1234567891011121314151617181920 |
- Paths are broken up to avoid having them show up as relative path results.
- All references are to other text files in this folder, extensions are omitted to make sure only UUID scanning finds these references.
- This is the UUID for InvalidAssetIdNoReport
- E68A85B0-131D-5A82-B2D5-BC58EE4062AE
- This is the UUID for InvalidRelativePathsNoReport. This tests UUIDs without separators.
- B3EF12DD306C520EB0A8A6B0D031A195
- This is the UUID for SelfReferenceUUID. This tests UUIDs with mixed casing.
- 33bcee02F3225688ABEE534F6058593F
- This is a UUID mid-line DD587FBE-16C8-5B98-AE3C-A9F8750B2692, for SelfReferencePath
- InvalidUUIDNoReport and MaxIteration31Deep
- Two UUIDs 837412DF-D05F-576D-81AA-ACF360463749 mixed on 3F642A0FDC825696A70A1DA5709744DF the same line
- Test UUIDs and Asset IDs mixed on the same line. Relative paths are handled in the relative path tests.
- OnlyMatchesCorrectLengthUUIDs and WildcardScanTest1
- This 2545AD8B-1B9B-5F93-859D-D8DC1DC2B480 uuid is on the line with 1CB10C43F3245B93A294C602ADEF95F9:[0] a valid asset ID
- RelativeProductPathsNotDependencies and WildcardScanTest2
- This B772953CA08A5D209491530E87D11504:[0] uuid is on the line with D92C4661C8985E19BD3597CB2318CFA6 a valid asset ID