WelcomeBot_settings.yaml 3.9 KB

  1. # welcome message triggered by comments by new users
  2. WELCOME_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_TITLE: 'Message from /r/Piracy'
  4. Welcome to /r/Piracy! You are receiving this message because you are new to the subreddit. If you are not new, then don't worry, you will not be messaged a second time!
  5. ---
  6. We have [**a wiki**](https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki), containing a Megathread of pirate sites, tools, FAQ, guides, and other useful resources.
  7. [Please make sure to read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules), as it will help to save the subreddit and yourself from being banned in the possible future.
  8. Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via google - example: https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg
  9. # message to send to a new user after having their submission removed
  10. REMOVAL_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_TITLE: 'Concerning your /r/Piracy submission'
  12. Hello there, I am a bot. Since you are new to the /r/Piracy subreddit, [your submission](https://reddit.com$REMOVED_POST_PERMALINK) is not yet visible to everyone.
  13. If your question is not answered by the wiki (linked below) and it doesn't break the rules (also linked below), then you may reply to this message with "**$REQUIRED_REPLY**" for your message to be made visible.
  14. ---
  15. [**Link to the wiki**](https://reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/index), which contains a Megathread of pirate sites, tools, FAQ, and other useful resources.
  16. **Please read [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules), especially rule 3: Do not request for or link to specific pirated titles (ie. specific movie, book, etc).**
  17. **Your question also may have been asked previously - you can search the subreddit via google - example: https://i.imgur.com/1jA767u.jpg**
  18. [//]: # (identifier: removal message by WelcomeBot)
  19. ALLS_GOOD_REPLY: Thank you. I've made [your submission](https://reddit.com$REMOVED_POST_PERMALINK) visible to everyone.
  20. SORRY_REPLY: 'You are past the $MAX_TIME_ALLOWANCE-hour time window. Your submission would be buried if it were approved now. Please re-submit.'
  22. Your submission has been removed by another moderator. This bot is unable to override this action.
  23. ---
  24. [Contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any concerns](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy)
  25. RULES_URL: 'https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/wiki/piracy_rules'
  26. REQUIRED_REPLY: 'Approve my post' # for use with rapidfuzz
  27. REQUIRED_REPLY_RE: 'App?rove \w+ post' # regex
  28. # Regex capture for the first instance of hyperlinked URL (first instance of text surrounded by parentheses) in a string
  29. # References the permalink of the removed URL indicated in REMOVAL_MESSAGE
  31. # to help the bot decide whether to report the submission after approving it
  33. 'trying to \w+ a ((tv )?show|movie|series)',
  34. 'can \w+ help me (find|torrent|stream)',
  35. 'looking for a ((tv )?show|movie|series)',
  36. 'where (i can|can i|to) (download|get|stream|watch|torrent|find)',
  37. 'anyone know (of )?a \w* ?(to )?(place|link|torrent)',
  38. 'best \w+ to (download|get|stream|watch|torrent)',
  39. 'free ([^\.,?!\n]+ ){1, 6} site',
  40. 'any good (link|place|\w*site)',
  41. '\b(download|get|stream|watch|torrent|find)\b[^\.,?!\n]+(show|movie|series)[^\.,?!]+\?\n',
  42. 'free download(?! manager)',
  43. 'safe link',
  44. 'looking for [^\.,?!\n]+(book|movie|show|link|site|place|download|free)',
  45. '(any|where|site|link)[\w ]+book[\w ]+free\?',
  46. '\bwhere (do|can)[^\.,?!\n]{2,15}(get[^\n\.,?!]+\?|find)',
  47. 'where (can i|do i|to) [^\.,?!\n]+free',
  48. '^looking for',
  49. '\ba [pd]m\b'
  50. ]
  51. # (regex) posts submitted with these flair types are eligible for removal (if user is new)
  53. '^Question$',
  54. '^Discussion$',
  55. '^Guide$',
  56. '^$' # empty flair
  57. ]