alsoGAMER commented on issue Krock/GI-on-Linux#173
Progress of the 2.1.0 patch@krock installing corefonts via winetricks fixed the issue, thanks.
3 years ago
alsoGAMER commented on issue Krock/GI-on-Linux#173
Progress of the 2.1.0 patch@ret_dust it worked for me in the previous version, and I haven't changed any wine-related setting, nor version.
3 years ago
alsoGAMER commented on issue Krock/GI-on-Linux#173
Progress of the 2.1.0 patchAlso, no problems here so far, except for the in-game browser not working. I'm unable to open the notices and survey sections.
3 years ago
alsoGAMER commented on issue Krock/GI-on-Linux#145
Progress of the 2.0.0 patchPlayed for about 1 hour, did some of my daily commissions and haven't encountered any problem so far.
3 years ago