ICameraSceneNode.h 7.9 KB

  1. // Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
  2. // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
  3. // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h
  6. #include "ISceneNode.h"
  7. #include "IEventReceiver.h"
  8. namespace irr
  9. {
  10. namespace scene
  11. {
  12. struct SViewFrustum;
  13. //! Scene Node which is a (controllable) camera.
  14. /** The whole scene will be rendered from the cameras point of view.
  15. Because the ICameraSceneNode is a SceneNode, it can be attached to any
  16. other scene node, and will follow its parents movement, rotation and so
  17. on.
  18. */
  19. class ICameraSceneNode : public ISceneNode, public IEventReceiver
  20. {
  21. public:
  22. //! Constructor
  23. ICameraSceneNode(ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id,
  24. const core::vector3df& position = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
  25. const core::vector3df& rotation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
  26. const core::vector3df& scale = core::vector3df(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))
  27. : ISceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale), IsOrthogonal(false) {}
  28. //! Sets the projection matrix of the camera.
  29. /** The core::matrix4 class has some methods to build a
  30. projection matrix. e.g:
  31. core::matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH.
  32. Note that the matrix will only stay as set by this method until
  33. one of the following Methods are called: setNearValue,
  34. setFarValue, setAspectRatio, setFOV.
  35. NOTE: The frustum is not updated before render() is called
  36. unless you explicitly call updateMatrices()
  37. \param projection The new projection matrix of the camera.
  38. \param isOrthogonal Set this to true if the matrix is an
  39. orthogonal one (e.g. from matrix4::buildProjectionMatrixOrtho).
  40. */
  41. virtual void setProjectionMatrix(const core::matrix4& projection, bool isOrthogonal=false) =0;
  42. //! Gets the current projection matrix of the camera.
  43. /** \return The current projection matrix of the camera. */
  44. virtual const core::matrix4& getProjectionMatrix() const =0;
  45. //! Gets the current view matrix of the camera.
  46. /** \return The current view matrix of the camera. */
  47. virtual const core::matrix4& getViewMatrix() const =0;
  48. //! Sets a custom view matrix affector.
  49. /** The matrix passed here, will be multiplied with the view
  50. matrix when it gets updated. This allows for custom camera
  51. setups like, for example, a reflection camera.
  52. \param affector The affector matrix. */
  53. virtual void setViewMatrixAffector(const core::matrix4& affector) =0;
  54. //! Get the custom view matrix affector.
  55. /** \return The affector matrix. */
  56. virtual const core::matrix4& getViewMatrixAffector() const =0;
  57. //! It is possible to send mouse and key events to the camera.
  58. /** Most cameras may ignore this input, but camera scene nodes
  59. which are created for example with
  60. ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeMaya or
  61. ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeFPS, may want to get
  62. this input for changing their position, look at target or
  63. whatever. */
  64. virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) =0;
  65. //! Sets the look at target of the camera
  66. /** If the camera's target and rotation are bound ( @see
  67. bindTargetAndRotation() ) then calling this will also change
  68. the camera's scene node rotation to match the target.
  69. Note that setTarget uses the current absolute position
  70. internally, so if you changed setPosition since last rendering you must
  71. call updateAbsolutePosition before using this function.
  72. \param pos Look at target of the camera, in world co-ordinates. */
  73. virtual void setTarget(const core::vector3df& pos) =0;
  74. //! Sets the rotation of the node.
  75. /** This only modifies the relative rotation of the node.
  76. If the camera's target and rotation are bound ( @see
  77. bindTargetAndRotation() ) then calling this will also change
  78. the camera's target to match the rotation.
  79. \param rotation New rotation of the node in degrees. */
  80. virtual void setRotation(const core::vector3df& rotation) =0;
  81. //! Gets the current look at target of the camera
  82. /** \return The current look at target of the camera, in world co-ordinates */
  83. virtual const core::vector3df& getTarget() const =0;
  84. //! Sets the up vector of the camera.
  85. /** \param pos: New upvector of the camera. */
  86. virtual void setUpVector(const core::vector3df& pos) =0;
  87. //! Gets the up vector of the camera.
  88. /** \return The up vector of the camera, in world space. */
  89. virtual const core::vector3df& getUpVector() const =0;
  90. //! Gets the value of the near plane of the camera.
  91. /** \return The value of the near plane of the camera. */
  92. virtual f32 getNearValue() const =0;
  93. //! Gets the value of the far plane of the camera.
  94. /** \return The value of the far plane of the camera. */
  95. virtual f32 getFarValue() const =0;
  96. //! Gets the aspect ratio of the camera.
  97. /** \return The aspect ratio of the camera. */
  98. virtual f32 getAspectRatio() const =0;
  99. //! Gets the field of view of the camera.
  100. /** \return The field of view of the camera in radians. */
  101. virtual f32 getFOV() const =0;
  102. //! Sets the value of the near clipping plane. (default: 1.0f)
  103. /** \param zn: New z near value. */
  104. virtual void setNearValue(f32 zn) =0;
  105. //! Sets the value of the far clipping plane (default: 2000.0f)
  106. /** \param zf: New z far value. */
  107. virtual void setFarValue(f32 zf) =0;
  108. //! Sets the aspect ratio (default: 4.0f / 3.0f)
  109. /** \param aspect: New aspect ratio. */
  110. virtual void setAspectRatio(f32 aspect) =0;
  111. //! Sets the field of view (Default: PI / 2.5f)
  112. /** \param fovy: New field of view in radians. */
  113. virtual void setFOV(f32 fovy) =0;
  114. //! Get the view frustum.
  115. /** \return The current view frustum. */
  116. virtual const SViewFrustum* getViewFrustum() const =0;
  117. //! Disables or enables the camera to get key or mouse inputs.
  118. /** If this is set to true, the camera will respond to key
  119. inputs otherwise not. */
  120. virtual void setInputReceiverEnabled(bool enabled) =0;
  121. //! Checks if the input receiver of the camera is currently enabled.
  122. virtual bool isInputReceiverEnabled() const =0;
  123. //! Checks if a camera is orthogonal.
  124. virtual bool isOrthogonal() const
  125. {
  126. return IsOrthogonal;
  127. }
  128. //! Binds the camera scene node's rotation to its target position and vice versa, or unbinds them.
  129. /** When bound, calling setRotation() will update the camera's
  130. target position to be along its +Z axis, and likewise calling
  131. setTarget() will update its rotation so that its +Z axis will
  132. point at the target point. FPS camera use this binding by
  133. default; other cameras do not.
  134. \param bound True to bind the camera's scene node rotation
  135. and targeting, false to unbind them.
  136. @see getTargetAndRotationBinding() */
  137. virtual void bindTargetAndRotation(bool bound) =0;
  138. //! Updates the matrices without uploading them to the driver
  139. virtual void updateMatrices() = 0;
  140. //! Queries if the camera scene node's rotation and its target position are bound together.
  141. /** @see bindTargetAndRotation() */
  142. virtual bool getTargetAndRotationBinding(void) const =0;
  143. //! Writes attributes of the camera node
  144. virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const _IRR_OVERRIDE_
  145. {
  146. ISceneNode::serializeAttributes(out, options);
  147. if (!out)
  148. return;
  149. out->addBool("IsOrthogonal", IsOrthogonal);
  150. }
  151. //! Reads attributes of the camera node
  152. virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) _IRR_OVERRIDE_
  153. {
  154. ISceneNode::deserializeAttributes(in, options);
  155. if (!in)
  156. return;
  157. if ( in->findAttribute("IsOrthogonal") )
  158. IsOrthogonal = in->getAttributeAsBool("IsOrthogonal");
  159. }
  160. protected:
  161. void cloneMembers(const ICameraSceneNode* toCopyFrom)
  162. {
  163. IsOrthogonal = toCopyFrom->IsOrthogonal;
  164. }
  165. bool IsOrthogonal;
  166. };
  167. } // end namespace scene
  168. } // end namespace irr
  169. #endif