123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324 |
- local S = minetest.get_translator "advtrains_doc_integration"
- local D = advtrains_doc_integration.describe
- local H = advtrains_doc_integration.hypertext
- local utils = advtrains_doc_integration.utils
- local fsescape = minetest.formspec_escape
- local function S2(a, b)
- return S(a, S(b))
- end
- local function addlist(lst, tbl, title, fallback1, fallback2, mapf)
- if not tbl then
- if fallback2 then
- table.insert(lst, fallback2)
- elseif fallback2 == false and fallback1 then
- table.insert(lst, fallback1)
- end
- elseif next(tbl) ~= nil then
- table.insert(lst, title)
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if mapf then
- k = mapf(k, v)
- end
- table.insert(lst, H.listitem(k, true))
- end
- elseif fallback1 then
- table.insert(lst, fallback1)
- end
- end
- local function describe_function(f)
- if not f then
- return S("Undefined")
- end
- return H.describe_function(f) or S("Defined")
- end
- local function blankline(st)
- return table.insert(st, "")
- end
- local wlivprev = {}
- local function get_livery_preview_selection(pname, itemname)
- return (wlivprev[pname] or {})[itemname] or 0
- end
- local function get_livery_preview(itemname, id)
- local tx = (advtrains_doc_integration.prototypes[itemname] or {}).livery_textures
- return tx[id] or tx[0]
- end
- local function render_livery_textures(pname, itemname)
- local str = table.concat(utils.map(get_livery_preview(itemname, get_livery_preview_selection(pname, itemname)), fsescape), ",")
- return str
- end
- local function set_livery_preview_selection(pname, itemname, id)
- local t = wlivprev[pname]
- if not t then
- t = {}
- wlivprev[pname] = t
- end
- t[itemname] = id
- end
- local function doc_render_wagon_information(prototype, pname)
- local desctext = {}
- if prototype._doc_wagon_longdesc then
- table.insert(desctext, tostring(prototype._doc_wagon_longdesc))
- blankline(desctext)
- end
- table.insert(desctext, H.header(S("Basic Information")))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Itemstring: @1", H.mono(prototype.name)))
- addlist(desctext, prototype.drops, S("Drops:"), S("Drops nothing"), false, function(_, v) return H.describe_item(v) end)
- addlist(desctext, prototype.drives_on, S("Drives on:"), nil, nil, H.mono)
- addlist(desctext, prototype.coupler_types_front, S("Compatible front couplers:"), S2("Front coupler: @1", "Absent"), S2("Front coupler: @1", "Universal"), H.describe_coupler)
- addlist(desctext, prototype.coupler_types_back, S("Compatible rear couplers:"), S2("Rear coupler: @1", "Absent"), S2("Rear coupler: @1", "Universal"), H.describe_coupler)
- table.insert(desctext, S("Wagon span: @1", prototype.wagon_span and D.length(2*prototype.wagon_span) or S("Undefined")))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Maximum speed: @1", prototype.max_speed and D.speed(prototype.max_speed) or S("Undefined")))
- table.insert(desctext, S2("Motive power: @1", prototype.is_locomotive and "Present" or "Absent"))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Horn sound: @1", H.describe_sound("playhorn", prototype.horn_sound)))
- if prototype.doors.open.sound or prototype.doors.close.sound then
- table.insert(desctext, S("Door sound: @1 (when opening), @2 (when closing)",
- H.describe_sound("playdooropen", prototype.doors.open.sound),
- H.describe_sound("playdoorclose", prototype.doors.close.sound)))
- else
- table.insert(desctext, S2("Door sound: @1", "Undefined"))
- end
- blankline(desctext)
- table.insert(desctext, H.header(S("Wagon Capacity")))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Passenger seats: @1", prototype.max_passengers))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Driver seats: @1", prototype.max_drivers))
- if prototype.has_inventory then
- addlist(desctext, prototype.inventory_list_sizes, S("Cargo inventory size:"), S2("Cargo inventory: @1", "Present"), false, function(k, v)
- return string.format("%s: %d", H.mono(k), v)
- end)
- else
- table.insert(desctext, S2("Cargo inventory: @1", "Absent"))
- end
- if techage and prototype.techage_liquid_capacity then
- table.insert(desctext, S("Liquid Capacity (Techage): @1", string.format("%d", prototype.techage_liquid_capacity)))
- end
- blankline(desctext)
- table.insert(desctext, H.header(S("Wagon Appearance")))
- table.insert(desctext, S("Mesh: @1", prototype.mesh and H.mono(prototype.mesh) or "None"))
- addlist(desctext, prototype.textures, S("Textures:"), S("No textures"), false, function(_, v) return H.mono(v) end)
- local livsel = get_livery_preview_selection(pname, prototype.name)
- local livrst = (livsel ~= 0 and not prototype.dlxtrains_livery) and " " .. H.action("preview_0", S("[Reset Preview]")) or ""
- local livids = 0
- local function livprev(desc)
- livids = livids+1
- local label = H.plain(desc)
- if livids == livsel then
- label = H.bold(desc)
- end
- return H.action(string.format("preview_%d", livids), label, true)
- end
- local dlxlivdef = prototype.dlxtrains_livery
- table.insert(desctext, S2("DlxTrains livery system: @1", dlxlivdef and "Supported" or "Unsupported"))
- if dlxlivdef then
- livids = -1
- table.insert(desctext, "Livery presets:")
- for k = 0, dlxlivdef.count-1 do
- table.insert(desctext, H.listitem(string.format("%s (%s, %s)", H.mono(dlxlivdef[k].code), livprev(S("default")), livprev(S("weathered"))), true))
- end
- end
- local bikeliv = S("Unsupported")
- local bikelivdesc = nil
- if prototype.set_livery then
- if prototype.livery_definition then
- bikeliv = S("Supported by the multi_component_liveries mod")
- bikelivdesc = {}
- addlist(bikelivdesc, prototype.livery_definition.components, S("Livery components:"), nil, nil, function(_, v) return H.plain(v.description) end)
- addlist(bikelivdesc, prototype.livery_definition.presets, S("Livery presets:") .. livrst, nil, nil, function(_, v) return livprev(v.description) end)
- bikelivdesc = table.concat(bikelivdesc, "\n")
- else
- bikeliv = S("Supported")
- end
- end
- table.insert(desctext, S("Livery system with bike painter: @1", bikeliv))
- table.insert(desctext, bikelivdesc)
- local atlivdef = prototype.advtrains_livery_tools
- table.insert(desctext, S2("Advtrains livery tools (Marnack): @1", atlivdef and "Supported" or "Unsupported"))
- if atlivdef then
- addlist(desctext, atlivdef.template_names, S("Livery templates:"), nil, nil, function(_, v) return H.plain(v) end)
- addlist(desctext, atlivdef.livery_names, S("Livery presets:") .. livrst, nil, nil, function(_, v) return livprev(v) end)
- end
- blankline(desctext)
- table.insert(desctext, H.header(S("Implementation Details")))
- local attachment_offset_support = S("Unsupported")
- if advtrains_attachment_offset_patch then
- local t = advtrains_attachment_offset_patch
- if prototype.get_on == t.get_on_override and prototype.get_off == t.get_off_override then
- attachment_offset_support = S("Supported")
- end
- end
- table.insert(desctext, S("Proper player attachment positioning: @1", attachment_offset_support))
- for k, v in pairs {
- custom_on_activate = "Custom instantiation callback",
- custom_on_step = "Custom step function",
- custom_on_velocity_change = "Custom velocity change callback",
- } do
- table.insert(desctext, S(v .. ": @1", describe_function(prototype[k])))
- end
- local x0, y0 = doc.FORMSPEC.ENTRY_START_X+0.25, doc.FORMSPEC.ENTRY_START_Y
- local x1, y1 = doc.FORMSPEC.ENTRY_END_X+0.75, doc.FORMSPEC.ENTRY_END_Y+0.625
- local width, height = x1-x0, y1-y0
- local mside = height/2
- local mesh = fsescape(prototype.mesh or "")
- local textures = render_livery_textures(pname, prototype.name)
- local fstext = {
- string.format("hypertext[%f,%f;%f,%f;entry_body;%s]", x0, y0, width-mside, height+0.875, fsescape(table.concat(desctext, "\n"))),
- string.format("item_image[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s]", x1-mside, y0+0.0625, mside, mside, fsescape(prototype.name)),
- string.format("model[%f,%f;%f,%f;%s;%s;%s;%f,%f]",
- x1-mside, y1-mside, mside, mside, "wagon_model", mesh, textures, -30, 135),
- }
- return table.concat(fstext, "\n")
- end
- if doc then
- advtrains_doc_integration.register_on_prototype_loaded(function(itemname, prototype)
- minetest.override_item(itemname, {_doc_items_create_entry = false})
- doc.add_entry("advtrains_wagons", itemname, {
- name = ItemStack(itemname):get_short_description(),
- data = prototype,
- })
- if doc.sub.identifier then
- doc.sub.identifier.register_object(itemname, "advtrains_wagons", itemname)
- end
- end)
- if doc.sub.items then
- local register_factoid = doc.sub.items.register_factoid
- local function ndef_field_factoid(cat, ftype, f, ...)
- local ftp = type(f)
- if ftp == "string" then
- local desc = f
- f = function(x)
- if x ~= nil then
- return desc
- end
- end
- end
- local keys = {...}
- local idx = function(t)
- for _, k in ipairs(keys) do
- if type(t) ~= "table" then
- return nil
- end
- t = t[k]
- end
- return t
- end
- local function fgen(_, def)
- return f(idx(def)) or ""
- end
- return register_factoid(cat, ftype, fgen)
- end
- local function group_factoid(cat, gr, f)
- local function func(x)
- return f(x or 0)
- end
- return ndef_field_factoid(cat, "groups", func, "groups", gr)
- end
- for cat, cinfo in pairs{
- nodes = {
- not_blocking_trains = S("This block does not block trains."),
- save_in_at_nodedb = S("This block is saved in the Advtrains node database."),
- },
- } do
- for group, ginfo in pairs(cinfo) do
- local tp = type(ginfo)
- if tp == "string" then
- group_factoid(cat, group, function(x)
- if x > 0 then
- return ginfo
- end
- end)
- elseif tp == "function" then
- group_factoid(cat, group, ginfo)
- end
- end
- end
- for fname, t in pairs {
- advtrains = {
- on_train_enter = S("This track reacts to passing trains."),
- on_train_approach = S("This track reacts to approaching trains."),
- },
- luaautomation = {
- fire_event = S("This block handles LuaATC events."),
- },
- } do
- for subfname, val in pairs(t) do
- local function f(x)
- if x ~= nil then
- return val
- end
- end
- ndef_field_factoid("nodes", "groups", f, fname, subfname)
- end
- end
- register_factoid("nodes", "groups", function(_, ndef)
- if ndef.advtrains then
- local atdef = ndef.advtrains
- if atdef.set_aspect then
- return S("This is a signal with a variable aspect.")
- elseif atdef.get_aspect then
- return S("This is a signal with a static aspect.")
- end
- end
- if ndef.at_conns then
- return S("This track has the following conns table by default: @1", D.conns(ndef.at_conns) or "?")
- end
- return ""
- end)
- end
- doc.add_category("advtrains_wagons", {
- name = S("Wagons"),
- build_formspec = doc_render_wagon_information,
- })
- end
- minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
- if formname ~= "doc:entry" then
- return
- end
- local pname = player:get_player_name()
- local cat, ent = doc.get_selection(pname)
- if cat ~= "advtrains_wagons" or ent == nil then
- return
- end
- local act = fields.entry_body
- local prototype = advtrains_doc_integration.prototypes[ent]
- local sounds = {
- ["action:playhorn"] = prototype.horn_sound,
- ["action:playdooropen"] = prototype.doors.open.sound,
- ["action:playdoorclose"] = prototype.doors.close.sound,
- }
- if not act then
- return
- elseif sounds[act] then
- minetest.sound_play(sounds[act], {to_player = pname}, true)
- else
- local txid = string.match(act, [[^action:preview_(%d+)$]])
- txid = tonumber(txid)
- if txid then
- set_livery_preview_selection(pname, ent, txid)
- doc.show_entry(pname, cat, ent)
- end
- end
- end)