#38 Stream stops after some time

vor 6 Jahren geöffnet von tulsi · 4 Kommentare
tulsi kommentierte vor 6 Jahren

On an LG Nexus 5X running Lineage OS with microG.

I've timed it and after 6ish min of streaming a station playback will stop and the station must be selected again in the application to keep playing. I"m seeing this behavior while streaming KEXP and am currently trying with other stations.

On an LG Nexus 5X running Lineage OS with microG. I've timed it and after 6ish min of streaming a station playback will stop and the station must be selected again in the application to keep playing. I"m seeing this behavior while streaming KEXP and am currently trying with other stations.
tulsi kommentierte vor 6 Jahren

Just experienced this with the stream WTUL. Stopped after 17 min. This eliminates the possibility of the error being isolated to one stream or consistent in the time it takes to stop.

Just experienced this with the stream WTUL. Stopped after 17 min. This eliminates the possibility of the error being isolated to one stream or consistent in the time it takes to stop.
zPlus kommentierte vor 5 Jahren

Do you still have this problem? I use the app daily but I've never been able to reproduce this issue. It looks like Android 6 introduced a standby mode for battery optimization, this could be the reason why the app is stopped maybe?

Do you still have this problem? I use the app daily but I've never been able to reproduce this issue. It looks like Android 6 introduced a standby mode for battery optimization, this could be the reason why the app is stopped maybe?
matteRhorn kommentierte vor 5 Jahren

I have experienced the same issue on my Samsung A3 2017 (SM-A320FL) running Android 8.0.0. While playing Radio Bayern 2 and also others the program tops the stream after about 5 / 6 minutes.

I have experienced the same issue on my Samsung A3 2017 (SM-A320FL) running Android 8.0.0. While playing Radio Bayern 2 and also others the program tops the stream after about 5 / 6 minutes.
zPlus kommentierte vor 5 Jahren

@matteRhorn I've tried to test the application on a tablet with Android 9 and I've noticed two things:

  • if I turn off the screen, the application is automatically stopped after a while (10 minutes more or less)
  • if I put it in the background but still use the tablet, the stream stops after much longer, maybe 20 or 30 minutes. However it automatically resumes as soon as I bring it in the foreground again
  • if I keep the application in the foreground, it does not seem to stop

None of this happened with older version of Android (older than 8). I've only observed this behavior though, I haven't debugged it so I don't fully understand what's going on. Somehow after v8 they have introduced this automatic block for background processes but I don't know how to disable it in the application. The tablet has a specific option for this in the settings, but even if I flag it the app still will be stopped.

@matteRhorn I've tried to test the application on a tablet with Android 9 and I've noticed two things: - if I turn off the screen, the application is automatically stopped after a while (10 minutes more or less) - if I put it in the background but still use the tablet, the stream stops after much longer, maybe 20 or 30 minutes. However it automatically resumes as soon as I bring it in the foreground again - if I keep the application in the foreground, it does not seem to stop None of this happened with older version of Android (older than 8). I've only observed this behavior though, I haven't debugged it so I don't fully understand what's going on. Somehow after v8 they have introduced this automatic block for background processes but I don't know how to disable it in the application. The tablet has a specific option for this in the settings, but even if I flag it the app still will be stopped.
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