#38 crafting tools [bug report]

Créé il y a 4 ans par MisterE123 · 4 commentaires

tools, such as diamond picks and mese swords can be crafted at both the smithy station and the default craftgrid.

Suggest removing the default crafts

tools, such as diamond picks and mese swords can be crafted at both the smithy station and the default craftgrid. Suggest removing the default crafts
NathanS21 a commenté il y a 4 ans

I left tools craftable in default inventory as they are essential and somebody could find themselves without the needed station. I should look into a way to penalize crafting them in the default grid.

I left tools craftable in default inventory as they are essential and somebody could find themselves without the needed station. I should look into a way to penalize crafting them in the default grid.
MisterE123 a commenté il y a 4 ans

so, make the wood and steel tools craftable in the grid, but all other tools need the stations. with teleportation, going home to get a new tool is no problem. In the station, any steel tool can be crafted from just 1 ingot

so, make the wood and steel tools craftable in the grid, but all other tools need the stations. with teleportation, going home to get a new tool is no problem. In the station, any steel tool can be crafted from just 1 ingot
NathanS21 a commenté il y a 4 ans

The steel tools require the same amount to craft in the station or crafting grid, repairing them only requires one steel.

The steel tools require the same amount to craft in the station or crafting grid, repairing them only requires one steel.
NathanS21 a commenté il y a 4 ans

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