123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import json
- import os
- import sys
- import re
- from datetime import date
- #type_file=xoronosconfidential ; legal_info="Confidential document"
- #type_file=xoronosinternal ; legal_info="Internal document"
- type_file="xoronosopen" ; legal_info="Public document"
- template = "/usr/share/pandoc/data/templates/xoronos.tex"
- texmfhome = ".local/xoronos/texmf/"
- # read the file list
- with open('./backend/filelist.json', 'r') as file:
- jsondata = file.read()
- filelists_json = json.loads( jsondata )
- script_dir = os.popen("pwd").read().replace("\n", "")
- project_dir = os.path.dirname(script_dir)
- cache_dir = project_dir + "/cache"
- build_dir = project_dir + "/build"
- doc_dir = build_dir + "/doc"
- html_dir = doc_dir + "/html"
- pdf_dir = doc_dir + "/pdf"
- svg_dir = html_dir + "/svg"
- out_dir = cache_dir + "/libdoc"
- resdir = project_dir + "/archives/resources/miscellaneus/"
- # extract archive
- if not os.path.exists(resdir):
- cmd = "cd ../archives ; tar -xzf resources.tar.gz"
- os.system(cmd)
- # create directories
- cmd = ""
- if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + cache_dir
- if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + out_dir
- if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + build_dir
- if not os.path.exists(html_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + html_dir
- if not os.path.exists(pdf_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + pdf_dir
- if not os.path.exists(svg_dir):
- cmd = cmd + "; mkdir " + svg_dir + "/ ;"
- os.system(cmd[2:])
- # clean content of directories
- cmd = ""
- cmd = cmd + "; rm -rf " + out_dir + "/*"
- cmd = cmd + "; rm -rf " + svg_dir + "/*"
- cmd = cmd + "; rm -rf " + html_dir + "/*.html"
- cmd = cmd + "; rm -rf " + pdf_dir + "/*"
- os.system(cmd[2:])
- # get all the files to analyze
- all_files_doc = []
- all_files_src = []
- for file in filelists_json["lib-function-docs"]:
- if os.path.exists( project_dir + "/" + file ) == True :
- all_files_doc.append( project_dir + "/" + file )
- path_file_src = "/".join(file.split("/")[:-2]) + "/src/" + file.split("/")[-1]
- path_file_src = path_file_src[:-3] + ".c"
- if os.path.exists( project_dir + "/" + path_file_src ) == True :
- all_files_src.append( project_dir + "/" + path_file_src )
- # construct a keyword database
- functions_keywords = ""
- functions_returns = ""
- for file in all_files_doc :
- cmd = "cat " + file + " | awk '/int .*\(/||/void .*\(/{print $0}' | sed 's/(.*$//' | tr -d '*' | awk '//{print $2}'"
- outcmd = os.popen( cmd ).read()
- functions_keywords = functions_keywords + "\n" + outcmd
- if "xrn_common" in file :
- cmd = "cat " + file + " | grep define | grep '(' | awk '//{print $2 }'"
- outcmd = os.popen( cmd ).read()
- functions_returns = functions_returns + "\n" + outcmd
- functions_keywords = "\n".join([s for s in functions_keywords.split("\n") if s])
- functions_returns = "\n".join([s for s in functions_returns.split("\n") if s])
- list_functions = functions_keywords.split("\n")
- list_return = functions_returns.split("\n")
- list_return_msgs = []
- # construct the error warning messages
- for file in all_files_doc :
- if "xrn_common" in file :
- for returnstr in list_return :
- cmd = "cat " + file + " | grep " + returnstr +"_MSG | sed 's/^.* \"//' | tr -d \"\\\"\" | tr -d '\n' "
- outcmd = os.popen( cmd ).read()
- list_return_msgs.append( dict( code = returnstr , msg = outcmd) )
- # get library version
- lib_version = ""
- for file in filelists_json["libh"]:
- if "xrn_settings" in file :
- cmd = "cat " + project_dir + "/"+ file + " | awk '/XRN_ALGORITHM_VERSION/ {print $3}' | head -n 1 "
- algorithm_version = os.popen( cmd ).read()
- cmd = "cat " + project_dir + "/"+ file + " | awk '/XRN_IO_VERSION/ {print $3}' | head -n 1 "
- ioversion = os.popen( cmd ).read()
- lib_version = algorithm_version[:-1] + "." + ioversion[:-1]
- break
- #file, function, list of ret, list of calls
- database = []
- # read the src files and compile a list of functions and keywords
- firstentry = 0
- for file in all_files_src :
- filep = open(file, 'r')
- lines = filep.readlines()
- filep.close()
- for line in lines :
- # get function name
- if ((None != re.search("^int .*\(", line)) or (None != re.search("^void .*\(", line))) :
- funcstr = line
- funcstr = funcstr.replace('*','')
- funcstr = funcstr.split(" ")[1]
- funcstr = funcstr.split("(")[0]
- found = 0
- for function in list_functions:
- if (( found == 0 ) and ( function == funcstr )):
- database = database + [ dict(srcfile = file, func = function, lst_ret = [], lst_call = [])]
- firstentry = 1
- found = 1
- if found == 0 :
- print ( "error in line: "+line + "\nfile: " + file )
- exit(-1)
- # get return values
- for return_value in list_return :
- if return_value in line :
- if not ( return_value in database[-1]['lst_ret'] ):
- database[-1]['lst_ret'].append(return_value)
- # get function calls
- for call_funct in list_functions :
- if (( call_funct in line ) and ( firstentry == 1 )):
- if (not "strcmp" in line ):
- if not database[-1]['func'] in line :
- database[-1]['lst_call'].append(call_funct)
- # remove duplicates
- database[-1]['lst_call'] = list(dict.fromkeys(database[-1]['lst_call']))
- # print info
- def print_autocomplete ( name , file ):
- for entry in database :
- if name == entry['func'] :
- string = "\n**Return values:**\n\n"
- for ret in entry['lst_ret'] :
- if 'XERR_' in ret :
- string = string + "> **error:** " + ret + " $\\rightarrow$ "
- elif 'XWAR_' in ret :
- string = string + "> **warning:** " + ret + " $\\rightarrow$ "
- else :
- string = string + "> **standard:** " + ret + " $\\rightarrow$ "
- for code_dic in list_return_msgs :
- if ret == code_dic['code'] :
- string = string + code_dic['msg'] + ".\\\n"
- if ( string != "\n**Return values:**\n\n") :
- string = string[:-2] + "\n\n"
- file.write(string)
- string = "\n**Function calls:**\n\n"
- already_called = []
- for call in entry['lst_call'] :
- for entry2 in database :
- if ( call == entry2['func'] ) and ( not ( call in already_called ) ) :
- already_called.append(call)
- string = string + "> **" + os.path.basename(entry2['srcfile'])[:-2] + ".md:** " + call + "\\\n"
- #if ( call == entry2['func'] ) :
- if ( string != "\n**Function calls:**\n\n") :
- string = string[:-2] + "\n\n"
- file.write(string)
- break
- for file in all_files_doc :
- print( "file " + file)
- title = os.path.basename(file).replace("_", " ")[:-3]
- filep = open(file, 'r')
- lines = filep.readlines()
- filep.close()
- fileo = open(out_dir + "/" +os.path.basename(file), 'w')
- # dump header
- today = date.today()
- fileo.write("---\n")
- fileo.write("title: \"" + title + "\""+ "\n")
- fileo.write("author: []\n")
- fileo.write("legalinfo: \""+ legal_info+"\""+ "\n")
- fileo.write("page-background: \""+ os.path.expanduser('~') + "/" + texmfhome + "tex/" + type_file + ".pdf"+"\""+ "\n")
- fileo.write("date: \""+today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")+"\""+ "\n")
- fileo.write("lang: en"+"\n")
- fileo.write("titlepage: true,"+"\n")
- fileo.write("titlepage-background: \"" + os.path.expanduser('~') + "/" +texmfhome + "tex/xoronostitlepage.pdf" + "\""+ "\n")
- fileo.write("titlepage-text-color: \"000000\"" + "\n")
- fileo.write("titlepage-rule-color: \"360049\"" + "\n")
- fileo.write("titlepage-rule-height: 0" + "\n")
- fileo.write("..." + "\n")
- fileo.write("\\vspace*{2cm}" + "\n")
- fileo.write("\\centerline{" + "\n")
- fileo.write("\\Large" + "\n")
- fileo.write("\\textbf{" + "\n")
- fileo.write("Xoron Library Version " + lib_version + "\n")
- fileo.write("}" + "\n")
- fileo.write("}" + "\n")
- fileo.write("\\vspace*{2cm}" + "\n")
- # dump lines
- for line in lines :
- # check for autocomplete
- if "docautocomplete" in line :
- maxlen = 0
- for function in list_functions :
- if function in line :
- if maxlen < len ( function ) :
- best_match = function
- maxlen = len ( function )
- if ( maxlen != 0 ) :
- print_autocomplete ( best_match, fileo )
- else :
- fileo.write(line)
- fileo.close()
- # dump pdf
- cmd = "pandoc " + out_dir + "/" +os.path.basename(file) + " -o "
- cmd = cmd + pdf_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + ".pdf --from markdown --template "
- cmd = cmd + " " + template + " --listings --toc "
- os.system(cmd)
- name6 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "6.html"
- name5 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "5.html"
- name4 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "4.html"
- name3 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "3.html"
- name2 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "2.html"
- name1 = out_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + "1.html"
- name = html_dir + "/" + os.path.basename(file)[:-3] + ".html"
- cmd = "pandoc --standalone " + out_dir + "/" +os.path.basename(file) + " --from markdown --mathjax --toc "
- cmd = cmd + " -o " + name6
- os.system(cmd)
- # copy css into html
- cmd = "line=$(grep -n '/style' " + name6 + " | cut -d ':' -f 1); "
- cmd = cmd + "{ head -n $(($line-1)) " + name6 + " ; cat " + resdir + "/xoronos.css; tail -n +$line " + name6 + " ; } > " + name5 + " ;"
- os.system(cmd)
- # copy fonts into html
- cmd = "line=$(grep -n '<body>' " + name5 + " | cut -d ':' -f 1); "
- cmd = cmd + "{ head -n $(($line-1)) " + name5 + " ; cat " + resdir + "/xoronos_font.html; tail -n +$line " + name5 + " ; } > " + name4 + " ;"
- os.system(cmd)
- # fix formatting
- cmd = "cat " + name4 + " | sed 's/<\\/nav>/<\/nav>\\n<div>/g; s/<\\/body>/<\\/div>\\n<\\/body>/g' > " + name3
- os.system(cmd)
- # add java script into html
- cmd = "line4=$( grep -n '/body>' " + name3 + " | cut -d ':' -f 1 ); "
- cmd = cmd + "{ head -n $(($line4-1)) " + name3 + "; cat " + resdir + "/xoronos.js; tail -n +$line4 " + name3 + "; } > " + name2 + ";"
- os.system(cmd)
- # add menu collapsable
- cmd = "cat " + name2 + " | sed '/<li>.*.<ul>/s/li><a/li><a class=\"caret\"/; /<li>.*.<ul>/s/<ul/<ul class=\"nested\"/; ' > " + name1 + ";"
- os.system(cmd)
- # fix hdots
- cmd = "cat " + name1 + " | sed \"s/\\\hdots/.../g; s/\\././; s/cline[{][^}]*[}]/\\\\\ \\\hline/ \" > " + name
- os.system(cmd)
- # remove temporary files
- cmd = "rm " + name6 + " ; rm " + name5 + " ; rm " + name4 + " ; rm " + name3 + " ; rm " + name2 + " ; rm " + name1
- os.system(cmd)