#67 Light up link of current page (read description below)

otvorené 7 rokov pred užívateľom deavmi · 8 komentárov

you know what would be nice, if we could know what page we are currently on, so the Hot link lights up in some way, idk how

you know what would be nice, if we could know what page we are currently on, so the `Hot` link lights up in some way, idk how
zPlus okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Could you explain this better?

Could you explain this better?
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Basically it would be nice if the link at the top could be highlighted depending what page you are currently on. Make it easier for the user to know they're viewing the Hot page of the New page.

Basically it would be nice if the link at the top could be highlighted depending what page you are currently on. Make it easier for the user to know they're viewing the `Hot` page of the `New` page.
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Maybe the background space behind the link could darken or do something like that.

Maybe the background space behind the link could darken or do something like that.
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

(as explained on IRC)

(as explained on IRC)
zPlus sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 7 rokov pred
zPlus zatvorené 7 rokov pred
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Awesome. Can't wait to see this go live. I like how you are able to quickly implement these things - shows the project is alive and well :).

Awesome. Can't wait to see this go live. I like how you are able to quickly implement these things - shows the project is alive and well :).
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Looks good.

Looks good.
deavmi znovu otvorené 7 rokov pred
Tristan B. Kildaire okomentoval 7 rokov pred

Doesn't show up on https://freepo.st/user.

Doesn't show up on https://freepo.st/user.
zPlus okomentoval 6 rokov pred

Closing. This was fixed a while ago.

Closing. This was fixed a while ago.
zPlus zatvorené 6 rokov pred
zPlus sa odvolal na túto issue z commitu 6 rokov pred
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