123456789101112131415161718192021 |
- # get all the functions
- all_functions=$( xrnlib-cli --example | sed 's/#.*$//; s/xrnlib-cli --example //; /^$/d' | sort | grep -v print-lib-info )
- # get all the functions called
- all_functions_called=$(ls | grep -v run_parser_tests.sh | grep -v check_coverage_functions.sh | xargs cat | \
- awk '/--/{print $0}' | grep -v conf | grep -v silent | grep -v print-lib-info | sed 's/^.*--/--/g; s/ .*$//' | sort | uniq | sed 's/--//')
- unique_to_string=$(echo "$all_functions $all_functions_called" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u | tr -s '\n' ' ')
- if [ -z "$unique_to_string" ]; then
- echo "correct"
- else
- echo "all_functions list: " ; echo $all_functions ; echo ""
- echo "all_called_functions list: " ; echo $all_functions_called ; echo ""
- echo "fail list: " ; echo $unique_to_string
- fi