NAME: Cement
AUTHOR: BJ Dierkes
Cement is an advanced CLI Application Framework for Python. It promotes code
re-use by way of a plugin system that enables plugins to be shared between any
application built on Cement. The MVC and overall framework design is very
much inspired by the TurboGears2 web framework. Its goal is to introduce a
standard, and feature-full platform for both simple and complex command line
applications as well as support rapid development needs without sacrificing
At a minimum, Cement configures the following features for every application:
* Multiple Configuration file parsing (default: /etc, ~/)
* Command line argument and option parsing
* Dual Console/File Logging Support
* Internal and External (3rd Party) Plugin support
* Basic "hook" support
* Model/View/Controller support for advanced application design
* Text output rendering with Genshi templates
* Json output rendering allows other programs to access your CLI-API
The above provides any level developer with a solid, and fully functional
cli application from the very start with more or less a single command via
the paster utility. Cement brings an end to the 'hack it out, and [maybe]
clean it up later' routine that we all find ourselves in under deadlines.
All documentation is available from the official website:
The Cement CLI Application Framework is Open Source and is distributed under
the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file included with this software.
The 'cement.core' package includes a backport of pkgutil from the Python
standard library in order to make the pkgutil.get_data() function available
for Python < 2.6. This file (./src/cement.core/backports/ is
licensed under the Python Software Foundation license version 2.0. Please see
the LICENSE.psf file included with this software (./src/cement/LICENSE.psf).