DuoMAG MEP analyzer

Adam Wysokiński d74577235e license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago
LICENSE d74577235e license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago
README.md d74577235e license changed to 2-clause BSD 9 months ago
duomag.py 1b1d01cb43 add: report saving 2 years ago
test.ascii 1b1d01cb43 add: report saving 2 years ago



This script reads and analyzes MEP .ascii files produced by DuoMAG TMS stimulator.

There are two versions available: DuoMAG.py (original version written for Python 3) and DuoMAG.jl (current version, written for Julia and maintained).


Download and unzip the repository from: https://notabug.org/AdamWysokinski/DuoMAG/archive/master.zip or clone it using git:

$ git clone https://notabug.org/AdamWysokinski/DuoMAG

Python 3 and the following Python modules are required:

  • Matplotlib
  • NumPy
  • pandas
  • SciPy


Example input file: https://notabug.org/AdamWysokinski/DuoMAG/src/master/test.ascii

To analyze the file, run the program as:

$ ./duomag.py file_name.ascii > test.log

Below is a typical session:

DuoMAG MEP analyzer v1.0
Imported packages:
       CSV 0.9.11
DataFrames 1.3.1
     Plots 1.25.4

Reading file: test.ascii
Saving TXT: test-report.txt
Generating plots..
Saving CSV: test-signals.csv
Saving CSV: test-peaks.csv
Analysis completed.

Example test report (cut for the first signal only):

Stimulator: Deymed DuoMAG rTMS
Version: 1.3.6802.30842
Subject: TEST
Subject ID: TEST
Record ID: TEST
Date: 22.11.2019 10:17:26
Method: MEP:MT
Coil type: ----
Markers latency unit: ms
Sampling interval: 80
Sampling interval unit: µs
Signal resolution: 0.25
Signal resolution unit: µV
Number of signals: 20
Number of signals with undetected markers: 1
Number of samples per signal: 8129

Signal: 1
    Stimulation intensity: 60%
    A- latency: 36.08 ms
    A- amplitude: -0.0195 V
    A+ latency: 30.8 ms
    A+ amplitude: 0.0302 V
    Interpeak latency: 5.28 ms
    Peak-to-peak amplitude: 0.0498 V


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


v1.0 (25/10/2021) First official release.


Author: Prof. Adam Wysokiński (adam.wysokinski AT umed.lodz.pl)

Department of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotic Disorders

Medical University of Lodz, Poland


This software is licensed under The 2-Clause BSD License.