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- #version 300 es
- in vec4 v_pos_in;
- in vec2 v_tex_in;
- in vec4 i_pos_in;
- in vec4 i_box_in; // offset, size
- in vec4 i_tex_in; // offset, size
- in vec4 i_color_in;
- out vec2 tex_vs;
- uniform mat4 mViewProj;
- void main() {
- tex_vs = i_tex_in.xy + (v_tex_in * i_tex_in.zw);
- // HACK: the /8 is due to missing scaling in the generator
- vec4 pos = vec4((i_box_in.xy/8.0) + (v_pos_in.xy * i_box_in.zw), v_pos_in.zw);
- gl_Position = mViewProj * (pos + i_pos_in);
- // gl_Position = mViewProj * (v_pos_in );
- }