#45 Bookmark feature / Internet Radio app

otvorené 5 rokov pred užívateľom kgoerbig · 1 komentárov
kgoerbig okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Any chance a bookmark feature can be added? "Last played" isn't quite the the same as bookmarking specific stations the user listens to often. Just a suggestion.

Any chance a bookmark feature can be added? "Last played" isn't quite the the same as bookmarking specific stations the user listens to often. Just a suggestion.
zPlus okomentoval 5 rokov pred

I'll take a look at this.

Just out of curiosity, why doesn't "last played" work? The stations that are played often should be at the top.

I'll take a look at this. Just out of curiosity, why doesn't "last played" work? The stations that are played often should be at the top.
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