123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- # Tanım: İstatistiksel hesaplama ve grafik için programlama dili
- # URL: https://www.r-project.org/
- # Paketçi: milisarge
- # Gerekler: tk lapack libpng libjpeg-turbo libtiff pcre xorg-libxt xorg-libxmu pango zip unzip icu
- # Grup: geliştirme
- isim=r-lang
- surum=3.5.1
- devir=1
- kaynak=(https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-${surum%%.*}/R-3.5.1.tar.gz
- r.desktop
- r.png
- R.conf)
- derle() {
- cd R-${surum}
- # set texmf dir correctly in makefile
- sed -i 's|$(rsharedir)/texmf|${datarootdir}/texmf|' share/Makefile.in
- ./configure --prefix=/usr \
- --libdir=/usr/lib \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/R \
- --datarootdir=/usr/share \
- rsharedir=/usr/share/R/ \
- rincludedir=/usr/include/R/ \
- --with-x \
- --enable-R-shlib \
- --with-lapack \
- F77=gfortran \
- LIBnn=lib
- make
- # make libRmath.so
- cd src/nmath/standalone
- make shared
- cd $SRC/R-${surum}
- make DESTDIR="${PKG}" install
- # install libRmath.so
- make DESTDIR="${PKG}" install
- # Fixup R wrapper scripts.
- sed -i "s|${PKG} ||" "${PKG}/usr/bin/R"
- rm "${PKG}/usr/lib/R/bin/R"
- cd "${PKG}/usr/lib/R/bin"
- ln -s ../../../bin/R
- # install some freedesktop.org compatibility
- install -Dm644 "${SRC}/r.desktop" "${PKG}/usr/share/applications/r.desktop"
- install -Dm644 "${SRC}/r.png" "${PKG}/usr/share/pixmaps/r.png"
- # move the config directory to /etc and create symlinks
- install -d "${PKG}/etc/R"
- cd "${PKG}/usr/lib/R/etc"
- for i in *; do
- mv -f ${i} "${PKG}/etc/R"
- ln -s /etc/R/${i} ${i}
- done
- # Install ld.so.conf.d file to ensure other applications access the shared lib
- install -Dm644 "${SRC}/R.conf" "${PKG}/etc/ld.so.conf.d/R.conf"
- rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/doc
- }