123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868 |
- import discord
- from discord.ext.commands import Cog, command, Context
- from discord.ext.pages import Paginator
- import asyncio # used to run async functions within regular functions
- import subprocess # for running ffprobe and getting duration of files
- from os import getenv, path, makedirs
- from time import time # performance tracking
- import random # for shuffling the queue
- import math # for ceiling function in queue pages
- from functools import partial
- import logging
- if not path.exists('.logs'):
- makedirs('.logs')
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- fh = logging.FileHandler('.logs/music.log')
- formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s | %(name)s | [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- fh.setFormatter(formatter)
- if not len(logger.handlers):
- logger.addHandler(fh)
- def setup(bot: discord.Bot):
- bot.add_cog(Music(bot))
- def format_time(d: int) -> str:
- """Convert seconds to timestamp"""
- h = d // 3600
- m = d % 3600 // 60
- s = d % 60
- if h:
- return '{}:{:02}:{:02}'.format(h,m,s)
- return '{}:{:02}'.format(m,s)
- def format_date(d: str) -> str:
- """Convert YYYYMMDD to YYYY/MM/DD"""
- return f"{d[:4]}/{d[4:6]}/{d[6:]}"
- class Track:
- def __init__(
- self,
- *,
- source: str,
- requester: discord.User,
- title: str = None,
- original_url: str = None,
- duration = None,
- author: str = None,
- author_icon: str = None,
- data: dict = None,
- ):
- self.source = source
- self.requester = requester
- self.title = title
- self.original_url = original_url
- self.duration = duration
- self.author = author
- self.data = data
- def __repr__(self):
- return f"<Track {self.source=} {self.requester=} {self.title=} {self.duration=}"
- def __str__(self):
- title = f"**{self.title}**" if self.title else f"`{self.source}`"
- duration = f" ({format_time(int(self.duration))})" if self.duration else " (?:??)"
- return (
- title + duration + f"\nRequested by {self.requester.display_name} ({self.requester})"
- if self.requester
- else
- title + duration + f"\nRequested by ???"
- )
- class Player(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
- def __init__(self,
- source,
- duration,
- *,
- data = None,
- ffmpeg_options = {"options": "-vn"},
- ):
- super().__init__(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source, **ffmpeg_options))
- self.packets_read = 0
- self.source = source
- self.duration = duration
- self.data = data
- logger.info(f"Player created for {source}")
- @classmethod
- async def prepare_file(cls, track: Track, *, loop):
- loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
- logger.info(f"Preparing player from file: {track.source}")
- return cls(track.source, track.duration, data = track.data, ffmpeg_options = {"options": "-vn"})
- @classmethod
- async def prepare_stream(cls, track: Track, *, loop):
- loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
- logger.info(f"Preparing player from stream: {track.source}")
- to_run = partial(ytdl.extract_info, url = track.source, download = False)
- data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, to_run)
- logger.info(f"Stream URL: {data['url']}")
- return cls(data['url'], track.duration, data = data, ffmpeg_options = {"options": "-vn", "before_options": "-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5"})
- def __repr__(self):
- return ''.join([f"{key=}\n" for key in self.__dict__ if key != "data"])
- def __str__(self):
- return (
- f"{self.original}\n"
- f"{self.progress}"
- )
- def read(self) -> bytes:
- data = self.original.read()
- if data:
- self.packets_read += 1
- return data
- @property
- def elapsed(self) -> float:
- return self.packets_read * 0.02 # each packet is 20ms
- @property
- def progress(self) -> str:
- elapsed = format_time(int(self.elapsed))
- duration = format_time(int(self.duration)) if self.duration else "?:??"
- return f"{elapsed} / {duration}"
- @property
- def length(self) -> str:
- return format_time(int(self.duration))
- class Music(Cog):
- """Play audio within a voice channel."""
- PAGE_SIZE = 10
- def __init__(self, bot: discord.Bot):
- self.bot: discord.Bot = bot
- self.q: list[Track] = [] # queue
- self.track: Track | None = None
- self.repeat_mode = Music.REPEAT_NONE
- self.search_results: dict = None
- self.i: int = -1 # initial value used for repeat mode
- self.h: list[Track] = [] # history
- print("Initialized Music cog")
- @command(aliases=['start', 'summon', 'connect'])
- async def join(self, ctx: Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
- """Joins a voice channel"""
- logger.info(f".join {channel}" if channel else ".join")
- if not channel: # Upon a raw "join" command without a channel specified,
- if not ctx.author.voice:
- msg = await ctx.send(
- "You must either be in a voice channel, "
- "or specify a voice channel in order to use this command"
- )
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: no channel specified, and {ctx.author} is not in a voice channel")
- return
- channel = ctx.author.voice.channel # bind to your current vc channel.
- if ctx.voice_client: # If the bot is in a different channel,
- await ctx.voice_client.move_to(channel) # move to your channel.
- logger.info(f"existing voice client moved to {channel}")
- return
- voice_client = await channel.connect() # Finally, join the chosen channel.
- if voice_client:
- logger.info("voice client created")
- @command(aliases=['quit', 'dismiss', 'disconnect'])
- async def leave(self, ctx: Context):
- """Stop+disconnect from voice"""
- logger.info(".leave")
- if ctx.voice_client:
- await ctx.voice_client.disconnect()
- logger.info("voice client disconnected")
- def get_duration_from_file(self, filename: str):
- cmd = subprocess.run(
- [
- 'ffprobe', '-v', 'error', '-show_entries', 'format=duration', '-of',
- 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', filename
- ],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- return float(cmd.stdout)
- async def get_tracks_from_query(self, ctx: Context, query: str):
- logger.debug(f"get_tracks_from_query() called for query: {query}")
- # Detect if the track should be downloaded
- download = False
- if query.endswith('!dl'):
- download = True
- query = query[:-3]
- elif query.endswith('!download'):
- download = True
- query = query[:-9]
- # Handle attachment playback
- if query == "file":
- logger.info(f"getting tracks from attachment")
- return await self.get_tracks_from_attachments(ctx)
- # Handle online playback
- elif query.startswith('http'):
- logger.info(f"getting tracks from url")
- return await self.get_tracks_from_url(ctx, query, download=download)
- # Handle local playback
- elif tracks := await self.get_tracks_from_path(ctx, query):
- logger.info(f"getting tracks from path to local file")
- return tracks
- # Do a youtube search if not found and no prior search
- elif not self.search_results:
- logger.info(f"performing a search result")
- return await self.search_youtube(ctx, query=query)
- # Handle prior search
- try:
- i = int(query) - 1
- except ValueError:
- logger.info(f"performing a search result")
- return await self.search_youtube(ctx, query=query)
- if i not in range(self.MAX_RESULTS + 1):
- return await ctx.send(f"Please provide an integer between 1 and {self.MAX_RESULTS}")
- url = self.search_results['entries'][i]['url']
- self.search_results = []
- logger.info(f"handling a prior search")
- return await self.get_tracks_from_url(ctx, url)
- async def get_tracks_from_url(self, ctx: Context, url: str, download: bool = False):
- logger.debug(f"get_tracks_from_url() called for URL: {url}")
- try:
- data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=download)
- # logger.debug(f"{data=}")
- # Detect tabs
- if data['extractor'] == 'youtube:tab' and not "entries" in data:
- logger.info("youtube:tab detected, no entries in data (so not a playlist)")
- data = ytdl.extract_info(data['url'], download=download) # process the playlist url
- logger.debug(f"{data=}")
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Exception thrown!")
- logger.error(f"{e=}")
- return e
- # Detect playlists
- entries = [data] # Assume that there is only one song.
- if "entries" in data: # If we're wrong, just overwrite our singlet list.
- entries = data["entries"] # yapf: disable
- # Create Track objects
- tracks = []
- for entry in entries:
- source = entry["url"]
- original_url = entry.get("original_url")
- title = entry.get("title", "(no title)")
- duration = None
- data = entry
- if not "duration" in data and not "duration_string" in data:
- logger.info("duration not found in entry's extracted data -- refetching")
- logger.debug(f"{data=}")
- start = time()
- data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=download)
- logger.info(f"Refetching data took {time() - start} seconds")
- if "duration" in data:
- duration = data["duration"]
- elif "duration_string" in data:
- d = [int(x) for x in data["duration_string"].split(':')]
- if len(d) == 2:
- m,s = d
- h = 0
- elif len(d) == 3:
- h,m,s = d
- duration = s + 60*m + 3600*h
- tracks.append(
- Track(
- source=source,
- original_url=original_url,
- requester=ctx.message.author,
- title=title,
- duration=duration,
- data=data
- )
- )
- logger.info(f"Got {len(tracks)} track(s) from URL")
- logger.debug(f"{tracks=}")
- return tracks
- async def get_tracks_from_path(self, ctx: Context, query: str):
- """Attempt to load a local file from path"""
- logger.debug(f"get_tracks_from_path() called for query: {query}")
- if "/.." in query:
- return None
- filename = f"sounds/normalized/{query}"
- try:
- player = discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename)
- except:
- return None
- if player.read():
- logger.info("filename is readable from path")
- return [
- Track(
- source=filename,
- requester=ctx.message.author,
- title=query,
- duration=self.get_duration_from_file(filename)
- )
- ]
- return None
- async def get_tracks_from_attachments(self, ctx: Context):
- """Fetch the attachment URL and convert it to a track"""
- logger.debug(f"get_tracks_from_attachment() called")
- attachments = ctx.message.attachments
- tracks = []
- for attachment in attachments:
- try:
- track = await self.get_tracks_from_url(ctx, attachment.url, download=False)
- tracks += track
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Exception thrown!")
- logger.error(f"{e=}")
- msg = await ctx.send(
- f"An error occurred while adding `{attachment.filename}`:\n"
- f"```{e.exc_info[1]}```"
- )
- if msg:
- logger.warning("Message sent: An error occurred while adding `{attachment.filename}`")
- return e
- logger.debug(f"{tracks=}")
- return tracks
- @command(name='search')
- async def search_youtube(self, ctx: Context, *, query: str):
- """Do a YouTube search for the given query"""
- logger.debug(f"search_youtube() called for query: {query}")
- try:
- self.search_results = ytdl.extract_info(f"ytsearch{self.MAX_RESULTS}:{query}", download=False)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Exception thrown!")
- logger.error(f"{e=}")
- msg = await ctx.send(
- f"An error occurred while searching for `{query}`:\n"
- f"```{e.exc_info[1]}```"
- )
- if msg:
- logger.warning(f"Message sent: An error occurred while searching for `{query}`")
- return e
- await self.results(ctx)
- @command()
- async def results(self, ctx: Context):
- """Show results of a prior search"""
- logger.debug(f"results() called")
- if not self.search_results:
- logger.info("No stored search results")
- msg = await ctx.send("There are no stored search results right now.")
- if msg:
- logger.warning("Message sent: There are no stored search results right now.")
- return
- embeds = []
- formatted_results = (
- f"Performed a search for `{self.search_results['id']}`.\n"
- "Which track would you like to play?\n"
- "Make your choice using the `play` command.\n\n"
- )
- for i, result in enumerate(self.search_results['entries']):
- result: dict
- if result['live_status'] == "is_upcoming":
- continue # skip YT Premieres
- title = result.get('title', '<no title found>')
- duration = format_time(int(result.get('duration'))) if ('duration' in result) else '?:??'
- uploader = result.get('channel', '<no uploader found>')
- views = "{:,}".format(result.get('view_count')) if ('view_count' in result) else '<no view count found>'
- image = result['thumbnails'][-1]['url']
- height = result['thumbnails'][-1]['height']
- width = result['thumbnails'][-1]['width']
- url = result['url']
- formatted_results += (
- f"{i+1}: **{title}** ({duration})\n"
- f"{uploader} - {views} views\n"
- )
- embeds.append(
- discord.Embed(
- title = title,
- url = url,
- type = 'image',
- colour = 0xff0000,
- ).add_field(
- name = "Duration",
- value = duration,
- ).add_field(
- name = "Views",
- value = views,
- ).add_field(
- name = "Uploaded by",
- value = uploader,
- ).set_thumbnail(
- url = image,
- )
- )
- msg = await ctx.send(formatted_results, embeds = embeds)
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: formatted_results")
- async def play_next(self, ctx: Context):
- logger.debug("play_next() called")
- if not ctx.voice_client:
- return
- if ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
- return
- logger.info(f"{self.track=}")
- if self.repeat_mode == Music.REPEAT_NONE:
- if not self.q:
- return await ctx.send("Finished playing queue.")
- self.track = self.q.pop(0)
- logger.info("Repeat none -- popped track from queue")
- elif self.repeat_mode == Music.REPEAT_ONE:
- self.track = self.track
- logger.info("Repeat one -- keeping track the same")
- elif self.repeat_mode == Music.REPEAT_ALL:
- self.i += 1
- if self.i >= len(self.q):
- self.i = 0
- self.track = self.q[self.i]
- logger.info("Repeat all -- advancing pointer without popping track")
- logger.info(f"{self.track=}")
- if self.track.source.startswith('http'):
- # detect private or unplayable videos here
- try:
- data = ytdl.extract_info(self.track.source, download=False)
- logger.debug(f"{data=}")
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Exception thrown!")
- logger.error(f"{e=}")
- await ctx.send(
- f"`{self.track.source}` is unplayable -- skipping...\n"
- f"```{e.exc_info[1]}```"
- )
- logger.warning(f"Skipping as unplayable: {self.track.source}")
- return await self.play_next(ctx)
- player = await Player.prepare_stream(self.track, loop = self.bot.loop)
- else:
- player = await Player.prepare_file(self.track, loop = self.bot.loop)
- logger.info("playing Player on the voice client")
- self.h += [self.track]
- ctx.voice_client.play(
- player,
- after=lambda e: self.after(ctx)
- )
- def after(self, ctx: Context):
- logger.debug("after() called")
- if not ctx.voice_client:
- logger.info("no voice client -- bot was disconnected from vc?")
- self.track = None
- self.q = []
- asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
- ctx.send(f"Clearing queue after bot left VC"),
- self.bot.loop
- ).result()
- logger.info("Cleared queue after bot left VC")
- return
- if not self.q and self.repeat_mode == Music.REPEAT_NONE:
- logger.info("queue empty and not repeating")
- self.track = None
- asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
- ctx.send(f"Finished playing queue."),
- self.bot.loop
- ).result()
- logger.info("Finished playing queue.")
- return
- if self.q and ctx.voice_client and not ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
- logger.info("queue exists and voice client is not playing")
- logger.debug(f"{self.q=}")
- logger.info("playing next...")
- asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
- self.play_next(ctx),
- self.bot.loop
- ).result()
- return
- def check_for_numbers(self, ctx: Context):
- """anti numbers action"""
- logger.debug("check_for_numbers() called")
- NUMBERS = 187024083471302656
- PIZZA = 320294046935547905
- RICKY = 949503750651936828
- if ctx.author.id in [
- ]:
- return False
- #if ctx.author.id != NUMBERS:
- # return False
- # if ctx.author.voice:
- # members = ctx.author.voice.channel.members
- # current_vc_members = {member.id for member in members}
- # other_members = current_vc_members - {NUMBERS} - {RICKY}
- # return (NUMBERS in current_vc_members) and not other_members
- return True
- async def add_to_queue(self,
- ctx: Context,
- query: str,
- top: bool = False
- ):
- logger.debug(f"add_to_queue({query}) called")
- # Check for permission to add tracks
- # allowed = self.check_for_numbers(ctx)
- # if not allowed:
- # logger.info(f"{ctx.author} is not allowed to add to queue")
- # #return await ctx.send(
- # #"You must be in a voice chat by yourself "
- # #"in order to use this command."
- # #)
- # return await ctx.send("No 💜")
- # Ensure we are connected to voice
- if not ctx.voice_client:
- logger.warning("no voice client")
- if ctx.author.voice:
- logger.info(f"moving voice client to {ctx.author.voice.channel}")
- await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect()
- else:
- msg = await ctx.send(
- "You are not connected to a voice channel. "
- "Use the `join` command with a specified channel "
- "or while connected to a channel before trying to "
- "play any tracks."
- )
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: author not in voice, and no voice client exists")
- return
- # Guard against errors
- tracks = await self.get_tracks_from_query(ctx, query)
- if isinstance(tracks, Exception):
- msg = await ctx.send(
- f"An error occurred while trying to add `{query}` to the queue:\n"
- f"```{tracks}```"
- )
- if msg:
- logger.warning(f"Message sent: An error occurred while trying to add `{query}` to the queue")
- return
- if not tracks: # a search was performed instead
- return
- # Add track(s) to queue
- if top:
- self.q = tracks + self.q
- else:
- self.q = self.q + tracks
- if ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
- if top:
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Added **{len(tracks)}** track(s) to top of queue.")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Added **{len(tracks)}** track(s) to top of queue.")
- return
- else:
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Added **{len(tracks)}** track(s) to queue.")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Added **{len(tracks)}** track(s) to queue.")
- return
- # If not playing, start playing
- if len(self.q) == 1:
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Playing **{self.q[0].title}**")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Playing **{self.q[0].title}**")
- else:
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Playing {len(tracks)} tracks.")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Playing {len(tracks)} tracks.")
- await self.play_next(ctx)
- @command(aliases=['p', 'listen'])
- async def play(self, ctx: Context, *, query: str = ""):
- """Add track(s) to queue"""
- if not query:
- msg = await ctx.send("No query detected")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Empty .play command was issued")
- return
- logger.info(f".play {query}")
- return await self.add_to_queue(ctx, query, top=False)
- @command(aliases=['ptop', 'top'])
- async def playtop(self, ctx: Context, *, query: str = ""):
- """Add tracks to top of queue"""
- if not query:
- msg = await ctx.send("No query detected")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Empty .playtop command was issued")
- return
- logger.info(f".playtop {query}")
- return await self.add_to_queue(ctx, query, top=True)
- # TODO: repeat once, repeat all, repeat none (repeat/loop command)
- # TODO: move positions of songs?
- # TODO: cleanup command for clearing songs requested by users not in vc?
- # TODO: remove duplicates?
- # TODO: remove range of songs
- # TODO: restart current song
- # TODO: seek command? [no fuckin idea how]
- # TODO: skip multiple songs?
- # TODO: autoplay???? [???????????]
- # TODO: filters? bass boost? nightcore? speed? [probs not]
- @command(aliases=['q'])
- async def queue(self, ctx: Context, p: int = 1):
- """Show tracks up next"""
- logger.info(f".queue {p}" if p else ".queue")
- # check that there is a queue and a current track
- if not self.q and not self.track:
- msg = await ctx.send("The queue is currently empty.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: The queue is currently empty.")
- return
- # paginate the queue to just one page
- full_queue = [self.track] + self.q
- start = self.PAGE_SIZE * (p-1)
- end = self.PAGE_SIZE * p
- queue_page = full_queue[start:end]
- # construct header
- formatted_results = f"{len(self.q)} tracks on queue.\n"
- total_pages = math.ceil(len(full_queue) / self.PAGE_SIZE)
- formatted_results += f"Page {p} of {total_pages}:\n"
- # construct page
- for i, track in enumerate(queue_page):
- if p == 1 and i == 0: # print nowplaying on first queue page
- formatted_results += "=== Currently playing ===\n"
- formatted_results += (
- f"{start+i+1}: {track}\n"
- )
- if p == 1 and i == 0: # add separator on first page for actually queued tracks
- formatted_results += "=== Up next ===\n"
- # send text to channel
- msg = await ctx.send(formatted_results)
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Sent queue page to channel")
- @command(aliases=['h'])
- async def history(self, ctx: Context, limit: int = 10):
- """Show recent actions"""
- logger.info(f".history {limit}" if limit else ".history")
- if not self.h:
- msg = await ctx.send("No available history in this session.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: No available history in this session.")
- return
- page = self.h[-limit:]
- formatted_results = f"Last {len(page)} tracks played:\n"
- for i, entry in enumerate(page):
- formatted_results += (
- f"{i - len(page)}: {entry}\n"
- )
- msg = await ctx.send(formatted_results)
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Sent history page to channel")
- @command(aliases=['np'])
- async def nowplaying(self, ctx: Context):
- """Show currently playing track"""
- logger.info(".nowplaying")
- if not self.track:
- msg = await ctx.send("Nothing is currently playing")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Nothing is currently playing")
- return
- if not ctx.voice_client:
- msg = await ctx.send("Bot is not currently connected to a voice channel")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Bot not connected to VC")
- return
- source: Player = ctx.voice_client.source
- embed = discord.Embed(
- title=f"{self.track.title}",
- url=f"{self.track.original_url}" if self.track.original_url else None,
- ).add_field(
- name="Progress",
- value=f"{source.progress}",
- ).set_footer(
- text=f"Requested by {self.track.requester.display_name} ({self.track.requester})",
- icon_url=f"{self.track.requester.display_avatar.url}",
- )
- thumb = None
- if self.track.data and "thumbnail" in self.track.data:
- thumb = self.track.data['thumbnail']
- elif self.track.data and "thumbnails" in self.track.data:
- thumb = self.track.data['thumbnails'][0]['url']
- if thumb:
- embed.set_thumbnail(
- url=thumb
- )
- msg = await ctx.send(
- f"Now playing:\n{self.track}",
- embed = embed
- )
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Now playing: {self.track.title}")
- @command()
- async def skip(self, ctx: Context):
- """Start playing next track"""
- logger.info(".skip")
- if ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
- if self.track:
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Skipping: {self.track.title}")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Skipping: {self.track.title}")
- ctx.voice_client.stop()
- @command()
- async def remove(self, ctx: Context, i: int):
- """Remove track at given position"""
- logger.info(f".remove {i}")
- i -= 2 # convert to zero-indexing and also the np track is popped
- logger.warning(f"trying to pop index {i}")
- logger.warning(f"{self.q[i]=}")
- track = self.q.pop(i)
- msg = await ctx.send(f"Removed: {track.title}")
- if msg:
- logger.info(f"Message sent: Removed: {track.title}")
- @command()
- async def pause(self, ctx: Context):
- """Pause the currently playing track"""
- logger.info(".pause")
- if ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
- ctx.voice_client.pause()
- msg = await ctx.send("Playback is paused.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Playback is paused.")
- @command()
- async def resume(self, ctx: Context):
- """Resume playback of a paused track"""
- logger.info(".resume")
- if ctx.voice_client.is_paused():
- ctx.voice_client.resume()
- msg = await ctx.send("Playback is resumed.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Playback is resumed.")
- @command()
- async def shuffle(self, ctx: Context):
- """Randomizes the current queue"""
- logger.info(".shuffle")
- if not self.q:
- return await ctx.send("There is no queue to shuffle")
- logger.debug(f"{self.track=}")
- logger.debug(f"{self.q=}")
- random.shuffle(self.q)
- logger.debug(f"{self.track=}")
- logger.debug(f"{self.q=}")
- msg = await ctx.send("Queue has been shuffled")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Queue has been shuffled")
- @command()
- async def stop(self, ctx: Context):
- """Clear queue and stop playing"""
- logger.info(".stop")
- self.q = []
- self.track = None
- if ctx.voice_client:
- if ctx.voice_client.is_connected():
- ctx.voice_client.stop()
- msg = await ctx.send("Stopped playing tracks and cleared queue.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Stopped playing tracks and cleared queue.")
- @command()
- async def clear(self, ctx: Context):
- """Clear queue, but keep playing"""
- logger.info(".clear")
- self.q = []
- msg = await ctx.send("Queue has been cleared.")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Queue has been cleared.")
- @command()
- async def refresh(self, ctx: Context):
- """Reset bot to fresh state"""
- logger.info(".refresh")
- self.q = []
- self.track = []
- self.h = []
- msg = await ctx.send("Music bot has been refreshed")
- if msg:
- logger.info("Message sent: Bot has been refreshed")
- @command(aliases=['v', 'vol'])
- async def volume(self, ctx: Context, volume: int):
- """Changes the player's volume"""
- logger.info(f".volume {volume}")
- if ctx.voice_client is None:
- return await ctx.send("Not connected to a voice channel.")
- if volume not in range(101):
- return await ctx.send(f"Please use an integer from 0 to 100")
- ctx.voice_client.source.volume = volume / 100
- await ctx.send(f"Changed volume to {volume}%")
- @command(aliases=['list'])
- async def catalogue(self, ctx: Context, subdirectory: str = ""):
- """Shows the available local files"""
- logger.info(f".catalogue {subdirectory}" if subdirectory else ".catalogue")
- if "../" in subdirectory:
- return await ctx.send(f"Nice try, but that won't work.")
- path = "."
- if subdirectory:
- path += f"/{subdirectory}"
- cmd = subprocess.run(
- f"cd sounds/normalized && find {path} -type f | sort",
- shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- results = cmd.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[:-1]
- formatted_results = "```"
- for result in results:
- formatted_results += f"{result[2:]}\n"
- formatted_results += "```"
- await ctx.send(formatted_results)
- """
- Initialize youtube-dl service.
- """
- import yt_dlp as youtube_dl
- youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ""
- ytdl_format_options = {
- "format": "bestaudio/best",
- "outtmpl": ".cache/%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s",
- "restrictfilenames": True,
- "noplaylist": True,
- "nocheckcertificate": True,
- "ignoreerrors": False,
- "logtostderr": False,
- "quiet": True,
- "no_warnings": True,
- "default_search": "auto",
- # "source_address": "", # Bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues
- "extract_flat": True, # massive speedup for fetching metadata, at the cost of no upload date
- }
- username = getenv("YOUTUBE_USERNAME")
- password = getenv("YOUTUBE_PASSWORD")
- ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)