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Automatic install

WARNING: The automatic install script is under active development. It can break your system at any moment. Please do not use on production systems and remember to keep backup before running.

Make sure you have these installed:

  • bash shell
  • sudo or doas - either one should work; just make sure so that your user can use it

If you want to change any settings, programs etc., run cp custom.default.yaml $HOME/.local/share/openbox-config/custom.yaml and then make changes in $HOME/.local/share/openbox-config/custom.yaml.

Then run:


It will look into:

  • custom.default.yaml
  • $HOME/.local/share/openbox-config/custom.yaml
  • custom.yaml

Then, basically:

  • It will read, override and keep the latest value for YAML keys and install the programs you specified there
  • Install things to run a graphical UI, working mouse cursor (xorg, xf86-input-evdev etc.)
  • Install Papirus icon theme and apply it
  • Install DejaVu font if no font is installed
  • Install dotdrop and install the config related files
  • Restart/reconfigure Openbox and tint2 if they're currently running
  • Add exec openbox-session in xinitrc system template and put it in $HOME so that startx works as it should

It pretty much does everything automatically what an experienced user would do to get a functional Openbox based desktop setup. Without this script you would need to deal with hundreds of lines of commands and extra programs (see below and on setup and customize pages linked there).

Currently it has been tested on:

  • Debian
  • Arch
  • Void
  • Alpine

Tested in limited scope:

  • FreeBSD
  • OpenBSD

Manual install

You'll have to setup the environment for the config to be installed. \ You can customize the config to change programs and stuff.

To install the config on the system:

pip install dotdrop
cd /path/to/this/repo
# For light theme
dotdrop install -p default -f
# For dark theme
dotdrop install -p dark -f
# -f overrides already existing config files on system
openbox --reconfigure


  • Launch lxappearance, go to Icon Theme tab and and change icon to Papirus to show proper icons on system tray.
  • To choose a GTK theme you can choose Adwaita, Adwaita-dark or anything else from lxappearance to match your Openbox theme.

Then reboot to an Openbox session. If you have multiple DEs installed, you can press F1 on slim login screen to choose Openbox. If Openbox session does not start even after selecting it, please refer to Troubleshooting section below.