123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- '''
- Program: ls_ssltrust_fixer
- Attempt to automate https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2121701
- with intentions to scan against certificate mismatch on service registrations and fixing the mismatch
- Scope: Scan for mismatch, fix the mismatch based on scan result as second step
- Authors: Jishnu Surendran Thankamani (jishnut@vmware.com), Ramprasad K.S. (ramprasad@vmware.com)
- Copyright: 2017 Vmware Inc
- '''
- import lstoolutil
- import ssl
- import socket
- import re
- import hashlib
- import base64
- import logging
- import os,errno
- import argparse
- import getpass
- import sys
- import subprocess
- ConnectFailure_ct=0
- ConnectFailure_nodes=[]
- certcache = {}
- logger = None
- logdir=os.environ["VMWARE_LOG_DIR"]+ os.path.sep +"ls_ssltrust_fixer" + os.path.sep
- #Move lstool_communicate function here to control logging
- def lstoolcommunicate(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE):
- """
- Lookup service client tool
- """
- log4jcfile = logdir + 'log4j.conf'
- with open(log4jcfile, "w") as log4jcfile_fh:
- log4jcfile_fh.write("log4j.rootLogger=OFF")
- java = lstoolutil._get_java()
- javacpath = lstoolutil._get_classpath()
- javasec = lstoolutil._get_java_security_properties()
- cmd = [java,
- "-Djava.security.properties=%s" % javasec,
- "-cp",
- javacpath,
- "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s" % log4jcfile]
- cmd.append("com.vmware.vim.lookup.client.tool.LsTool")
- cmd += argv
- process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout)
- stdout, _ = process.communicate(None)
- return process.returncode, stdout
- def right_psc(id,psctosite,idtosite, psc_blacklist):
- thesite = None
- for site in psctosite:
- if ((psctosite[site] == idtosite.get(id)) and (site not in psc_blacklist)):
- thesite = site
- break
- return thesite
- def read_topology(lsout):
- psctosite={}
- idtosite={}
- id = site = ""
- for line in lsout.splitlines():
- if "Service ID" in line:
- (dummy, id) = line.split(': ', 1)
- elif "Site ID" in line:
- (dummy, site) = line.split(': ', 1)
- idtosite[id] = site
- elif (("URL" in line) and ("sso-adminserver" in line)):
- (dummy, url) = line.split(': ', 1)
- url = url.split('//', 2)[1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0]
- psctosite[url] = site
- return(psctosite,idtosite)
- def _findFirstMatch(lines, pat):
- idx = 0
- for line in lines:
- if re.match(pat, line):
- return (line, idx)
- break
- idx = idx + 1
- return (None, -1)
- def _modify_ep_certs(oldspec, newspec, newCert):
- update_ct = 0
- ssltrust_ct = 0
- oldlines = []
- newlines = []
- with open(oldspec,"r") as oldspec_fh:
- lines = oldspec_fh.read().splitlines()
- for line in lines:
- if (line.find('ssltrust') == -1):
- newlines.append(line)
- else:
- (key,oldcert) = line.split('=', 1)
- newlines.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, newCert.replace('\\', '\\\\')))
- update_ct = update_ct + 1
- with open(newspec,"w") as newspec_fh:
- newspec_fh.write("\n".join(newlines))
- return update_ct
- def parseopts(args):
- '''Parse the command line options'''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- required_set = parser.add_argument_group('required')
- required_set.add_argument('-f', '--function', dest='function', help='scan or fix', default = '', required=True)
- return parser.parse_args(args)
- def get_cur_cert(spec):
- global ConnectFailure_ct
- global ConnectFailure_nodes
- newcert = None
- with open(spec, "r") as spec_fh:
- for line in spec_fh.read().splitlines():
- if "endpoint0.url" in line:
- url = line.split('=', 1)[1].split('//', 2)[1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0]
- if (url=="localhost"):
- endpointurl="endpoint1.url"
- else:
- endpointurl="endpoint0.url"
- with open(spec, "r") as spec_fh:
- for line in spec_fh.read().splitlines():
- if endpointurl in line:
- url = line.split('=', 1)[1].split('//', 2)[1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0]
- print("FQDN used to retrieve current certificate:"+url)
- if (url=="localhost"):
- print("First and second end points found to be using localhost as fqdn - manually new cert and update .NewCert file before fix")
- break
- port = 443
- endpoint = "{0}:{1}".format(url, port)
- if (endpoint in certcache):
- logger.debug("Using cached certificate for %s", endpoint)
- newcert = certcache[endpoint]
- else:
- logger.debug("Retreiving certificate for %s", endpoint)
- conn = None
- newcert = None
- try:
- conn = socket.create_connection((url, port), timeout=5)
- sock = ssl.wrap_socket(conn)
- current_cert = sock.getpeercert(True)
- newcert = (ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(current_cert))
- certcache[endpoint] = newcert
- except Exception:
- logger.error("**Failed to get in use certificate from node %s:%s**", url,port)
- ConnectFailure_ct = ConnectFailure_ct + 1
- if url not in ConnectFailure_nodes: ConnectFailure_nodes.append(url)
- finally:
- if conn is not None:
- conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
- conn.close()
- break
- return newcert
- def read_pem_cert(cert):
- pat = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----([a-zA-Z0-9/+=\r\n]+)-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
- m = re.match(pat, cert)
- if not m:
- raise Exception("Failed to parse cert")
- return m.group(1).replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
- def _setupLogging():
- try:
- os.makedirs(logdir)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
- raise
- loghandle = logging.getLogger('ls_ssltrus_fixer')
- fileformatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
- consoleformatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
- loghandle.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- fh = logging.FileHandler(logdir+os.path.sep+'ls_ssltrust_fixer.log')
- fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- fh.setFormatter(fileformatter)
- ch = logging.StreamHandler()
- ch.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- ch.setFormatter(consoleformatter)
- loghandle.addHandler(fh)
- loghandle.addHandler(ch)
- return loghandle
- def get_filename_from_id(id):
- specfile = "{0}{1}".format(logdir, id.replace(":","%"))
- certfile = "{0}.newcert".format(specfile)
- return(specfile, certfile)
- def _doScan():
- mismatchedIDs=[]
- matchedIDs=[]
- lsUrl="https://localhost/lookupservice/sdk"
- mismatchlistinput = "{0}mismatchIDs".format(logdir)
- logger.info("Scan Phase1: Getting service IDs")
- rc, ids = lstoolcommunicate(["list","--no-check-cert","--url",lsUrl,"--id-only"])
- if (rc != 0):
- raise Exception("'lstool get' failed: %d" % rc)
- ids = ids.splitlines()
- logger.info("Found %d service IDs", len(ids) - 1)
- logger.info("Scan Phase2: Getting spec and verifying certicate/trust")
- for id in ids:
- if not id:
- continue
- if "_com" in id:
- print("skipping validation as external solution on:"+id)
- continue
- logger.info("Processing ID: %s", id)
- logger.debug("Calling get for ID: %s", id)
- rc, oldSpec = lstoolcommunicate(["get","--no-check-cert","--url",lsUrl,"--id",id,"--as-spec",])
- if (rc != 0):
- logger.error("'lstool get' failed for ID: %s", id)
- continue
- (specfile, certfile) = get_filename_from_id(id)
- logger.debug("Creating spec file %s", specfile)
- with open(specfile,"w") as specfile_fh:
- specfile_fh.write(oldSpec)
- logger.debug("Created spec file %s", specfile)
- logger.debug("Creating cert file %s", certfile)
- logger.debug("Getting certificate for ID: %s", id)
- cert=get_cur_cert(specfile)
- if(cert):
- with open(certfile, "w") as certfile_fh:
- certfile_fh.write(cert)
- logger.debug("Created cert file %s", certfile)
- newcert_parsed=read_pem_cert(cert)
- oldcert = ""
- for line in oldSpec.splitlines():
- if "ssltrust0" in line:
- (key, oldcert) = line.split("=", 1)
- break
- o = hashlib.sha1()
- o.update(base64.decodestring(oldcert))
- n = hashlib.sha1()
- n.update(base64.decodestring(newcert_parsed))
- othumb = o.hexdigest().lower()
- nthumb = n.hexdigest().lower()
- logger.debug("ID: %s Old thumbprint: %s new thumbprint %s", id, othumb, nthumb)
- if (othumb == nthumb):
- matchedIDs.append(id)
- logger.debug("Trust matches the current certificate. Added %s to matchedIDs", id)
- else:
- mismatchedIDs.append(id)
- logger.debug("***Trust DOES NOT match the current certificate***. Added %s to mismatchedIDs", id)
- logger.info("")
- if len(matchedIDs) !=0:
- for id in matchedIDs:
- (specfile, certfile) = get_filename_from_id(id)
- logger.debug("Matched: id: %s spec: %s cert in use: %s", id, specfile, certfile)
- if len(mismatchedIDs) !=0:
- logger.warn("***WARNING*** %d Mismatched ID(s) found", len(mismatchedIDs))
- with open(mismatchlistinput,"w") as mismatchIDstoFile:
- mismatchIDstoFile.write("\n".join(mismatchedIDs))
- logger.info("Written mismatched IDs to %s",mismatchlistinput )
- logger.info("List of registrations with cert mismatch")
- logger.info("****************************************")
- for id in mismatchedIDs:
- (specfile, certfile) = get_filename_from_id(id)
- logger.info("ID: %s\n spec: %s\n cert in use: %s\n", id, specfile, certfile)
- logger.warn("Please DOUBLE CHECK the detection before running 'fix'")
- logger.warn("NOTE: Partial upgrade state of 5.5 to 6.x is unsupported for this tool- 5.5 web client registration might change")
- logger.info("")
- else:
- mismatchIDstoFile = open(mismatchlistinput,"w")
- mismatchIDstoFile.close()
- if ConnectFailure_ct!=0:
- logger.info("")
- logger.info("***WARNING*** %s ID(s) skipped comparison due to connect failure, ignore if node is dead, use KB:2121701 for manual update procedure. Note: Port 443 is hardcoded", str(ConnectFailure_ct))
- logger.info("List of node(s) with connect failure")
- logger.info("************************************")
- for entry in ConnectFailure_nodes:
- logger.info(entry)
- def _doFix():
- update_idct=0
- updated_endpoint = 0
- psc_Blacklist = []
- lstooloutfile = logdir + 'lstooloutput'
- lsUrl="https://localhost/lookupservice/sdk"
- mismatchlistfile = "{0}mismatchIDs".format(logdir)
- logger.info("Fix phase 1: Reading IDs with incorrect certificate from scan results")
- logger.info("Using mismatch ID list from: %s", mismatchlistfile)
- try:
- mismatchlist_fh=open(mismatchlistfile,"r")
- mismatchlist=mismatchlist_fh.read().splitlines()
- mismatchlist_fh.close()
- except:
- logger.error("Mismatch ID list file does not exist, Please run tool with 'scan' function")
- return
- if not mismatchlist:
- logger.info("Mismatch ID list file is empty, no registrations to fix")
- return
- user=raw_input("SSO administrator user (Default:Administrator@vsphere.local):") or "Administrator@vsphere.local"
- passwd=getpass.getpass("Password for "+ user + ":")
- logger.info("Fix phase 2: Collecting site topology information")
- rc, lsoutput = lstoolcommunicate(["list","--no-check-cert","--url",lsUrl])
- if (rc != 0):
- raise Exception("'lstool get' failed: %d" % rc)
- with open(lstooloutfile, "w") as lstool_fh:
- lstool_fh.write(lsoutput)
- psctosite,idtosite = read_topology(lsoutput)
- logger.info("Fix Phase 3: creating new spec file with new ssltrust values and register")
- for id in mismatchlist:
- logger.info("\nFixing ID: %s",id)
- (specfile, certfile) = get_filename_from_id(id)
- newspecfile = specfile + ".newspec"
- newcert_parsed = cert = None
- #cert=get_cur_cert(specfile) #Use this for production
- with open(certfile, "r") as certfile_fh: #Debug only
- cert = certfile_fh.read()
- newcert_parsed=read_pem_cert(cert)
- if(cert):
- updated=_modify_ep_certs(specfile, newspecfile, newcert_parsed)
- logger.info("Updated %d End points with new cert for ID: %s", updated, id)
- if updated != 0:
- site = right_psc(id, psctosite, idtosite, psc_Blacklist)
- rc = -1
- while (site):
- lsUrl="https://"+site+"/lookupservice/sdk"
- logger.info("Re-registering ID: %s using lsURL: %s", id, lsUrl)
- try:
- rc, _ = lstoolcommunicate(["reregister", "--no-check-cert",
- "--url", lsUrl,
- "--id", id,
- "--spec", newspecfile,
- "--user", user,
- "--password", passwd,
- ])
- if rc==0:
- update_idct = update_idct + 1
- site = None
- except:
- pass
- if (rc != 0):
- psc_Blacklist.append(site)
- logger.info("Blacklisted PSC at %s as connecting failed", site)
- site = right_psc(id, psctosite, idtosite, psc_Blacklist)
- if (rc != 0):
- logger.error("'lstool reregister' failed for ID: %s with error %d", id, rc)
- else:
- updated_endpoint = updated_endpoint + updated
- logger.info("Fixing ID: %s completed\n",id)
- logger.info("*** %d endpoints for %d service IDs updated with current cetificates and trust ***", updated_endpoint, update_idct)
- def main():
- global ConnectFailure_ct
- global ConnectFailure_nodes
- opts = parseopts(sys.argv[1:])
- if opts.function=="scan":
- logger.info("Running function 'scan'")
- _doScan()
- logger.info("Completed running function 'scan'")
- elif opts.function=="fix":
- logger.info("Running function 'fix'")
- _doFix()
- logger.info("Completed running function 'fix'")
- else:
- logger.error("Unknown Function '%s'. Choose scan/fix", opts.function)
- sys.exit()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- logger = _setupLogging()
- main()