109-no-sharing-ips.txt 3.9 KB

  1. Filename: 109-no-sharing-ips.txt
  2. Title: No more than one server per IP address
  3. Author: Kevin Bauer & Damon McCoy
  4. Created: 9-March-2007
  5. Status: Closed
  6. Implemented-In: 0.2.0.x
  7. Overview:
  8. This document describes a solution to a Sybil attack vulnerability in the
  9. directory servers. Currently, it is possible for a single IP address to
  10. host an arbitrarily high number of Tor routers. We propose that the
  11. directory servers limit the number of Tor routers that may be registered at
  12. a particular IP address to some small (fixed) number, perhaps just one Tor
  13. router per IP address.
  14. While Tor never uses more than one server from a given /16 in the same
  15. circuit, an attacker with multiple servers in the same place is still
  16. dangerous because he can get around the per-server bandwidth cap that is
  17. designed to prevent a single server from attracting too much of the overall
  18. traffic.
  19. Motivation:
  20. Since it is possible for an attacker to register an arbitrarily large
  21. number of Tor routers, it is possible for malicious parties to do this
  22. as part of a traffic analysis attack.
  23. Security implications:
  24. This countermeasure will increase the number of IP addresses that an
  25. attacker must control in order to carry out traffic analysis.
  26. Specification:
  27. For each IP address, each directory authority tracks the number of routers
  28. using that IP address, along with their total observed bandwidth. If there
  29. are more than MAX_SERVERS_PER_IP servers at some IP, the authority should
  30. "disable" all but MAX_SERVERS_PER_IP servers. When choosing which servers
  31. to disable, the authority should first disable non-Running servers in
  32. increasing order of observed bandwidth, and then should disable Running
  33. servers in increasing order of bandwidth.
  34. [[ We don't actually do this part here. -NM
  35. If the total observed
  36. bandwidth of the remaining non-"disabled" servers exceeds MAX_BW_PER_IP,
  37. the authority should "disable" some of the remaining servers until only one
  38. server remains, or until the remaining observed bandwidth of non-"disabled"
  39. servers is under MAX_BW_PER_IP.
  40. ]]
  41. Servers that are "disabled" MUST be marked as non-Valid and non-Running.
  42. MAX_SERVERS_PER_IP is 3.
  43. MAX_BW_PER_IP is 8 MB per s.
  44. Compatibility:
  45. Upon inspection of a directory server, we found that the following IP
  46. addresses have more than one Tor router:
  47. Scruples ip68-5-113-81.oc.oc.cox.net 443
  48. WiseUp ip68-5-113-81.oc.oc.cox.net 9001
  49. Unnamed pc01-megabyte-net-arkadiou.megabyte.gr 9001
  50. Unnamed pc01-megabyte-net-arkadiou.megabyte.gr 9001
  51. Unnamed pc01-megabyte-net-arkadiou.megabyte.gr 9001
  52. aurel e180062138.adsl.alicedsl.de 9001
  53. sokrates e180062138.adsl.alicedsl.de 9001
  54. moria1 moria.mit.edu 9001
  55. peacetime moria.mit.edu 9100
  56. There may exist compatibility issues with this proposed fix. Reasons why
  57. more than one server would share an IP address include:
  58. * Testing. moria1, moria2, peacetime, and other morias all run on one
  59. computer at MIT, because that way we get testing. Moria1 and moria2 are
  60. run by Roger, and peacetime is run by Nick.
  61. * NAT. If there are several servers but they port-forward through the same
  62. IP address, ... we can hope that the operators coordinate with each
  63. other. Also, we should recognize that while they help the network in
  64. terms of increased capacity, they don't help as much as they could in
  65. terms of location diversity. But our approach so far has been to take
  66. what we can get.
  67. * People who have more than 1.5MB/s and want to help out more. For
  68. example, for a while Tonga was offering 10MB/s and its Tor server
  69. would only make use of a bit of it. So Roger suggested that he run
  70. two Tor servers, to use more.
  71. [Note Roger's tweak to this behavior, in
  72. http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/Oct-2007/msg00118.html]