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Restoring the Statusbar in Firefox

Because statusbars bloat code and give users too many options, right?

For some reason, you have to turn this on in v68+, now

userChrome.css (custom UI styles) won't work out of the box, so you have to toggle:


to true

Restore the classic static statusbar

Brings back the behavior of the original status bar that didn't pop out and make itself known with every click or hover.

Inside the .mozilla folder I have copies of my CSS, structured similarly to how it would be on most systems (user directory/.mozilla/blabla..)

  • statusBar.css - From MatMoul
  • userChrome.css - I like to @import the CSS, that way if I want to add/remove customizations, I don't have to dig through a huge CSS file looking for chunks to snip
  • userContent.css - Not necessary for statusbar (image blobs are custom backgrounds for new page + tabs.. only noteworthy since I keep them in the same spot in this repo)

The following are all that is required to bring the status bar back:

  • userChrome.css
  • statusBar.css

Detailed Instructions

For more thorough instructions on using CSS to fix Firefox and customization options, see the CustomCSSforFx repo