ValidUUIDsNotDependency.txt 1.2 KB

  1. Paths are broken up to avoid having them show up as relative path results.
  2. All references are to other text files in this folder, extensions are omitted to make sure only UUID scanning finds these references.
  3. This is the UUID for InvalidAssetIdNoReport
  4. E68A85B0-131D-5A82-B2D5-BC58EE4062AE
  5. This is the UUID for InvalidRelativePathsNoReport. This tests UUIDs without separators.
  6. B3EF12DD306C520EB0A8A6B0D031A195
  7. This is the UUID for SelfReferenceUUID. This tests UUIDs with mixed casing.
  8. 33bcee02F3225688ABEE534F6058593F
  9. This is a UUID mid-line DD587FBE-16C8-5B98-AE3C-A9F8750B2692, for SelfReferencePath
  10. InvalidUUIDNoReport and MaxIteration31Deep
  11. Two UUIDs 837412DF-D05F-576D-81AA-ACF360463749 mixed on 3F642A0FDC825696A70A1DA5709744DF the same line
  12. Test UUIDs and Asset IDs mixed on the same line. Relative paths are handled in the relative path tests.
  13. OnlyMatchesCorrectLengthUUIDs and WildcardScanTest1
  14. This 2545AD8B-1B9B-5F93-859D-D8DC1DC2B480 uuid is on the line with 1CB10C43F3245B93A294C602ADEF95F9:[0] a valid asset ID
  15. RelativeProductPathsNotDependencies and WildcardScanTest2
  16. This B772953CA08A5D209491530E87D11504:[0] uuid is on the line with D92C4661C8985E19BD3597CB2318CFA6 a valid asset ID