123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172 |
- # $Id: PKGBUILD 114755 2014-07-03 20:47:41Z heftig $
- # Maintainer (Arch): Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <jan.steffens@gmail.com>
- # Contributor (Arch): Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org>
- # Contributor (Arch): dorphell <dorphell@archlinux.org>
- # Maintainer (Hyperbola): André Silva <emulatorman@hyperbola.info>
- # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe>
- _pkgbasename=sdl
- pkgname=lib32-$_pkgbasename
- pkgver=1.2.15
- pkgrel=7.parabola1
- pkgdesc="A library for portable low-level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, and keyboard (32-bit), without nonfree riva_mmio.h file"
- arch=('x86_64')
- url="http://www.libsdl.org"
- license=('LGPL')
- conflicts=('lib32-sdl-libre')
- replaces=('lib32-sdl-libre')
- depends=('lib32-libxext' 'lib32-libxrender' 'lib32-libx11' $_pkgbasename)
- makedepends=('lib32-alsa-lib' 'lib32-mesa' 'lib32-libpulse' 'lib32-glu' gcc-multilib)
- optdepends=('lib32-alsa-lib: ALSA audio driver'
- 'lib32-libpulse: PulseAudio audio driver')
- options=('staticlibs')
- source=(https://repo.parabola.nu/other/sdl-libre/SDL-libre-${pkgver}.tar.gz
- sdl-1.2.14-fix-mouse-clicking.patch
- sdl-1.2.14-disable-mmx.patch
- fix_joystick_misc_axes.diff
- libsdl-1.2.15-resizing.patch
- sdl_x11sym.patch
- X11_KeyToUnicode.patch
- libre.patch)
- md5sums=('6b9b5ac27428e1a3b96c50604f2b1c40'
- '04d8c179f125e04bcd4c9d60e013c2d7'
- 'e5c16b7611f62c7cb25f0534eff68852'
- '687586a108b597a2a6b73070c1d37e51'
- '3dd50347d8856160a9cbd7f80383a1f8'
- '148b285bccee9d21bb96db807363b962'
- 'edea272dff4698470877c016d818918d'
- '71fb007f43825950d0ec7558a30253e0')
- prepare() {
- cd SDL-$pkgver
- patch -Np1 -i ../sdl-1.2.14-fix-mouse-clicking.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../sdl-1.2.14-disable-mmx.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../fix_joystick_misc_axes.diff
- patch -Np1 -i ../libsdl-1.2.15-resizing.patch
- patch -Np0 -i ../sdl_x11sym.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../X11_KeyToUnicode.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../libre.patch
- }
- build() {
- export CC="gcc -m32"
- export CXX="g++ -m32"
- export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig"
- cd SDL-$pkgver
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-nasm --enable-alsa \
- --with-x --disable-rpath --disable-static --libdir=/usr/lib32
- make
- }
- package() {
- cd SDL-$pkgver
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/{include,share}
- cd "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- mv sdl-config sdl-config-32
- }