doomednums.txt 3.0 KB

  1. /*
  2. * HPack MAPINFO: DoomEdNums
  3. */
  4. DoomEdNums
  5. {
  6. 10000 = FireSpawner
  7. 10010 = RainSpawner
  8. 16082 = ToTLBrassTorch
  9. 16104 = TOTLTwinedTorch
  10. 16081 = ToTLSkullTorch
  11. 32484 = SnakeBrazierBrass
  12. 32485 = SnakeBrazierGold
  13. 32486 = SnakeBrazierJade
  14. 16106 = ZWallTorchNew
  15. 16110 = ZFireBullNew
  16. 16131 = HPMagicWallTorch
  17. 10302 = EtherealStatueRed
  18. 10303 = EtherealStatueBlue
  19. 10300 = DSparilStatue
  20. 10304 = SpikeTrap
  21. 12457 = VolcanoPurple
  22. 15001 = Darkness
  23. 16125 = HPZCandleFloating
  24. 58 = TeleGlitterGenerator3
  25. 59 = TeleGlitterGenerator4
  26. 60 = TeleGlitterGenerator5
  27. 61 = TeleGlitterGenerator6
  28. 62 = TeleGlitterGenerator7
  29. 63 = RandomStarFountain
  30. 209 = WhiteSparkleSpawner
  31. 210 = BlueSparkleSpawner
  32. 211 = GreenSparkleSpawner
  33. 212 = RedSparkleSpawner
  34. 213 = YellowSparkleSpawner
  35. 214 = PurpleSparkleSpawner
  36. 215 = CyanSparkleSpawner
  37. 240 = EmberSpawner
  38. 501 = GreenStarSpawner
  39. 502 = BlueStarSpawner
  40. 503 = WhiteStarSpawner
  41. 504 = RedStarSpawner
  42. 505 = OrangeStarSpawner
  43. 506 = PurpleStarSpawner
  44. 11101 = HPFountainBlue
  45. 11102 = HPFountainRed
  46. 11103 = HPFountainBlack
  47. 11104 = HPFountainGreen
  48. 11105 = HPFountainOlive
  49. 11106 = HPFountainPurple
  50. 11107 = HPFountainWhite
  51. 11108 = HPFountainYellow
  52. 11109 = HPFountainGold
  53. 11110 = HPFountainBrown
  54. 11111 = HPFountainFire
  55. 11112 = HPFountainIceGray
  56. 11113 = HPFountainIceBlue
  57. 11201 = HPFountainLineBlue
  58. 11202 = HPFountainLineRed
  59. 11203 = HPFountainLineBlack
  60. 11204 = HPFountainLineGreen
  61. 11205 = HPFountainLineOlive
  62. 11206 = HPFountainLinePurple
  63. 11207 = HPFountainLineWhite
  64. 11208 = HPFountainLineYellow
  65. 11209 = HPFountainLineGold
  66. 11210 = HPFountainLineBrown
  67. 11211 = HPFountainLineFire
  68. 11212 = HPFountainLineIceGray
  69. 11213 = HPFountainLineIceBlue
  70. 11250 = HPVortex
  71. 11251 = HPVortexRockSpawner
  72. 11252 = HPSkySoulSpawner
  73. 11253 = HPLecternBook
  74. 11255 = HPLecternBookPageFlip
  75. 3999 = Satyr
  76. 12345 = InfernoDemon
  77. 16516 = ArchWizard
  78. 20001 = HellRose
  79. 30133 = Wicked
  80. 5213 = ArtiRoyalDagger
  81. 18765 = ArtiScrollOfHellfire
  82. 19998 = ArtiScimitar
  83. 13001 = ShrineTeleport
  84. 13002 = ShrineEgg
  85. 13003 = ShrineTimeBomb
  86. 13004 = ShrineInvisibility
  87. 13005 = ShrineInvulnerability
  88. 13006 = ShrineHighJump
  89. 13007 = ShrineHealth
  90. 13008 = ShrineTomeOfPower
  91. 13009 = ShrineFly
  92. 13010 = ShrineFireBoots
  93. 13011 = ShrineSuperHealth
  94. 13012 = ShrineTomeOfMight
  95. 13013 = ShrineTorch
  96. 13014 = ShrineBlastRadius
  97. 13015 = ShrineRoyalDagger
  98. 13016 = ShrineDepthsTalisman
  99. 13017 = ShrineScrollOfHellfire
  100. 13018 = ShrineMasterScroll
  101. 13019 = ShrineMaskOfTerror
  102. 13020 = ShrineRingOfRegeneration
  103. 13021 = ShrineAegisWard
  104. 13022 = ShrineTomeOfEternity
  105. 13023 = ShrineScimitar
  106. 16453 = HPSunstaff
  107. 20345 = HPMorphWand
  108. 23125 = HPStaffChaos
  109. 23465 = HPDSparilGauntlets
  110. 30156 = Squirrel
  111. // Deprecated actors; these will be removed once maps are updated to not use 'em.
  112. 3106 = DragonFamiliar
  113. 14563 = ShadowDragon
  114. 16249 = BloodLich
  115. 16518 = ChaosWyvern
  116. 16601 = HPBeastStrong
  117. 17051 = HPSuperGargoyle
  118. 19273 = JumpClink
  119. 20002 = HornBeast
  120. 16105 = HPZTwinedTorchUnlit
  121. 16107 = ZWallTorchUnlitNew
  122. 16111 = ZFireBullUnlitNew
  123. }