mapinfo.txt 4.0 KB

  1. gameinfo
  2. {
  3. playerclasses = "SapphirePlayer"
  4. AddEventHandlers = "NashGoreHandler"
  5. dimcolor = "12272C"
  6. dimamount = 0.5
  7. fullscreenautoaspect = 3
  8. infopage = "CREDIT"
  9. addinfopage = "HELP"
  10. borderflat = "TDCMWL01"
  11. statscreen_single = "SaphStatusScreen"
  12. MenuFontColor_Title = "SCyan1"
  13. MenuFontColor_Selection = "SCyan1"
  14. MenuFontColor_Highlight = "SCyan2"
  15. MenuFontColor_Label = "SCyan2"
  16. }
  17. defaultmap
  18. {
  19. lightmode = 1
  20. ForceFallingDamage //this to prevent enemies from survive if pushed away into the space by the BHgen weapon - Ozy81
  21. MonsterFallingDamage //this to prevent enemies from survive if pushed away into the space by the BHgen weapon - Ozy81
  22. // Force breaking compatibility options off
  23. compat_maskedmidtex = 0
  24. compat_trace = 0
  25. }
  26. map map01 "Sapphire Orbital Research"
  27. {
  28. sky1 = ORBITAL, 0.20
  29. skyrotate = 0.6, 0.4, 0.3
  30. music = "D_MAP01"
  31. par = "2100"
  32. cluster = 1
  33. next = "ENDGAMEC"
  34. intermusic = "D_DM2TTL"
  35. enterpic = "INTERPIC"
  36. exitpic = "INTERPIC"
  37. }
  38. doomednums
  39. {
  40. 69 = HellKnightGreen
  41. 3003 = BaronOfHellGreen
  42. 3005 = CacoDemonBlue
  43. 3006 = LostSoulSmoke
  44. 22250 = Hectebus
  45. 22251 = BHGen
  46. 22252 = EndShip
  47. 30110 = Demolisher
  48. 31102 = LightRay_Regular
  49. 31103 = LightRay_Wallsprite
  50. 31104 = GrassSpawner
  51. 31105 = LightRay2_Regular
  52. 31106 = LightRay2_Wallsprite
  53. }
  54. spawnnums
  55. {
  56. 191 = LostSoulSmoke
  57. 192 = CacoDemonBlue
  58. 193 = HellKnightGreen
  59. 194 = BaronOfHellGreen
  60. 195 = EndShip //here for testing skybox usage, must be replaced with something else - ozy81
  61. 253 = Hectebus
  62. 254 = Demolisher
  63. }
  64. ////////////////////////////////
  65. //////// CAST CALL /////////////
  66. ////////////////////////////////
  67. Intermission Inter_Cast
  68. {
  69. Image
  70. {
  71. // This is only here to initialize the background and the music
  72. Background = "bossback"
  73. Time = -1
  74. Music = "d_boss"
  75. }
  76. Link = SaphCast
  77. }
  78. Intermission SaphCast
  79. {
  80. Cast
  81. {
  82. CastClass = "Zombieman"
  83. CastName = "$CC_ZOMBIE"
  84. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "grunt/attack"
  85. }
  86. Cast
  87. {
  88. CastClass = "ShotgunGuy"
  89. CastName = "$CC_SHOTGUN"
  90. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "shotguy/attack"
  91. }
  92. Cast
  93. {
  94. CastClass = "ChaingunGuy"
  95. CastName = "$CC_HEAVY"
  96. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "chainguy/attack"
  97. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "chainguy/attack"
  98. AttackSound = "Missile", 3, "chainguy/attack"
  99. }
  100. Cast
  101. {
  102. CastClass = "DoomImp"
  103. CastName = "$CC_IMP"
  104. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "imp/attack"
  105. }
  106. Cast
  107. {
  108. CastClass = "Demon"
  109. CastName = "$CC_DEMON"
  110. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "demon/melee"
  111. }
  112. Cast
  113. {
  114. CastClass = "LostSoul"
  115. CastName = "$CC_LOST"
  116. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skull/melee"
  117. }
  118. Cast
  119. {
  120. CastClass = "Cacodemon"
  121. CastName = "$CC_CACO"
  122. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "caco/attack"
  123. }
  124. Cast
  125. {
  126. CastClass = "HellKnight"
  127. CastName = "$CC_HELL"
  128. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
  129. }
  130. Cast
  131. {
  132. CastClass = "BaronOfHell"
  133. CastName = "$CC_BARON"
  134. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baron/attack"
  135. }
  136. Cast
  137. {
  138. CastClass = "Arachnotron"
  139. CastName = "$CC_ARACH"
  140. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "baby/attack"
  141. }
  142. Cast
  143. {
  144. CastClass = "PainElemental"
  145. CastName = "$CC_PAIN"
  146. AttackSound = "Missile", 2, "skull/melee"
  147. }
  148. Cast
  149. {
  150. CastClass = "Revenant"
  151. CastName = "$CC_REVEN"
  152. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "skeleton/attack"
  153. AttackSound = "Melee", 1, "skeleton/swing"
  154. AttackSound = "Melee", 3, "skeleton/melee"
  155. }
  156. Cast
  157. {
  158. CastClass = "Fatso"
  159. CastName = "$CC_MANCU"
  160. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "fatso/attack"
  161. AttackSound = "Missile", 4, "fatso/attack"
  162. AttackSound = "Missile", 7, "fatso/attack"
  163. }
  164. Cast
  165. {
  166. CastClass = "Archvile"
  167. CastName = "$CC_ARCH"
  168. AttackSound = "Missile", 1, "vile/start"
  169. }
  170. Cast
  171. {
  172. CastClass = "Hectebus"
  173. CastName = "Hectebus"
  174. AttackSound = "Missile1", 0, "Hectebus/Attack"
  175. AttackSound = "Missile2", 0, "Hectebus/Attack"
  176. }
  177. Cast
  178. {
  179. CastClass = "Demolisher"
  180. CastName = "Demolisher"
  181. AttackSound = "Missile", 0, "monster/dematk"
  182. AttackSound = "Missile", 26, "spider/attack"
  183. }
  184. Cast
  185. {
  186. CastClass = "DoomPlayer"
  187. CastName = "$CC_HERO"
  188. AttackSound = "Missile", 0, "weapons/sshotf"
  189. }
  190. Link = SaphCast // restart cast call
  191. }