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- from . import settings
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine
- from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
- from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
- # The SQLAlchemy "Engine" is the "starting point" for using SQLAlchemy. In this
- # plugin we do not reuse the Pagure database session, because we're using a
- # separate database (we do not create new tables in the Pagure database in
- # order to keep the plugin completely separate). A new session for querying the
- # database is started at the beginning of every incoming HTTP request, or when
- # a Celery task is ran.
- #
- # Useful documentation for SQLAlchemy to understand how the plugin is set up:
- # https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/contextual.html
- engine = create_engine(settings.DB_URL, echo=True, pool_recycle=3600)
- def start_database_session():
- """
- Get a new SQLAlchemy work session. The Session object is used to query the
- database. To end a session simply call .remove() on the session object that
- is returned from this function.
- sessionmaker() is a SQLAlchemy session factory.
- scoped_session() is a SQLAlchemy registry of session objects. By
- using this registry, if somewhere else in the same request were
- to create a new session, the *same* object will be returned instead
- of starting a new one. Sessions are thread-local (2 different flask
- requests will start different sessions).
- """
- return scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))