1. GenomeTools: efficient processing of structured genome annotations
  2. The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bio-
  3. informatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) for biological
  4. sequence analysis and presentation combined into a single binary named
  5. "gt". It is based on a C library named "libgenometools" which consists
  6. of several modules.
  7. GenomeTools can be used for:
  8. - sequence and annotation handling
  9. - sequence compression
  10. - index structure generation and access
  11. - annotation visualization
  12. - ...and much more!
  13. GenomeTools publication:
  14. G. Gremme, S. Steinbiss and S. Kurtz. GenomeTools: a comprehensive
  15. software library for efficient processing of structured genome
  16. annotations. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and
  17. Bioinformatics 2013, 10(3):645-656