
  • First release version

    adnan360 5 年之前 在該版本發佈之後已有 8 次代碼提交到 master 分支

    This is hopefully the last version to have lxqt/qt apps by default. I noticed that non-qt apps start faster, so would be switching to xfce/lxde apps in future.

    I have been testing this config for so many days. So I think it's time to release it as a non-testing version.

  • 預發佈版本 v0.2 92ea976c4b


    adnan360 5 年之前 在該版本發佈之後已有 31 次代碼提交到 master 分支

    Added volume icon on tray with lightweight volumeicon package

  • 預發佈版本 v0.1 46f76cdbbc

    First Pre-Release

    adnan360 5 年之前 在該版本發佈之後已有 32 次代碼提交到 master 分支

    This release is based on lxqt setup, but can be easily modified to suit any setup.

    Hopefully would be switched to xfce/lxde based apps soon. This would not be a problem if you modify the apps selection on ~.jwmrc (File managers, terminal etc.) This usually needs change in normal setups too. Core requirements are non-qt, so this should not be a problem.