest mistakes, and
  1124. FSF sees no reason to publicly admonish violators who genuinely want to
  1125. come into compliance with the GPL and to work hard staying in compliance.
  1126. This case was so public in the Free Software community that both Haxil's
  1127. and Polgara's representatives were nearly shell-shocked by the time FSF
  1128. began negotiations. There was much work required to diffuse the
  1129. situation. We empathize with our community and their outrage about GPL
  1130. violations, but we also want to follow a path that leads expediently
  1131. to compliance. In our experience, public outcry works best as a last
  1132. resort, not the first.
  1133. \item {\bf For software companies, GPL compliance belongs on a corporate
  1134. acquisition checklist. } Polgara was truly amazed that Haxil had used
  1135. GPL'd software in a major new product line but never informed Polgara
  1136. during the acquisition process. While GPL compliance is not a
  1137. particularly difficult matter, it is an additional obligation that comes
  1138. along with the product line. When planning mergers and joint ventures,
  1139. one should include lists of GPL'd components contained in the products
  1140. discussed.
  1141. \item {\bf Compliance problems of upstream providers do not excuse a
  1142. violation for the downstream distributor.} To paraphrase \S 6, upstream
  1143. providers are not responsible for enforcing compliance of their
  1144. downstream, nor are downstream distributors responsible for compliance
  1145. problems of upstream providers. However, engaging in distribution of
  1146. GPL'd works out of compliance is still just that: a compliance problem.
  1147. When FSF carries out enforcement, we are patient and sympathetic when
  1148. the problem appears to be upstream. In fact, we urge the violator to
  1149. point us to the upstream provider so we may talk to them directly. In
  1150. this case, we were happy to begin negotiations with Thesulac. However,
  1151. Polgara still has an obligation to bring their product into compliance,
  1152. regardless of Thesulac's response.
  1153. \item {\bf It behooves upstream providers to advise downstream
  1154. distributors about compliance matters.} FSF has encouraged Thesulac to
  1155. distribute a ``good practices for GPL compliance'' document with their
  1156. product. Polgara added various software components to Thesulac's
  1157. product, and it is conceivable that such additions can introduce
  1158. compliance. In FSF's opinion, Thesulac is in no way legally responsible
  1159. for such a violation introduced by their customer, but it behooves them
  1160. from a marketing standpoint to educate their customers about using the
  1161. product. We can argue whether or not it is your coffee vendor's fault
  1162. if you burn yourself with their product, but (likely) no one on either
  1163. side would dispute the prudence of placing a ``caution: hot'' label on
  1164. the cup.
  1165. \item {\bf FSF enforcement often avoids redundant enforcement cases from
  1166. many parties.} Most Free Software systems have hundreds of copyright
  1167. holders. Some have thousands. FSF is in a unique position as one of
  1168. the largest single copyright holders on GPL'd software and as a
  1169. respected umpire in the community, neutrally enforcing the rules of the
  1170. GPL road. FSF works hard in the community to convince copyright
  1171. holders that consolidating GPL claims through FSF is better for them,
  1172. and more likely to yield positive compliance results.
  1173. A few copyright holders engage in the ``proprietary relicensing''
  1174. business, so they use GPL enforcement as a sales channel for that
  1175. business. FSF, as a community-oriented, not-for-profit organization,
  1176. seeks only to preserve the freedom of Free Software in its enforcement
  1177. efforts. As it turns out, most of the community of copyright holders
  1178. of Free Software want the same thing. Share and share alike is a
  1179. simple rule to follow, and following that rule to FSF's satisfaction
  1180. usually means you are following it to the satisfaction of the entire
  1181. Free Software community.
  1182. \end{enumerate}
  1183. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1184. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1186. % FIXME: is this material moot now that we include the compliance guide?
  1187. % Either way, it should be merged into compliance guide.
  1188. %\chapter{Good Practices for Compliance}
  1189. Generally, from the experience of GPL enforcement, we glean the following
  1190. general practices that can help in GPL compliance for organizations that
  1191. distribute products based on GPL'd software:
  1192. \begin{itemize}
  1193. \item Talk to your software engineers and ask them where they got the
  1194. components they use in the products they build. Find out if GPL'd
  1195. components are present.
  1196. \item Teach your engineering staff to pay attention to license documents.
  1197. Give them easy-to-follow policies to get approval for using a Free
  1198. Software component.
  1199. \item Build a ``Free Software Licensing'' committee that handles requests
  1200. and questions about the GPL and other Free Software licenses.
  1201. \item Add ``What parts of your products are under the GPL or other Free
  1202. Software licenses?'' to your checklist of questions to ask when you
  1203. consider mergers, acquisitions, or joint ventures.
  1204. \item Encourage your engineers to participate collaboratively with GPL'd
  1205. software development. The more knowledge about the Free Software world
  1206. your organization has, the better equipped it is to deal with this
  1207. rapidly changing field.
  1208. \item When someone points out a potential GPL violation in one of your
  1209. products, do not assume the product line is doomed. The GPL is not a virus;
  1210. merely having GPL'd code in one part of a product does not necessarily
  1211. mean that every related product must also be GPL'd. And, even if some
  1212. software needs to be released that was not before, the product will
  1213. surely survive. In FSF's enforcement efforts, we have not yet
  1214. seen a product line die because source was released to customers in
  1215. compliance with the GPL.
  1216. \end{itemize}
  1217. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  1218. % LocalWords: proprietarize redistributors sublicense yyyy Gnomovision EULAs
  1219. % LocalWords: Yoyodyne FrontPage improvers Berne copyrightable Stallman's GPLs
  1220. % LocalWords: Lessig Lessig's UCITA pre PDAs CDs reshifts GPL's Gentoo glibc
  1221. % LocalWords: TrollTech administrivia LGPL's MontaVista OpenTV Mitek Arce DVD
  1222. % LocalWords: unprotectable protectable Unfreedonia chipset CodeSourcery Iqtel
  1223. % LocalWords: impermissibly Bateman faire minimis Borland uncopyrightable Mgmt
  1224. % LocalWords: franca downloadable Bortez Bortez's Gingerich Michlmayr LGPL
  1225. % LocalWords: Slashdot sublicensed Vigorien Vigorien's Haxil Polgara GPL'd
  1226. % LocalWords: Thesulac Polgara's Haxil's Thesulac's SDK CD's tpb CCS RYF cd
  1227. %% LocalWords: ThinkPenguin TPE NWIFIROUTER Unboxing copylefted GPLv mkdir
  1228. %% LocalWords: Filesystem libreCMC README tabsize libCMC sudo reflash gcc
  1229. %% LocalWords: binutils bzip perl getopt libz dev libc menuconfig amd dpkg
  1230. %% LocalWords: toolchain filesystem thinkpenguin egrep posix jxpf ar UI ln
  1231. %% LocalWords: ThinkPenguin's versioned bootloader SRC mips librecmc linux
  1232. %% LocalWords: uclibc symlink tl wr squashfs sysupgrade preinstalled TFTP
  1233. %% LocalWords: busybox tftp hpa IP RJ UART PuTTY ipaddr serverip setenv nc
  1234. %% LocalWords: miswiring minicom startup miswire netcat uboot extratools
  1235. %% LocalWords: morx Login dmesg login ccs toplevel readme differentiators
  1236. %% LocalWords: hackable Relicensing relicensing toolkits OEM reaudited
  1237. %% LocalWords: redistributor cryptographic