123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- # This file is parsed in "settings.lua". Check regex first.
- # Static paths do not work well with settings
- #areas.filename (Configuration file path) string (world_path)/areas.dat
- # Allow players with a privilege create their own areas using /protect
- # within the specified size and amount limits.
- areas.self_protection (Self protection) bool true
- # Self protection: Privilege required to protect an area
- areas.self_protection_privilege (Self protection: Required privs) string creative
- # Refresh delay for the name displays in the HUD in seconds
- areas.tick (HUD update delay) float 0.5 0 100
- # Enable the legacy owner_defs metatable mode. Untested and possibly unstable
- areas.legacy_table (Legacy owner_defs metatable) bool false
- [Self protection (normal)]
- # Self protection (normal): Maximal size of the protectable area
- # Only enter positive whole numbers for the coordinate values or you'll mess up stuff.
- areas.self_protection_max_size (Maximal area size) v3f (512, 512, 512)
- # Self protection (normal): Maximal amount of protected areas per player
- areas.self_protection_max_areas (Maximal area count) int 20