#19 picker for extracting seeds

6 лет назад открыта ademant · комментариев: 1
ademant прокомментировал 6 лет назад

Some crops gives leaves as harvest. If you want to culture them you have to extract seeds by another mechanism. Punching with a picher should give you the seeds. Example: Tea

Some crops gives leaves as harvest. If you want to culture them you have to extract seeds by another mechanism. Punching with a picher should give you the seeds. Example: Tea
ademant упомянул эту задачу в коммите 6 лет назад
ademant прокомментировал 6 лет назад

using with tee give leaves but no seeds.

using with tee give leaves but no seeds.
ademant упомянул эту задачу в коммите 6 лет назад
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