123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551 |
- Filename: 180-pluggable-transport.txt
- Title: Pluggable transports for circumvention
- Author: Jacob Appelbaum, Nick Mathewson
- Created: 15-Oct-2010
- Status: Closed
- Implemented-In: 0.2.3.x
- Overview
- This proposal describes a way to decouple protocol-level obfuscation
- from the core Tor protocol in order to better resist client-bridge
- censorship. Our approach is to specify a means to add pluggable
- transport implementations to Tor clients and bridges so that they can
- negotiate a superencipherment for the Tor protocol.
- Scope
- This is a document about transport plugins; it does not cover
- discovery improvements, or bridgedb improvements. While these
- requirements might be solved by a program that also functions as a
- transport plugin, this proposal only covers the requirements and
- operation of transport plugins.
- Motivation
- Frequently, people want to try a novel circumvention method to help
- users connect to Tor bridges. Some of these methods are already
- pretty easy to deploy: if the user knows an unblocked VPN or open
- SOCKS proxy, they can just use that with the Tor client today.
- Less easy to deploy are methods that require participation by both the
- client and the bridge. In order of increasing sophistication, we
- might want to support:
- 1. A protocol obfuscation tool that transforms the output of a TLS
- connection into something that looks like HTTP as it leaves the
- client, and back to TLS as it arrives at the bridge.
- 2. An additional authentication step that a client would need to
- perform for a given bridge before being allowed to connect.
- 3. An information passing system that uses a side-channel in some
- existing protocol to convey traffic between a client and a bridge
- without the two of them ever communicating directly.
- 4. A set of clients to tunnel client->bridge traffic over an existing
- large p2p network, such that the bridge is known by an identifier
- in that network rather than by an IP address.
- We could in theory support these almost fine with Tor as it stands
- today: every Tor client can take a SOCKS proxy to use for its outgoing
- traffic, so a suitable client proxy could handle the client's traffic
- and connections on its behalf, while a corresponding program on the
- bridge side could handle the bridge's side of the protocol
- transformation. Nevertheless, there are some reasons to add support
- for transportation plugins to Tor itself:
- 1. It would be good for bridges to have a standard way to advertise
- which transports they support, so that clients can have multiple
- local transport proxies, and automatically use the right one for
- the right bridge.
- 2. There are some changes to our architecture that we'll need for a
- system like this to work. For testing purposes, if a bridge blocks
- off its regular ORPort and instead has an obfuscated ORPort, the
- bridge authority has no way to test it. Also, unless the bridge
- has some way to tell that the bridge-side proxy at is not
- the origin of all the connections it is relaying, it might decide
- that there are too many connections from, and start
- paring them down to avoid a DoS.
- 3. Censorship and anticensorship techniques often evolve faster than
- the typical Tor release cycle. As such, it's a good idea to
- provide ways to test out new anticensorship mechanisms on a more
- rapid basis.
- 4. Transport obfuscation is a relatively distinct problem
- from the other privacy problems that Tor tries to solve, and it
- requires a fairly distinct skill-set from hacking the rest of Tor.
- By decoupling transport obfuscation from the Tor core, we hope to
- encourage people working on transport obfuscation who would
- otherwise not be interested in hacking Tor.
- 5. Finally, we hope that defining a generic transport obfuscation plugin
- mechanism will be useful to other anticensorship projects.
- Non-Goals
- We're not going to talk about automatic verification of plugin
- correctness and safety via sandboxing, proof-carrying code, or
- whatever.
- We need to do more with discovery and distribution, but that's not
- what this proposal is about. We're pretty convinced that the problems
- are sufficiently orthogonal that we should be fine so long as we don't
- preclude a single program from implementing both transport and
- discovery extensions.
- This proposal is not about what transport plugins are the best ones
- for people to write. We do, however, make some general
- recommendations for plugin authors in an appendix.
- We've considered issues involved with completely replacing Tor's TLS
- with another encryption layer, rather than layering it inside the
- obfuscation layer. We describe how to do this in an appendix to the
- current proposal, though we are not currently sure whether it's a good
- idea to implement.
- We deliberately reject any design that would involve linking the
- transport plugins into Tor's process space.
- Design overview
- To write a new transport protocol, an implementer must provide two
- pieces: a "Client Proxy" to run at the initiator side, and a "Server
- Proxy" to run at the server side. These two pieces may or may not be
- implemented by the same program.
- Each client may run any number of Client Proxies. Each one acts like
- a SOCKS proxy that accepts connections on localhost. Each one
- runs on a different port, and implements one or more transport
- methods. If the protocol has any parameters, they are passed from Tor
- inside the regular username/password parts of the SOCKS protocol.
- Bridges (and maybe relays) may run any number of Server Proxies: these
- programs provide an interface like stunnel: they get connections from the
- network (typically by listening for connections on the network) and relay
- them to the Bridge's real ORPort.
- To configure one of these programs, it should be sufficient simply to
- list it in your torrc. The program tells Tor which transports it
- provides. The Tor consensus should carry a new approved version number that
- is specific for pluggable transport; this will allow Tor to know when a
- particular transport is known to be unsafe, safe, or non-functional.
- Bridges (and maybe relays) report in their descriptors which transport
- protocols they support. This information can be copied into bridge
- lines. Bridges using a transport protocol may have multiple bridge
- lines.
- Any methods that are wildly successful, we can bake into Tor.
- Specifications: Client behavior
- We extend the bridge line format to allow you to say which method
- to use to connect to a bridge.
- The new format is:
- Bridge method address:port [[keyid=]id-fingerprint] [k=v] [k=v] [k=v]
- To connect to such a bridge, the Tor program needs to know which
- SOCKS proxy will support the transport called "method". It
- then connects to this proxy, and asks it to connect to
- address:port. If [id-fingerprint] is provided, Tor should expect
- the public identity key on the TLS connection to match the digest
- provided in [id-fingerprint]. If any [k=v] items are provided,
- they are configuration parameters for the proxy: Tor should
- separate them with semicolons and put them in the user and
- password fields of the request, splitting them across the fields
- as necessary. If a key or value value must contain a semicolon or
- a backslash, it is escaped with a backslash.
- Method names must be C identifiers.
- For reference, the old bridge format was
- Bridge address[:port] [id-fingerprint]
- where port defaults to 443 and the id-fingerprint is optional. The
- new format can be distinguished from the old one by checking if the
- first argument has any non-C-identifier characters. (Looking for a
- period should be a simple way.) Also, while the id-fingerprint could
- optionally include whitespace in the old format, whitespace in the
- id-fingerprint is not permitted in the new format.
- Example: if the bridge line is "bridge trebuchet www.example.com:3333
- keyid=09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C009F909F9 rocks=20 height=5.6m"
- AND if the Tor client knows that the 'trebuchet' method is supported,
- the client should connect to the proxy that provides the 'trebuchet'
- method, ask it to connect to www.example.com, and provide the string
- "rocks=20;height=5.6m" as the username, the password, or split
- across the username and password.
- There are two ways to tell Tor clients about protocol proxies:
- external proxies and managed proxies. An external proxy is configured
- with
- ClientTransportPlugin <method> socks4 <address:port> [auth=X]
- or
- ClientTransportPlugin <method> socks5 <address:port> [username=X] [password=Y]
- as in
- "ClientTransportPlugin trebuchet socks5".
- This example tells Tor that another program is already running to handle
- 'trubuchet' connections, and Tor doesn't need to worry about it.
- A managed proxy is configured with
- ClientTransportPlugin <methods> exec <path> [options]
- as in
- "ClientTransportPlugin trebuchet exec /usr/libexec/trebuchet --managed".
- This example tells Tor to launch an external program to provide a
- socks proxy for 'trebuchet' connections. The Tor client only
- launches one instance of each external program with a given set of
- options, even if the same executable and options are listed for
- more than one method.
- In managed proxies, <methods> can be a comma-separated list of
- pluggable transport method names, as in:
- "ClientTransportPlugin pawn,bishop,rook exec /bin/ptproxy --managed".
- If instead of a transport method, the torrc lists "*" for a managed
- proxy, Tor uses that proxy for all transport methods that the plugin
- supports. So "ClientTransportPlugin * exec /usr/libexec/tor/foobar"
- tells Tor that Tor should use the foobar plugin for every method that
- the proxy supports. See the "Managed proxy interface" section below
- for details on how Tor learns which methods a plugin supports.
- If two plugins support the same method, Tor should use whichever
- one is listed first.
- The same program can implement a managed or an external proxy: it just
- needs to take an argument saying which one to be.
- Server behavior
- Server proxies are configured similarly to client proxies. When
- launching a proxy, the server must tell it what ORPort it has
- configured, and what address (if any) it can listen on. The
- server must tell the proxy which (if any) methods it should
- provide if it can; the proxy needs to tell the server which
- methods it is actually providing, and on what ports.
- When a client connects to the proxy, the proxy may need a way to
- tell the server some identifier for the client address. It does
- this in-band.
- As before, the server lists proxies in its torrc. These can be
- external proxies that run on their own, or managed proxies that Tor
- launches.
- An external server proxy is configured as
- ServerTransportPlugin <method> proxy <address:port> <param=val> ...
- as in
- "ServerTransportPlugin trebuchet proxy rocks=heavy".
- The param=val pairs and the address are used to make the bridge
- configuration information that we'll tell users.
- A managed proxy is configured as
- ServerTransportPlugin <methods> exec </path/to/binary> [options]
- or
- ServerTransportPlugin * exec </path/to/binary> [options]
- When possible, Tor should launch only one binary of each binary/option
- pair configured. So if the torrc contains
- ClientTransportPlugin foo exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --foo
- ClientTransportPlugin bar exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --bar
- ServerTransportPlugin * exec /usr/bin/megaproxy --foo
- then Tor will launch the megaproxy binary twice: once with the option
- --foo and once with the option --bar.
- Managed proxy interface
- When the Tor client or relay launches a managed proxy, it communicates
- via environment variables. At a minimum, it sets (in addition to the
- normal environment variables inherited from Tor):
- {Client and server}
- "TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION" -- A filesystem directory path where the
- proxy should store state if it wants to. This directory is not
- required to exist, but the proxy SHOULD be able to create it if
- it doesn't. The proxy MUST NOT store state elsewhere.
- Example: TOR_PT_STATE_LOCATION=/var/lib/tor/pt_state/
- "TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER" -- To tell the proxy which
- versions of this configuration protocol Tor supports. Future
- versions will give a comma-separated list. Clients MUST accept
- comma-separated lists containing any version that they
- recognize, and MUST work correctly even if some of the versions
- they don't recognize are non-numeric. Valid version characters
- are non-space, non-comma printing ASCII characters.
- {Client only}
- "TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS" -- A comma-separated list of which
- methods this client should enable, or * if all methods should
- be enabled. The proxy SHOULD ignore methods that it doesn't
- recognize.
- Example: TOR_PT_CLIENT_TRANSPORTS=trebuchet,battering_ram,ballista
- {Server only}
- "TOR_PT_EXTENDED_SERVER_PORT" -- An <address>:<port> where tor
- should be listening for connections speaking the extended
- ORPort protocol (See the "The extended ORPort protocol" section
- below). If tor does not support the extended ORPort protocol,
- it MUST use the empty string as the value of this environment
- variable.
- "TOR_PT_ORPORT" -- Our regular ORPort in a form suitable
- for local connections, i.e. connections from the proxy to
- the ORPort.
- Example: TOR_PT_ORPORT=
- "TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR" -- A comma seperated list of
- <key>-<value> pairs, where <key> is a transport name and
- <value> is the adress:port on which it should listen for client
- proxy connections.
- The keys holding transport names must appear on the same order
- as they appear on TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS.
- This might be the advertised address, or might be a local
- address that Tor will forward ports to. It MUST be an address
- that will work with bind().
- Example:
- TOR_PT_SERVER_BINDADDR=trebuchet-,ballista-
- "TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS" -- A comma-separated list of server
- methods that the proxy should support, or * if all methods
- should be enabled. The proxy SHOULD ignore methods that it
- doesn't recognize.
- Example: TOR_PT_SERVER_TRANSPORTS=trebuchet,ballista
- The transport proxy replies by writing NL-terminated lines to
- stdout. The line metaformat is
- <Line> ::= <Keyword> <OptArgs> <NL>
- <Keyword> ::= <KeywordChar> | <Keyword> <KeywordChar>
- <KeyWordChar> ::= <any US-ASCII alphanumeric, dash, and underscore>
- <OptArgs> ::= <Args>*
- <Args> ::= <SP> <ArgChar> | <Args> <ArgChar>
- <ArgChar> ::= <any US-ASCII character but NUL or NL>
- <SP> ::= <US-ASCII whitespace symbol (32)>
- <NL> ::= <US-ASCII newline (line feed) character (10)>
- Tor MUST ignore lines with keywords that it doesn't recognize.
- First, if there's an error parsing the environment variables, the
- proxy should write:
- ENV-ERROR <errormessage>
- and exit.
- If the environment variables were correctly formatted, the proxy
- should write:
- VERSION <configuration protocol version>
- to say that it supports this configuration protocol version (example
- "VERSION 1"). It must either pick a version that Tor told it about
- in TOR_PT_MANAGED_TRANSPORT_VER, or pick no version at all, say:
- VERSION-ERROR no-version
- and exit.
- The proxy should then open its ports. If running as a client
- proxy, it should not use fixed ports; instead it should autoselect
- ports to avoid conflicts. A client proxy should by default only
- listen on localhost for connections.
- A server proxy SHOULD try to listen at a consistent port, though it
- SHOULD pick a different one if the port it last used is now allocated.
- A client or server proxy then should tell which methods it has
- made available and how. It does this by printing zero or more
- CMETHOD and SMETHOD lines to its stdout. These lines look like:
- CMETHOD <methodname> socks4/socks5 <address:port> [ARGS=arglist] \
- [OPT-ARGS=arglist]
- as in
- CMETHOD trebuchet socks5 ARGS=rocks,height \
- OPT-ARGS=tensile-strength
- The ARGS field lists mandatory parameters that must appear in
- every bridge line for this method. The OPT-ARGS field lists
- optional parameters. If no ARGS or OPT-ARGS field is provided,
- Tor should not check the parameters in bridge lines for this
- method.
- The proxy should print a single "CMETHODS DONE" line after it is
- finished telling Tor about the client methods it provides. If it
- tries to supply a client method but can't for some reason, it
- should say:
- CMETHOD-ERROR <methodname> <errormessage>
- A proxy should also tell Tor about the server methods it is providing
- by printing zero or more SMETHOD lines. These lines look like:
- SMETHOD <methodname> <address:port> [options]
- If there's an error setting up a configured server method, the
- proxy should say:
- SMETHOD-ERROR <methodname> <errormessage>
- as in
- SMETHOD-ERROR trebuchet could not setup 'trebuchet' method
- The 'address:port' part of an SMETHOD line is the address to put
- in the bridge line. The Options part is a list of space-separated
- K:V flags that Tor should know about. Recognized options are:
- If this option is set (for example, because address:port is not
- a publicly accessible address), then Tor needs to forward some
- other address:port to address:port via upnp-helper. Tor would
- then advertise that other address:port in the bridge line instead.
- - ARGS:K=V,K=V,K=V
- If this option is set, the K=V arguments are added to Tor's
- extrainfo document.
- - DECLARE:K=V,...
- If this option is set, the K=V options should be added as
- extension entries to the router descriptor, so clients and other
- relays can make use of it. See ideas/xxx-triangleboy-transport.txt
- for an example situation where the plugin would want to declare
- parameters to other Tors.
- If this option is set, the server plugin is planning to connect
- to Tor's extended server port.
- SMETHOD and CMETHOD lines may be interspersed, to allow the proxies to
- report methods as they become available, even when some methods may
- require probing your network, connecting to some kind of peers, etc
- before they are set up. After the final SMETHOD line, the proxy says
- The proxy SHOULD NOT tell Tor about a server or client method
- unless it is actually open and ready to use.
- Tor clients SHOULD NOT use any method from a client proxy or
- advertise any method from a server proxy UNLESS it is listed as a
- possible method for that proxy in torrc, and it is listed by the
- proxy as a method it supports.
- Proxies should respond to a single INT signal by closing their
- listener ports and not accepting any new connections, but keeping
- all connections open, then terminating when connections are all
- closed. Proxies should respond to a second INT signal by shutting
- down cleanly.
- The managed proxy configuration protocol version defined in this
- section is "1".
- So, for example, if tor supports this configuration protocol it
- should set the environment variable:
- The Extended ORPort protocol
- The Extended ORPort protocol is described in proposal 196.
- Advertising bridge methods
- Bridges put the 'method' lines in their extra-info documents.
- transport SP <transportname> SP <address:port> [SP arglist] NL
- The address:port are as returned from an SMETHOD line (unless they are
- replaced by the FORWARD: directive). The arglist is a K=V,... list as
- returned in the ARGS: part of the SMETHOD line's Options component.
- If the SMETHOD line includes a DECLARE: part, the router descriptor gets
- a new line:
- transport-info SP <transportname> [SP arglist] NL
- Bridge authority behavior
- We need to specify a way to test different transport methods that
- bridges claim to support. We should test as many as possible. We
- should NOT require that we have a way to test every possible
- transport method before we allow its use: the point of this design
- is to remove bottlenecks in transport deployment.
- Bridgedb behavior
- Bridgedb can, given a set of router descriptors and their
- corresponding extrainfo documents, generate a set of bridge lines
- for each bridge. Bridgedb may want to avoid handing out
- methods that seem to get bridges blocked quickly.
- Implementation plan
- First, we should implement per-bridge proxies via the "external
- proxy" method described in "Specifications: Client behavior". Also,
- we'll want to build the
- extended-server-port mechanism. This will let bridges run
- transport proxies such that they can generate bridge lines to
- give to clients for testing, so long as the user configures and
- launches their proxies on their own.
- Once that's done, we can see if we need any managed proxies, or if
- the whole idea there is silly.
- If we do, the next most important part seems to be getting
- the client-side automation part written. And once that's done, we
- can evaluate how much of the server side is easy for people to do
- and how much is hard.
- The "obfsproxy" obfuscating proxy is a likely candidate for an
- initial transport (trac entry #2760), as is Steven Murdoch's http
- thing (trac entry #2759) or something similar.
- Notes on plugins to write
- We should ship a couple of null plugin implementations in one or two
- popular, portable languages so that people get an idea of how to
- write the stuff.
- 1. We should have one that's just a proof of concept that does
- nothing but transfer bytes back and forth.
- 2. We should implement DNS or HTTP using other software (as Geoff Goodell
- did years ago with DNS) as an example of wrapping existing code into
- our plugin model.
- 3. The obfuscated-ssh superencipherment is pretty trivial and pretty
- useful. It makes the protocol stringwise unfingerprintable.
- 4. If we do a raw-traffic proxy, openssh tunnels would be the logical
- choice.
- Appendix: recommendations for transports
- Be free/open-source software. Also, if you think your code might
- someday do so well at circumvention that it should be implemented
- inside Tor, it should use the same license as Tor.
- Tor already uses OpenSSL, Libevent, and zlib. Before you go and decide
- to use crypto++ in your transport plugin, ask yourself whether OpenSSL
- wouldn't be a nicer choice.
- Be portable: most Tor users are on Windows, and most Tor developers
- are not, so designing your code for just one of these platforms will
- make it either get a small userbase, or poor auditing.
- Think secure: if your code is in a C-like language, and it's hard to
- read it and become convinced it's safe, then it's probably not safe.
- Think small: we want to minimize the bytes that a Windows user needs
- to download for a transport client.
- Avoid security-through-obscurity if possible. Specify.
- Resist trivial fingerprinting: There should be no good string or regex
- to search for to distinguish your protocol from protocols permitted by
- censors.
- Imitate a real profile: There are many ways to implement most
- protocols -- and in many cases, most possible variants of a given
- protocol won't actually exist in the wild.