#75 Missing replies to comments

vaeringjar6 년 전을 오픈 · 3개의 코멘트
vaeringjar 코멘트됨, 6 년 전
I haven't seen any replies recently. For example: My comment https://freepo.st/post/cek6bvn8nr#comment-k1eoll4qmo shows up here: https://freepo.st/user_activity/comments But the reply https://freepo.st/post/cek6bvn8nr#comment-RPndDRp2M8 does not show up here: https://freepo.st/user_activity/replies
zPlus 코멘트됨, 6 년 전

Do you see it now?

Do you see it now?
vaeringjar 코멘트됨, 6 년 전

Looks good now. =D

Looks good now. =D
zPlus 코멘트됨, 6 년 전

This was a problem because I was messing around with some new code. I haven't pushed the code yet, but the issue should be fixed.

This was a problem because I was messing around with some new [code](https://freepost.peers.community). I haven't pushed the code yet, but the issue should be fixed.
zPlus 6 년 전가 Close
zPlus 커밋 6 년 전에서 이 이슈 언급
로그인하여 이 대화에 참여
레이블 없음
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참여자 2명
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