Exile mod: Artifacts
Rare Technology, treasures, relics etc. Not craftable by the player.
Authors of source code
Dokimi (GPLv3)
Map adapted from Minetest Game mod map: paramat (MIT)
Bell adapted from Bell by Sokomine (GPLv3)
Wayfinder adapted from ccompass (Echo's compass WFTPL, enhanced by bell07 MIT)
Airboat adapted from Airboat by paramat (MIT)
Authors of media (sounds)
original bell sound licensed under cc0 by dsp9000 from http://www.freesound.org/people/dsp9000/sounds/76405/
modified by mootpoint licensed under cc0
Wayfinder CC BY-SA by tacotexmex
airboat gear sounds: Attribution 3.0, Mike Koenig
http://soundbible.com/932-Gear-Shift-Into-Drive.html, http://soundbible.com/830-Door-Unlock.html
artifacts_bouncy.ogg - by Blender Foundation - CC BY 3.0 opengameart.org/content/funny-comic-cartoon-bounce-sound
Authors of media (textures)
Unless stated, Dokimi (CC BY-SA 3.0)
mapping_kit.png, TumeniNodes & paramat (CC BY-SA 3.0)