action.yml 2.7 KB

  1. #
  2. name: "GH Release"
  3. description: "Github Action for creating Github Releases"
  4. author: "softprops"
  5. inputs:
  6. body:
  7. description: "Note-worthy description of changes in release"
  8. required: false
  9. body_path:
  10. description: "Path to load note-worthy description of changes in release from"
  11. required: false
  12. name:
  13. description: "Gives the release a custom name. Defaults to tag name"
  14. required: false
  15. tag_name:
  16. description: "Gives a tag name. Defaults to github.GITHUB_REF"
  17. required: false
  18. draft:
  19. description: "Creates a draft release. Defaults to false"
  20. required: false
  21. prerelease:
  22. description: "Identify the release as a prerelease. Defaults to false"
  23. required: false
  24. files:
  25. description: "Newline-delimited list of path globs for asset files to upload"
  26. required: false
  27. fail_on_unmatched_files:
  28. description: "Fails if any of the `files` globs match nothing. Defaults to false"
  29. required: false
  30. repository:
  31. description: "Repository to make releases against, in <owner>/<repo> format"
  32. required: false
  33. token:
  34. description: "Authorized secret GitHub Personal Access Token. Defaults to github.token"
  35. required: false
  36. default: ${{ github.token }}
  37. target_commitish:
  38. description: "Commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA."
  39. required: false
  40. discussion_category_name:
  41. description: "If specified, a discussion of the specified category is created and linked to the release. The value must be a category that already exists in the repository. If there is already a discussion linked to the release, this parameter is ignored."
  42. required: false
  43. generate_release_notes:
  44. description: "Whether to automatically generate the name and body for this release. If name is specified, the specified name will be used; otherwise, a name will be automatically generated. If body is specified, the body will be pre-pended to the automatically generated notes."
  45. required: false
  46. append_body:
  47. description: "Append to existing body instead of overwriting it. Default is false."
  48. required: false
  49. env:
  50. "GITHUB_TOKEN": "As provided by Github Actions"
  51. outputs:
  52. url:
  53. description: "URL to the Release HTML Page"
  54. id:
  55. description: "Release ID"
  56. upload_url:
  57. description: "URL for uploading assets to the release"
  58. assets:
  59. description: "JSON array containing information about each uploaded asset, in the format given [here]( (minus the `uploader` field)"
  60. runs:
  61. using: "node16"
  62. main: "dist/index.js"
  63. branding:
  64. color: "green"
  65. icon: "package"