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Postfix Message Body Content Filters

When using Postfix as a relayer, sometimes applications don't have the capability to filter out useless messages from their notifications. If there are some notifications you want, you can regex and discard the useless ones.

  1. First, create /etc/postfix/body_checks as a root/sudo user

  2. Edit /etc/postfix/body_checks and append the phrase and preferred action as follows:

  3. /phrase to match/ (can regex to alphanumeric matches, also)

  4. DISCARD | WARN | REJECT = action to take if matched

  5. optional log message:

    /angela test111/ WARN
    /Received ESP packet with unknown SPI/ DISCARD
    /anomaly: icmp_sweep/ DISCARD Useless ICMP scan notification

    Until you know the rules behave as expected, you can use the WARN action, which should write a message to your mail log - but takes no further action on the message.

  6. Now, modify /etc/postfix/ and append the following:

    body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/body_checks
  7. Create a body_checks database:

    postmap /etc/postfix/body_checks
  8. Restart postfix:

    service postfix restart
  9. Test your policy:

    postmap -q 'this is a test. angela test111' regexp:/etc/postfix/body_checks

    If you see the following, it's working as expected:


  10. Do a discard test (assuming mailx is installed to your server already):

    [root@server postfix]# mailx
    Subject: regex
    ghfgh anomaly: icmp_sweep rterte
    < CNTRL + D >
    [root@server postfix]# mailx
    Subject: testing
    this one should get delivered
    < CNTRL + D >

If you trigger a filter, you'll see the following in the logs:

May 29 12:57:23 server postfix/cleanup[21915]: 2E8541019: discard: body ghfgh anomaly: icmp_sweep rterte from local; from=<root@server> to=<>: Useless ICMP scan notification