language.enu 8.3 KB

  1. // <XA> This is the entire language.enu definition for now, sanely organized with some slight changes.
  2. // Future versions will only contain what's necessary and such, so as to not stomp on eveyone's toes.
  3. [enu default]
  4. // Maps
  5. MAP_AUTHOR_FORMAT = "by %s";
  6. // Items & weapons
  7. TXT_WPNSTAFF = "Elven Staff";
  8. TXT_WPNWAND = "Elven Wand"; // not "Gold Wand," since it's referred to as the "Elvenwand" in-game.
  9. TXT_WPNDSPARILS = "Hand of D'sparil";
  10. TXT_WPNSUNSTAFF = "Lightbringer";
  11. TXT_WPNSTAFFCHAOS = "Staff of Chaos";
  12. TXT_WPNPOLYMORPH = "Polymorph Wand";
  13. TXT_AMMOCHAOS1 = "Chaos Rune";
  14. TXT_AMMOCHAOS2 = "Chaos Sigil";
  15. TXT_AMMOCHAOS3 = "Chaos Glyph";
  16. TXT_AMMOSUNSTAFF1 = "Sun Stone";
  17. TXT_AMMOSUNSTAFF2 = "Solar Prism";
  18. TXT_AMMOSUNSTAFF3 = "Radiant Gem";
  19. TXT_AMMOMORPH1 = "Petrified Acorn";
  20. TXT_AMMOMORPH2 = "Pile of Petrified Acorns";
  21. TXT_AMMOMORPH3 = "Petrified Acorns";
  22. TXT_AMMOGOLDWAND3 = "Crystal Gem";
  23. TXT_AMMOCROSSBOW3 = "Bundle of Ethereal Arrows";
  24. TXT_AMMOBLASTER3 = "Power Orb";
  25. TXT_AMMOSKULLROD3 = "Median Runes";
  26. TXT_AMMOPHOENIXROD3 = "Blaze Orb";
  27. TXT_AMMOMACE3 = "Greater Mace Sphere";
  28. TXT_ARTIMEDIUMHEALTH = "Crystal Philter";
  29. TXT_ARTIJUMP = "Boots of Jumping";
  30. TXT_ARTITOMEOFMIGHT = "Tome of Might";
  31. TXT_ARTITOMEOFETERNITY = "Tome of Eternity";
  32. TXT_ARTIMASTERSCROLL = "Scroll of the Master";
  33. TXT_ARTIROYALDAGGER = "Royal Dagger";
  34. TXT_ARTISCIMITAR = "Scimitar of the Sages";
  35. TXT_ARTITALISMANDEPTHS = "Talisman of the Depths";
  36. TXT_ARTIREGENERATION = "Ring of Regeneration";
  37. TXT_ARTIHELLFIRE = "Scroll of Hellfire";
  38. TXT_ARTIAEGISWARD = "Aegis Ward";
  39. TXT_ARTITERRORMASK = "Mask of Terror";
  40. TXT_ARTIFIREBOOTS = "Boots of the Firewalker";
  41. TXT_GOTREDKEY = "Red Key";
  42. TXT_FOODCHICKEN = "Chicken Wing";
  43. TXT_FOODBREAD = "Loaf of Bread";
  44. TXT_FOODCHEESE = "Slice of Cheese";
  45. TXT_FOODAPPLE1 = "Green Apple";
  46. TXT_FOODAPPLE2 = "Red Apple";
  47. TXT_FIREWALLFAILED = "Cannot use underwater!";
  48. // Locked Doors
  49. TXT_NEEDBLUEKEY = "\cCYou need a \cHBlue Key\cC to open this door";
  50. TXT_NEEDGREENKEY = "\cCYou need a \cDGreen Key\cC to open this door";
  51. TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEY = "\cCYou need a \cKYellow Key\cC to open this door";
  52. TXT_NEEDREDKEY = "\cCYou need a \cGRed Key\cC to open this door";
  53. TXT_NEEDBLUEKEYO = "\cCYou need a \cHBlue Key\cC to activate this object";
  54. TXT_NEEDGREENKEYO = "\cCYou need a \cDGreen Key\cC to activate this object";
  55. TXT_NEEDYELLOWKEYO = "\cCYou need a \cKYellow Key\cC to activate this object";
  56. TXT_NEEDREDKEYO = "\cCYou need a \cGRed Key\cC to activate this object";
  57. PD_ALL4 = "\cCYou need \cJAll Four Keys\cC to open this door";
  58. PD_ALL4O = "\cCYou need \cJAll Four Keys\cC to activate this object";
  59. PD_COOLCOLOR = "\cCYou need a \cDGreen\cC or \cHBlue Key\cC to open this door";
  60. PD_COOLCOLORO = "\cCYou need a \cDGreen\cC or \cHBlue Key\cC to activate this object";
  61. PD_WARMCOLOR = "\cCYou need a \cGRed\cC or \cKYellow Key\cC to open this door";
  62. PD_WARMCOLORO = "\cCYou need a \cGRed\cC or \cKYellow Key\cC to activate this object";
  63. PD_BOTHCOLORTYPE = "\cCYou need a \cWCool-Colored Key\cC and a \cXWarm-Colored Key\cC to open this door";
  64. PD_BOTHCOLORTYPEO = "\cCYou need a \cWCool-Colored Key\cC and a \cXWarm-Colored Key\cC to activate this object";
  65. PD_ANYKEY = "\cCYou need a \cJPrismatic Key\cC to open this door";
  66. PD_ANYKEYO = "\cCYou need a \cJPrismatic Key\cC to activate this object";
  67. // Obituaries
  68. OB_ACOLYTE = "An Acolyte of Chaos was promoted for killing %o.";
  69. OB_ARCHWIZARD = "%o was no match for the Arch-Wizard.";
  70. OB_BISHOP = "%o succumbed to the power of a Bishop of Chaos.";
  71. OB_BLOODLICH = "%o was reduced to a pile of ash by a Blood Lich.";
  72. OB_CHAMPION = "%o was defeated by an Undead Champion.";
  73. OB_CHAMPIONH = "%o was slaughtered by an Undead Champion.";
  74. OB_CULTIST = "%o was killed by a lowly Cultist.";
  75. OB_DARKLICH = "%o did not learn to flee the Dark Lich";
  76. OB_DEMON3 = "%o was blasted by a Magma Serpent.";
  77. OB_DEMON3H = "%o was chewed by a Magma Serpent.";
  78. OB_DARKNESSRIFT = "%o overwhelmed by a Darkness Rift";
  79. OB_DARKNESSRIFTH = "%o was choked by a Darkness Rift";
  80. OB_DEATHKNIGHT = "%o thought he could battle a Deathknight and live.";
  81. OB_DEATHKNIGHTH = "A Deathknight hacked %o into pieces.";
  82. OB_DISCIPLE = "%o was smitten by an Apostle of Chaos.";
  83. OB_FALLEN = "%o was burned by a Fallen.";
  84. OB_FROSTIMP = "%o was rammed by a Frost Gargoyle.";
  85. OB_FROSTIMPH = "%o was frostbitten by a Gargoyle.";
  86. OB_FROSTIMPL = "%o was frozen stiff by a Frost Gargoyle.";
  87. OB_GHOUL = "%o fell to a Ghoul's toxins.";
  88. OB_GHOULH = "%o was beaten to death by a Ghoul.";
  89. OB_GHAST = "%o was spooked by a Ghast.";
  90. OB_GHASTH = "%o was ripped apart by a Ghast.";
  91. OB_GUARDIAN = "%o was fried by a Guardian Cube.";
  92. OB_HELLROSE = "%o became fertilizer for a Hell Rose.";
  93. OB_ICELICH = "%o was frozen by an Ice Lich";
  94. OB_INFERNODEMON = "%o was sent to burn in the fires of Hell for an eternity.";
  95. OB_NIGHTSHADE = "%o couldn't escape the Nightshade.";
  96. OB_SATYR = "%o was stung by a Satyr's arrow.";
  97. OB_SENTINEL = "%o was blasted away by a Sentinel.";
  98. OB_SHADOWBEAST = "%o was killed by a Shadow Beast.";
  99. OB_SHADOWCLAW = "%o was decapitated by a Shadowclaw.";
  100. OB_SKULLWIZARD = "%o succumbed to an Augur of Chaos's magic.";
  101. OB_SNAKEWEAK = "%o was singed by an Ophidian offspring.";
  102. OB_SNAKESTRONG = "%o was shocked by the firepower of the Ophidian Lord.";
  103. OB_SONOFDSPARIL = "%o fell before one who claims to be a Son of D'Sparil.";
  104. OB_SQUIRREL = "%o was too nutty for %p own good.";
  105. OB_WICKED = "%o was blasted by a Wicked.";
  106. OB_WIZARD = "%o was cursed by a Disciple of Chaos.";
  107. OB_WIZARDHIT = "%o was palpated by a Disciple of Chaos.";
  108. OB_WRAITH = "%o felt the chill of a Wraith.";
  109. OB_MPSTAFF = "%o got Staffed by %k.";
  110. OB_MPGAUNTLETS = "%o was shockingly destroyed by %k's Gauntlets.";
  111. OB_MPGOLDWAND = "%o waved goodbye to %k's Wand.";
  112. OB_MPCROSSBOW = "%o swallowed a shaft of ethereal death from %k's Crossbow.";
  113. OB_MPBLASTER = "%o was blasted a new one by %k's Dragon Claw.";
  114. OB_MPSKULLROD = "%o got sent down under by %k's Hellstaff.";
  115. OB_MPPHOENIXROD = "%o was scorched to cinders by %k's Phoenix Rod.";
  116. OB_MPMACE = "%o got a Mace to the face from $k.";
  117. OB_MPDSPARILS = "%o was seared to a crisp by %k's Hand of D'Sparil.";
  118. OB_MPSUNSTAFF = "%o was blinded by the glory of %k's Lightbringer staff.";
  119. OB_MPSQUIRREL = "%o was not a tough nut to crack for %k.";
  120. OB_MPSTAFFCHAOS = "%o could not hide from %k's chaotic energy.";
  121. OB_COSTSTAFFCHAOS = "%o succumbed to the forces of Chaos.";
  122. OB_MPROYALDAGGER = "%o was assassinated by %k's royal dagger.";
  123. OB_MPSCIMITAR = "%o was bisected by %k's scimitar.";
  124. OB_HELLFIRE = "%o tried to walk through a wall of fire";
  125. // Friendly names for monsters
  126. FN_ACOLYTE = "Acolyte of Chaos";
  127. FN_ARCHWIZARD = "Arch-Wizard";
  128. FN_BISHOP = "Bishop of Chaos";
  129. FN_CHAMPION = "Undead Champion";
  130. FN_CULTIST = "Cultist";
  131. FN_DARKLICH = "Dark Lich";
  132. FN_DEMON3 = "Magma Serpent";
  133. FN_DEATHKNIGHT = "Deathknight";
  134. FN_DISCIPLE = "Apostle of Chaos";
  135. FN_FALLEN = "Fallen";
  136. FN_FROSTIMP = "Frost Gargoyle";
  137. FN_GHOUL = "Ghoul";
  138. FN_GUARDIAN = "Guardian Cube";
  139. FN_HELLROSE = "Hell Rose";
  140. FN_HELLROSEBRAMBLE = "Hell Rose Bramble";
  141. FN_ICELICH = "Ice Lich";
  142. FN_INFERNODEMON = "Inferno Demon";
  143. FN_NIGHTSHADE = "Nightshade";
  144. FN_SATYR = "Satyr";
  145. FN_SENTINEL = "Sentinel";
  146. FN_SHADOWBEAST = "Shadow Beast";
  147. FN_SHADOWCLAW = "Shadowclaw";
  148. FN_SKULLWIZARD = "Augur of Chaos";
  149. FN_SNAKEWEAK = "Ophidian Offspring";
  150. FN_SNAKESTRONG = "Ophidian Lord";
  151. FN_SONOFDSPARIL = "Son of D'Sparil";
  152. FN_SQUIRREL = "Squirrel";
  153. FN_WICKED = "Wicked";
  154. FN_WIZARD = "Disciple of Chaos";
  155. // Tags
  156. TAG_DSPARILSG = "Hand of D'Sparil";
  157. TAG_DSPARILSGP = "Hand of D'Sparil Powered";
  158. TAG_SUNSTAFF = "Lightbringer";
  159. TAG_SUNSTAFF = "Lightbringer Powered";
  160. TAG_STAFFOFCHAOS = "Staff of Chaos";
  161. TAG_STAFFOFCHAOS = "Staff of Chaos Powered";
  162. TAG_POLYMORPHWAND = "Polymorph Wand";
  163. TAG_POLYMORPHWAND = "Polymorph Wand Powered";
  164. TAG_ARTIJUMP = "Boots of Jumping";
  165. TAG_ARTITOMEOFMIGHT = "Tome of Might";
  166. TAG_ARTITOMEOFETERNITY = "Tome of Eternity";
  167. TAG_ARTIMASTERSCROLL = "Scroll of the Master";
  168. TAG_ARTIROYALDAGGER = "Royal Dagger";
  169. TAG_ARTISCIMITAR = "Scimitar of the Sages";
  170. TAG_ARTILICHSKULL = "Lich Skull";
  171. TAG_ARTITALISMANDEPTHS = "Talisman of the Depths";
  172. TAG_ARTIREGENERATION = "Ring of Regeneration";
  173. TAG_ARTIHELLFIRE = "Scroll of Hellfire";
  174. TAG_ARTIAEGISWARD = "Aegis Ward";
  175. TAG_ARTITERRORMASK = "Mask of Terror";
  176. TAG_ARTIFIREBOOTS = "Boots of the Firewalker";