123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348 |
- #include "vidinput.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #if !defined(M_PI)
- # define M_PI (3.141592653589793238462643)
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #if defined(_WIN32)
- #include <io.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #include <ogg/os_types.h>
- #include "getopt.h"
- const char *optstring = "frsy";
- const struct option options[]={
- {"frame-type",no_argument,NULL,'f'},
- {"raw",no_argument,NULL,'r'},
- {"summary",no_argument,NULL,'s'},
- {"luma-only",no_argument,NULL,'y'},
- {NULL,0,NULL,0}
- };
- static int show_frame_type;
- static int summary_only;
- static int luma_only;
- #define KERNEL_SHIFT (8)
- #define KERNEL_ROUND ((1<<KERNEL_SHIFT)>>1)
- static int gaussian_filter_init(unsigned **_kernel,double _sigma,int _max_len){
- unsigned *kernel;
- double scale;
- double nhisigma2;
- double s;
- double len;
- unsigned sum;
- int kernel_len;
- int kernel_sz;
- int ci;
- scale=1/(sqrt(2*M_PI)*_sigma);
- nhisigma2=-0.5/(_sigma*_sigma);
- s=sqrt(0.5*M_PI)*_sigma*(1.0/KERNEL_WEIGHT);
- if(s>=1)len=0;
- else len=floor(_sigma*sqrt(-2*log(s)));
- kernel_len=len>=_max_len?_max_len-1:(int)len;
- kernel_sz=kernel_len<<1|1;
- kernel=(unsigned *)_ogg_malloc(kernel_sz*sizeof(*kernel));
- sum=0;
- for(ci=kernel_len;ci>0;ci--){
- kernel[kernel_len-ci]=kernel[kernel_len+ci]=
- (unsigned)(KERNEL_WEIGHT*scale*exp(nhisigma2*ci*ci)+0.5);
- sum+=kernel[kernel_len-ci];
- }
- kernel[kernel_len]=KERNEL_WEIGHT-(sum<<1);
- *_kernel=kernel;
- return kernel_sz;
- }
- typedef struct ssim_moments ssim_moments;
- struct ssim_moments{
- unsigned mux;
- unsigned muy;
- unsigned x2;
- unsigned xy;
- unsigned y2;
- unsigned w;
- };
- #define SSIM_C1 (255*255*0.01*0.01)
- #define SSIM_C2 (255*255*0.03*0.03)
- static double calc_ssim(const unsigned char *_src,int _systride,
- const unsigned char *_dst,int _dystride,double _par,int _w,int _h){
- ssim_moments *line_buf;
- ssim_moments **lines;
- double ssim;
- double ssimw;
- unsigned *hkernel;
- int hkernel_sz;
- int hkernel_offs;
- unsigned *vkernel;
- int vkernel_sz;
- int vkernel_offs;
- int log_line_sz;
- int line_sz;
- int line_mask;
- int x;
- int y;
- vkernel_sz=gaussian_filter_init(&vkernel,_h*(1.5/256),_w<_h?_w:_h);
- vkernel_offs=vkernel_sz>>1;
- for(line_sz=1,log_line_sz=0;line_sz<vkernel_sz;line_sz<<=1,log_line_sz++);
- line_mask=line_sz-1;
- lines=(ssim_moments **)_ogg_malloc(line_sz*sizeof(*lines));
- lines[0]=line_buf=(ssim_moments *)_ogg_malloc(line_sz*_w*sizeof(*line_buf));
- for(y=1;y<line_sz;y++)lines[y]=lines[y-1]+_w;
- hkernel_sz=gaussian_filter_init(&hkernel,_h*(1.5/256)/_par,_w<_h?_w:_h);
- hkernel_offs=hkernel_sz>>1;
- ssim=0;
- ssimw=0;
- for(y=0;y<_h+vkernel_offs;y++){
- ssim_moments *buf;
- int k;
- int k_min;
- int k_max;
- if(y<_h){
- buf=lines[y&line_mask];
- for(x=0;x<_w;x++){
- ssim_moments m;
- memset(&m,0,sizeof(m));
- k_min=hkernel_offs-x<=0?0:hkernel_offs-x;
- k_max=x+hkernel_offs-_w+1<=0?
- hkernel_sz:hkernel_sz-(x+hkernel_offs-_w+1);
- for(k=k_min;k<k_max;k++){
- unsigned s;
- unsigned d;
- unsigned w;
- s=_src[x-hkernel_offs+k];
- d=_dst[x-hkernel_offs+k];
- w=hkernel[k];
- m.mux+=w*s;
- m.muy+=w*d;
- m.x2+=w*s*s;
- m.xy+=w*s*d;
- m.y2+=w*d*d;
- m.w+=w;
- }
- *(buf+x)=*&m;
- }
- _src+=_systride;
- _dst+=_dystride;
- }
- if(y>=vkernel_offs){
- k_min=vkernel_sz-y-1<=0?0:vkernel_sz-y-1;
- k_max=y+1-_h<=0?vkernel_sz:vkernel_sz-(y+1-_h);
- for(x=0;x<_w;x++){
- ssim_moments m;
- double c1;
- double c2;
- double mx2;
- double mxy;
- double my2;
- double w;
- memset(&m,0,sizeof(m));
- for(k=k_min;k<k_max;k++){
- unsigned w;
- buf=lines[y+1-vkernel_sz+k&line_mask]+x;
- w=vkernel[k];
- m.mux+=w*buf->mux;
- m.muy+=w*buf->muy;
- m.x2+=w*buf->x2;
- m.xy+=w*buf->xy;
- m.y2+=w*buf->y2;
- m.w+=w*buf->w;
- }
- w=m.w;
- c1=SSIM_C1*w*w;
- c2=SSIM_C2*w*w;
- mx2=m.mux*(double)m.mux;
- mxy=m.mux*(double)m.muy;
- my2=m.muy*(double)m.muy;
- ssim+=m.w*(2*mxy+c1)*(c2+2*(m.xy*w-mxy))/
- ((mx2+my2+c1)*(m.x2*w-mx2+m.y2*w-my2+c2));
- ssimw+=m.w;
- }
- }
- }
- _ogg_free(line_buf);
- _ogg_free(lines);
- return ssim/ssimw;
- }
- static void usage(char *_argv[]){
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [options] <video1> <video2>\n"
- " <video1> and <video2> may be either YUV4MPEG or Ogg Theora files.\n\n"
- " Options:\n\n"
- " -f --frame-type Show frame type and QI value for each Theora frame.\n"
- " -r --raw Show raw SSIM scores, instead of"
- " 10*log10(1/(1-ssim)).\n"
- " -s --summary Only output the summary line.\n"
- " -y --luma-only Only output values for the luma channel.\n",_argv[0]);
- }
- typedef double (*convert_ssim_func)(double _ssim,double _weight);
- static double convert_ssim_raw(double _ssim,double _weight){
- return _ssim/_weight;
- }
- static double convert_ssim_db(double _ssim,double _weight){
- return 10*(log10(_weight)-log10(_weight-_ssim));
- }
- int main(int _argc,char *_argv[]){
- video_input vid1;
- video_input_info info1;
- video_input vid2;
- video_input_info info2;
- convert_ssim_func convert;
- double gssim[3];
- double cweight;
- double par;
- int frameno;
- FILE *fin;
- int long_option_index;
- int c;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- _setmode(_fileno(stdin),_O_BINARY);
- #endif
- convert=convert_ssim_db;
- while((c=getopt_long(_argc,_argv,optstring,options,&long_option_index))!=EOF){
- switch(c){
- case 'f':show_frame_type=1;break;
- case 'r':convert=convert_ssim_raw;break;
- case 's':summary_only=1;break;
- case 'y':luma_only=1;break;
- default:{
- usage(_argv);
- }break;
- }
- }
- if(optind+2!=_argc){
- usage(_argv);
- }
- fin=strcmp(_argv[optind],"-")==0?stdin:fopen(_argv[optind],"rb");
- if(fin==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open '%s' for extraction.\n",_argv[optind]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Opening %s...\n",_argv[optind]);
- if(video_input_open(&vid1,fin)<0)exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- video_input_get_info(&vid1,&info1);
- fin=strcmp(_argv[optind+1],"-")==0?stdin:fopen(_argv[optind+1],"rb");
- if(fin==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open '%s' for extraction.\n",_argv[optind+1]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"Opening %s...\n",_argv[optind+1]);
- if(video_input_open(&vid2,fin)<0)exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- video_input_get_info(&vid2,&info2);
- if(info1.pic_w!=info2.pic_w||info1.pic_h!=info2.pic_h){
- fprintf(stderr,"Video resolution does not match.\n");
- }
- if(info1.pixel_fmt!=info2.pixel_fmt){
- fprintf(stderr,"Pixel formats do not match.\n");
- }
- if((info1.pic_x&!(info1.pixel_fmt&1))!=(info2.pic_x&!(info2.pixel_fmt&1))||
- (info1.pic_y&!(info1.pixel_fmt&2))!=(info2.pic_y&!(info2.pixel_fmt&2))){
- fprintf(stderr,"Chroma subsampling offsets do not match.\n");
- }
- if(info1.fps_n*(ogg_int64_t)info2.fps_d!=
- info2.fps_n*(ogg_int64_t)info1.fps_d){
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning: framerates do not match.\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"info1.fps_n=%i info1.fps_d=%i info2.fps_n=%i info2.fps_d=%i\n",info1.fps_n,info1.fps_d,info2.fps_n,info2.fps_d);
- }
- if(info1.par_n*(ogg_int64_t)info2.par_d!=
- info2.par_n*(ogg_int64_t)info1.par_d){
- fprintf(stderr,"Warning: aspect ratios do not match.\n");
- }
- par=info1.par_n>0&&info2.par_d>0?
- info1.par_n/(double)info2.par_d:1;
- gssim[0]=gssim[1]=gssim[2]=0;
- cweight=0.25*(4>>(!(info1.pixel_fmt&1)+!(info1.pixel_fmt&2)));
- for(frameno=0;;frameno++){
- video_input_ycbcr f1;
- video_input_ycbcr f2;
- double ssim[3];
- char tag1[5];
- char tag2[5];
- int ret1;
- int ret2;
- int pli;
- ret1=video_input_fetch_frame(&vid1,f1,tag1);
- ret2=video_input_fetch_frame(&vid2,f2,tag2);
- if(ret1==0&&ret2==0)break;
- else if(ret1<0||ret2<0)break;
- else if(ret1==0){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s ended before %s.\n",
- _argv[optind],_argv[optind+1]);
- break;
- }
- else if(ret2==0){
- fprintf(stderr,"%s ended before %s.\n",
- _argv[optind+1],_argv[optind]);
- break;
- }
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- int xdec;
- int ydec;
- xdec=pli&&!(info1.pixel_fmt&1);
- ydec=pli&&!(info1.pixel_fmt&2);
- ssim[pli]=calc_ssim(
- f1[pli].data+(info1.pic_y>>ydec)*f1[pli].stride+(info1.pic_x>>xdec),
- f1[pli].stride,
- f2[pli].data+(info2.pic_y>>ydec)*f2[pli].stride+(info2.pic_x>>xdec),
- f2[pli].stride,
- par,((info1.pic_x+info1.pic_w+xdec)>>xdec)-(info1.pic_x>>xdec),
- ((info1.pic_y+info1.pic_h+ydec)>>ydec)-(info1.pic_y>>ydec));
- gssim[pli]+=ssim[pli];
- }
- if(!summary_only){
- if(show_frame_type)printf("%s%s",tag1,tag2);
- if(!luma_only){
- printf("%08i: %-8G (Y': %-8G Cb: %-8G Cr: %-8G)\n",frameno,
- convert(ssim[0]+cweight*(ssim[1]+ssim[2]),1+2*cweight),
- convert(ssim[0],1),convert(ssim[1],1),convert(ssim[2],1));
- }
- else printf("%08i: %-8G\n",frameno,convert(ssim[0],1));
- }
- }
- if(!luma_only){
- printf("Total: %-8G (Y': %-8G Cb: %-8G Cr: %-8G)\n",
- convert(gssim[0]+cweight*(gssim[1]+gssim[2]),(1+2*cweight)*frameno),
- convert(gssim[0],frameno),convert(gssim[1],frameno),
- convert(gssim[2],frameno));
- }
- else printf("Total: %-8G\n",convert(gssim[0],frameno));
- video_input_close(&vid1);
- video_input_close(&vid2);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }