Connect two Junction blocks with a line of Tube blocks. The tube itself is automatically protected. You can dig only the ends of a tube line (head blocks). The junction block / station has to be protected manually.
A Junction block, which is the basis for a station, can have up to four tubes. That means you can build complex networks of tube lines. Each junction/station can be reaches from each point with one trip.
To build a station, give the Junction block a unique station name and place the Pod Seat on top of it.
Build the pod around the seat according to the following picture. To get the best illusion of traveling, it is important that all pods are look the same from the inside.
The pod shell is not important for the function, the minimal equipment for testing is: the Tube line with Junction blocks, a Pod Seat on each station, the Display in front of the seat, and the Booking Machine. The Booking Machine has to get the same station name as the Junction block and has to be placed nearby the Junction block (max. 30 blocks difference).
Keep a hole for the door which will be placed automatically when you start your first trip. The door hole has always to be on the left side of the pod (see the following picture).
For traveling you have to use the Booking Machine to select you destination. After booking, the pods (departure and arrival) are reserved for 20 seconds to start the trip. For starting the trip you have to use the Pod Seat. You will be placed on the seat and the door will close automatically.