12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576 |
- # welcome message triggered by comments by new users
- WELCOME_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_TITLE: 'Message from /r/Piracy'
- Welcome to /r/Piracy! You are receiving this message because you are new to the subreddit. If you are not new, then don't worry, you will not be messaged a second time!
- ---
- We have [**a wiki**](https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki), containing a Megathread of pirate sites, tools, FAQ, guides, and other useful resources.
- [Please make sure to read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules), as it will help to save the subreddit and yourself from being banned in the possible future.
- Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via google - example: https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg
- # message to send to a new user after having their submission removed
- REMOVAL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_TITLE: 'Concerning your /r/Piracy submission'
- Hello there, I am a bot. Since you are new to the /r/Piracy subreddit, [your submission](https://reddit.com$REMOVED_POST_PERMALINK) is not yet visible to everyone.
- If your question is not answered by the wiki (linked below) and it doesn't break the rules (also linked below), then you may reply to this message with "**$REQUIRED_REPLY**" for your message to be made visible.
- ---
- [**Link to the wiki**](https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/index), which contains a Megathread of pirate sites, tools, FAQ, and other useful resources.
- **Please read [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules), especially rule 3: Do not request for or link to specific pirated titles (ie. specific movie, book, etc).**
- **Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via google - example: https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg**
- [//]: # (identifier: removal message by WelcomeBot)
- ALLS_GOOD_REPLY: Thank you. I've made [your submission](https://reddit.com$REMOVED_POST_PERMALINK) visible to everyone.
- SORRY_REPLY: 'You are past the $MAX_TIME_ALLOWANCE-hour time window. Your submission would be buried if it were approved now. Please re-submit.'
- Your submission has been removed by another moderator. This bot is unable to override this action.
- ---
- [Contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any concerns](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy)
- RULES_URL: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules'
- REQUIRED_REPLY: 'Approve my post' # for use with rapidfuzz
- REQUIRED_REPLY_RE: 'App?rove \w+ post' # regex
- # Regex capture for the first instance of hyperlinked URL (first instance of text surrounded by parentheses) in a string
- # References the permalink of the removed URL indicated in REMOVAL_MESSAGE
- # to help the bot decide whether to report the submission after approving it
- 'trying to \w+ a ((tv )?show|movie|series)',
- 'can \w+ help me (find|torrent|stream)',
- 'looking for a ((tv )?show|movie|series)',
- 'where (i can|can i|to) (download|get|stream|watch|torrent|find)',
- 'anyone know (of )?a \w* ?(to )?(place|link|torrent)',
- 'best \w+ to (download|get|stream|watch|torrent)',
- 'free ([^\.,?!\n]+ ){1, 6} site',
- 'any good (link|place|\w*site)',
- '\b(download|get|stream|watch|torrent|find)\b[^\.,?!\n]+(show|movie|series)[^\.,?!]+\?\n',
- 'free download(?! manager)',
- 'safe link',
- 'looking for [^\.,?!\n]+(book|movie|show|link|site|place|download|free)',
- '(any|where|site|link)[\w ]+book[\w ]+free\?',
- '\bwhere (do|can)[^\.,?!\n]{2,15}(get[^\n\.,?!]+\?|find)',
- 'where (can i|do i|to) [^\.,?!\n]+free',
- '^looking for',
- '\ba [pd]m\b'
- ]
- # (regex) posts submitted with these flair types are eligible for removal (if user is new)
- '^Question$',
- '^Discussion$',
- '^Guide$',
- '^$' # empty flair
- ]