EEG_ADC Analog-Digital Converter and Analyzer for scanned EEG recordings

Adam Wysokiński 69e56eca2d license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago
example 2fb96d025e update: 2 years ago
LICENSE 69e56eca2d license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago 69e56eca2d license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago fde5806c7e update 2 years ago


This Python script converts scanned EEG recording produced by ECT machines, e.g. Thymatron.

Digitized EEG signal is further analyzed: mainly spectrum and power spectrum are calculated for the whole signal and all EEG bands.


Download and unzip the repository from: or clone it using git:

$ git clone

Python 3 and the following Python modules are required:

  • Matplotlib
  • NumPy
  • pandas
  • SciPy
  • skimage


Example input file: example.png

The scanned input image (PNG preferably) has to be:

  • DPI: 100
  • resolution: 490×100 pixels
  • dimensions on paper: height 2.5 cm, width 12.5 cm

The program tries to eliminate noise, background grid, etc. In order to get best results you may also manually remove them using any image editor, e.g. free and open-source GIMP.

To analyze the scanned image, run the program as:

$ ./ file_name.png

After processing, the following output files are produced:

  1. binary (black and white) version of the input image: file_name-bw.png
  2. digitized signal: file_name-signal.csv (with two columns: time and amplitude)
  3. signal plot: file_name-signal.pdf
  4. signal spectrum: file_name-fft.pdf
  5. power spectrum: file_name-psd.pdf
  6. absolute power across EEG bands: file_name-bands.cvs (with two columns: band name and absolute power in μV^2/Hz)
  7. absolute power across EEG bands bar plot: file_name-bands.pdf
  8. summary report (signal filename, max, min, mean and median amplitudes, absolute power, absolute and relative powers across EEG bands): file_name-report.txt

Output files are stored in the same directory as the input file. Important: old output files are overwritten without prompting!

Below is a typical session:

$ ./ example/example.png

EEG-ADC analyzer v1.0

Imported modules:
 Matplotlib 3.3.4
      NumPy 1.19.5
     pandas 1.1.5
      SciPy 1.6.0
    skimage 0.18.3

Reading input image: example/example.png

Interpolate and digitize..
Saving PNG: example/example-bw.png
Saving CSV: example/example-signal.csv
Applying HP filter at 0.5 Hz..
Calculating FFT..
Calculating PSD..
Saving PDF: example/example-signal.pdf
Saving PDF: example/example-fft.pdf
Saving PDF: example/example-psd.pdf
Saving PDF: example/example-bands.pdf
Saving CSV: example/example-bands.csv
Saving TXT: example/example-report.txt

Analysis completed.


  • input argument for user-defined px_uv and px_s (p1)
  • input image of any dimensions and DPI (p2)


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


v1.0 (06/10/2021) First official release.


Author: Prof. Adam Wysokiński (adam.wysokinski AT

Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders

Medical University of Lodz, Poland


This software is licensed under The 2-Clause BSD License.