Spiritual successor to the NeoZones original CyberBus bot.

trwnh 820a5c2f38 actually get original url 1 year ago
.vscode 4d503de423 first commit - mvp 3 years ago
cogs 820a5c2f38 actually get original url 1 year ago
pycord @ 9b7f5c6be6 37d9adcff2 update pycord 2 years ago
sounds 43f148d763 btmoment needs to be longer, also fix output of normalize 2 years ago
utils 002ab002f0 remove junk file 3 years ago
.gitignore 921012cf83 add btmoment 2 years ago
.gitmodules 4d503de423 first commit - mvp 3 years ago
.style.yapf 4d503de423 first commit - mvp 3 years ago
README.md 593f235723 Add ffmpeg-normalize mention 3 years ago
app.py aa553e5778 reformat and refactor and fix some bugs 2 years ago
icon.jpg 4d503de423 first commit - mvp 3 years ago
icon2.png 4d503de423 first commit - mvp 3 years ago
requirements.txt 7830836a58 feature drop 2 2 years ago



CyberBus2 (codenamed Umi, currently powering Ricky#6849 on the NeoZones Discord server) is a spiritual successor to the original NeoZones CyberBus bot.

Concepts you should know

CyberBus2 is written in Python (3.10+) and makes use of the Pycord library (latest commits from the master branch, v2.0 rewrite pre-release). It is therefore considered bleeding-edge.

Within Pycord, you should be aware of the following concepts:

  • A Client is an abstraction used by Pycord to connect to Discord given a token and some actions to perform.
  • A Bot is a more specific abstraction used by Pycord to support commands and listeners. For most targeted use cases, Bots should be used instead of Clients.
  • A Cog is a class that can be used to organize and self-contain related commands and functionality. Cogs can be loaded and unloaded into a Bot or Client.
  • An Extension is an external file that can be loaded by a main script. Extensions contain a setup() function which can be used to prepare a Bot or Client for operation. Generally, this is used to add the external Cog to the Bot or Client.

Within Python, you should be aware of the following concepts:

  • asyncio: Pycord is built on coroutines which can be executed asynchronously; in other words, there is an event loop which processes events not necessarily in the order you write them or call them in your code. This is denoted by the use of async before functions, and await before coroutines within those functions. Essentially, you should
  • Classes: Just like it is possible to write your code all in one file, it is also possible to leave all your code running in one context. However, the use of classes (and separate files) can be used to better organize your code and better understand what each self-contained section of it will do. When using classes, the __init__() function will initialize each instance of the Class. Because of this, it requires a self parameter, and consequently, all functions within that class will also require a self parameter. This parameter is implied, meaning it does not have to be explicitly passed into function calls; instead, self must be used as a prefix in order to reference the function contained within the instance of the Class object. For example, if you write a function with def function(self), you would call it elsewhere with self.function() instead of with function(self). Any additional parameters can be passed in like normal.
  • Decorators: Decorators are essentially statements which wrap functions in other functions. Pycord uses decorators to define user/message/application commands, as well as event listeners. if no name is provided as a parameter within that decorator, Pycord will default to using the function name for that command or listener.

Architectural breakdown

The main script used to run this application is found in the root of the repository at app.py.

Extensions are loaded from the cogs/ folder. Currently, the following cogs are provided:

  • immigration: When a Discord profile joins or leaves the guild, send a message to a specified logging channel. Also record bans and unbans. This cog uses listeners for on_member_join, on_member_remove, on_member_ban, and on_member_unban.
  • music: Plays requested URLs, files, and other queries within a voice channel. If a query does not correspond to a URL, local file, or attachment, then the bot will perform a YouTube search for the given query. Local files are stored in the sounds/normalized directory, and the normalize bash script in sounds/ can be used to automatically normalize any audio files placed in sounds/originals. This cog uses message commands.
  • piss: Provide too much information when a certain substance is mentioned. This cog uses listeners for on_message.
  • random: Use random.org's old HTTP API to provide truly random results. Supports rolling dice and flipping coins. This cog uses message commands.
  • roles: Allow members to self-assign roles by reacting or unreacting to a specified message. Also provides an application command to set a color role. This cog uses listeners for on_raw_reaction_add and on_raw_reaction_remove, and it also uses message commands and application commands.
  • sus: Reacts with a custom emoji :trash: when any reference to Among Us is made. This cog uses listeners for on_message.
  • uwu: Take some text and uwu-ify it. This cog uses message commands.

Some utility scripts are provided to interface with the Discord REST API. These scripts can be found in the utils/ folder. Currently, the following scripts are provided:

  • post.py: Create a post within a specified channel.
  • react.py: React with an emoji to a specified post within a specified channel. Emoji must be URL-encoded.'
  • username.py: Change your bot user's username, since this cannot currently be done from the Discord developer dashboard.

For use with the music cog, a sounds/ directory is provided.

  • Sound files may be placed in the sounds/originals subdirectory, and additional subdirectories are supported.
  • The normalize Bash script should be used to normalize all audio within the originals subdirectory. This requires ffmpeg-normalize.
  • The bot will currently check for sound files within the sounds/normalized subdirectory, which is where the normalize script will output all of its files.

Getting started



  1. Clone this repo somewhere: git clone <url>
  2. Change into the directory: cd CyberBus2
  3. Fetch the pycord repo: git submodule update --init
  4. (Optional, but recommended) Create a virtual environment to install dependencies: virtualenv .venv
  5. (If you performed the above step) Activate the virtual environment: source .venv/bin/activate
  6. Create a .env file with BOT_TOKEN = <insert your token here>
  7. Run the app with python app.py

Modifications you may want to make if you want to use this code to power your bot

Currently, the following are hardcoded:

  • cogs/immigration.py
    • The channel to post member joins/leaves/bans/unbans should be changed
    • The actual messages to send can be edited as well, if you wish
  • cogs/music.py
    • There is a function to check for permission before using play or playtop, which can be removed or modified
    • The actual messages to send can be edited as well, if you wish
  • cogs/roles.py
    • All roles are currently defined in a dictionary called roles, where a role can be of type COLOR_, PING_, or PRONOUN_ -- this can be changed, but make sure to change the /color application command if you do so
    • All messages to be reacted to are also hardcoded by ID within if statements
    • Guild ID is hardcoded within the /color application command's decorator
  • cogs/sus.py
    • The emoji to react with is hardcoded to a certain custom emoji, so it should be edited