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- \title{Adaptive Motion Compensation Without Blocking Artifacts}
- \author{Timothy B. Terriberry}
- \date{}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- \begin{abstract}
- We present a method for adaptive switching between CGI and OBMC that avoids
- discontinuities along block boundaries.
- We extend the method to support adaptive subdivision of the control grid, as
- well.
- Finally, we present a multiresolution blending method that improves the
- sharpness of the predictor while reducing computational complexity.
- \end{abstract}
- \section{Introduction}
- Most modern video codecs still use straightforward Block Matching Algorithms
- (BMA)~\cite{DM95} to perform motion compensation, despite their simplicity.
- The blocking artifacts they produce coincide with similar blocking artifacts in
- the transform stage, so there is little motivation to avoid them.
- However, as interest increases in lapped transforms or wavelets---which avoid
- blocking artifacts in the transform stage---there is a need for motion
- compensation methods that are themselves free from blocking artifacts.
- Historically, two of the main methods proposed have been Overlapped Block
- Motion Compensation (OBMC) and Control Grid Interpolation (CGI).
- \subsection{Overlapped Block Motion Compensation}
- OBMC was introduced by Watanabe and Singhal expressly to improve prediction
- near block boundaries~\cite{WS91}.
- It uses a piecewise constant motion model estimated over a regular grid, like
- BMA.
- Blocking artifacts are avoided by weighting the predictions around each grid
- point with a smoothly varying window function.
- The prediction gain is due to the blending of several samples of the reference
- image, which is typically highly spatially correlated.
- This compensates for motion uncertainty away from the grid points, provided
- there are no sharp edges~\cite{OS94,ZSNKI02}.
- The primary difficulty with OBMC is its tendency to blur sharp
- features~\cite{Ish98}.
- Compared to normal half-pel BMA, Katto and Ohta report an $0.4$ dB
- improvement in SNR of the prediction by simply utilizing motion vectors (MVs)
- estimated by BMA~\cite{KO95}.
- Kuo and Kuo report improvements between $0.5$ and $0.8$ dB vs. whole-pel BMA,
- and an additional $0.2$ to $0.5$ dB gain from local iterative refinement of
- the MVs~\cite{KK97}.
- The different MV accuracies are important, as Girod points out that the
- blending used in half-pel BMA has noise-reducing properties similar to those
- of a multi-hypothesis prediction method like OBMC~\cite{Gir00}.
- \subsection{Control Grid Interpolation}
- CGI, introduced by Sullivan and Baker, moves the blending from the image domain
- to the motion domain~\cite{SB91}.
- It interpolates the MVs between grid points to produce a single predictor,
- which helps avoid the over-smoothing problems of OBMC.
- However, when the real motion is discontinuous, such as near an occluding edge,
- gross warping errors can occur.
- Related methods use triangular patches~\cite{NH91} or content-adaptive
- meshes~\cite{ATB95}, with affine or projective motion models~\cite{WL96} and
- varying increases in computational requirements.
- In this work we focus on \textit{backwards-mapping} approaches, which use a
- semi-regular control grid in the current frame.
- \textit{Forward-mapping} approaches, which allow arbitrary control point
- placement, are not considered.
- Initially, CGI offered only subjective improvements, with little to no gain in
- objective PSNR~\cite{SB91,AT98}.
- However, significant compression gains are to be had by improving the motion
- estimation process.
- Chen and Willson report gains of $1.8$ to $2.4$ dB using iterative dynamic
- programming instead of local refinement, while reducing the bits spent on
- MVs by $25\%$ to $30\%$~\cite{CW00}.
- This is in stark contrast to OBMC, which only improved by $0.1$ to $0.2$ dB,
- though with a similar bitrate reduction.
- Nosratinia proposes adapting the CGI interpolation kernel to reduce the
- inter-block dependency when it would benefit PSNR.
- His kernels vary between bilinear at one extreme, and a step function at the
- other, effectively switching between CGI and BMA, but he uses the same kernel
- over an entire frame~\cite{Nos01}.
- \subsection{Adaptive Switching Algorithms}
- In fact, one of the primary drawbacks with BMA, OBMC, and CGI is that each uses
- the same motion model over the entire image, while true motion fields are
- better modeled as piecewise smooth, with isolated discontinuities.
- Many researchers have experimented with adaptively switching between various
- methods on a block-by-block basis.
- Kuo and Kuo switch between BMA and OBMC to reduce encoder and decoder
- complexity while maintaining the quality of OBMC~\cite{KK97}.
- Ishwar reports gains of $0.5$ to $0.9$ dB over OBMC alone, and similarly,
- $0.5$ to $1.0$ dB gains over CGI alone by switching with BMA in each
- case~\cite{Ish98}.
- Altunbasak and Tekalp report improvements at low bitrates by switching between
- CGI with varying levels of mesh subdivision, OBMC, and BMA~\cite{AT98}.
- Heising et al. also use a wavelet coder to demonstrate that switching between
- OBMC and CGI provides better performance than any one of the three approaches,
- or any other pair of them~\cite{HMCP01}.
- The main drawback of all of these adaptive methods is the introduction of
- blocking artifacts when switching between the models.
- Section~\ref{sec:switching} outlines an approach that avoids these artifacts.
- \subsection{Adaptive Subdivision}
- Another strategy for adapting to the true motion field is to vary the
- resolution of the grid on which MVs are sampled~\cite{CYC90}.
- Lee showed that simultaneous rate-distortion optimization of the BMA block size
- and the quantizers used to code the residual produced gains of up to $1.7$ dB
- over a fixed $16\times 16$ block size at 64 kbit/s~\cite{Lee95}.
- Huang and Hsu proposed using variable block sizes for CGI and achieved a
- $29\%$ savings in MV bitrate with a $0.2$ dB increase in PSNR compared to
- triangle-based CGI~\cite{HH94}.
- In order to preserve continuity of the motion field, the MVs at vertices that
- split the edge of a larger block are fixed at the value interpolated from that
- edge's endpoints.
- Zhang \textit{et al.} used variable block sizes with OBMC and achieved
- reductions of $0.2$ to $0.9$ dB in SNR over variable size BMA at 60
- kbit/s~\cite{ZAS98}.
- To avoid blocking artifacts, they subdivide the blocks in the decoded quadtree
- until none of the interpolation kernels overlap more than one adjacent block
- in a given direction and then assign them all the same MV.
- These two schemes are incompatible with each other, but we present a unifying
- method in Section~\ref{sec:subdiv} that is also compatible with our
- artifact-free switching algorithm.
- \section{Continuous Switching Between OBMC and CGI}
- \label{sec:switching}
- In this section, we describe a method for switching between OBMC and CGI
- without introducing artificial discontinuities along block boundaries.
- This is accomplished by labeling the block \textit{edges} with the type of
- interpolation to use, instead of the block itself.
- Each edge labeled with a `V' for vector interpolation (CGI) or a `B' for
- blending in the image domain (OBMC).
- Then all that is required are interpolation formulas for the block interior
- that yield the desired edge interpolation types.
- We use bilinear interpolation for both OBMC and CGI.
- For OBMC, neither the raised cosine nor trapezoidal windows have been shown to
- be consistently better~\cite{ZSNKI02}, and the bilinear window simplifies the
- adaptive subdivision introduced in the next section.
- Orchard and Sullivan propose adapting the window function to a sequence to
- optimize prediction gain, but when iterative motion estimation is used, the
- advantage over a bilinear window is minimal~\cite{OS94}.
- For CGI, the bilinear motion model is substantially less complex than
- projective or affine models, and has the advantage of being uniquely defined
- over a quadrilateral domain, unlike the affine model.
- Nosratinia only applied his optimized kernels when motion estimation was
- performed by BMA, and they performed between $0.2$ dB better and $1.5$ dB
- worse than a bilinear kernel with iteratively refined MVs~\cite{Nos01}.
- However, encoders with strict complexity requirements would be better off
- simply using OBMC, where motion estimation is less sensitive to the
- interdependency between adjacent MVs.
- We use square blocks with an origin in the upper-left corner and $x$ and $y$
- coordinates that vary between $0$ and $1$.
- The vertices and edges of the blocks are indexed in a clockwise manner, as
- illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:blockidx}.
- The bilinear weights for each vertex used in vector interpolation are $\w k$,
- and those for blending the resulting predictors are $\s k$, defined as:
- \begin{align*}
- \w0 = \s0 & = (1-x)\cdot (1-y) \\
- \w1 = \s1 & = x\cdot (1-y) \\
- \w2 = \s2 & = x\cdot y \\
- \w3 = \s3 & = (1-x)\cdot y
- \end{align*}
- Although $\w k$ and $\s k$ are equivalent in this section, we will modify
- $\s k$ in the next section in order to perform adaptive subdivision.
- Therefore we make the distinction now.
- $I$ is the reference image, and for simplicity we denote the predictor
- $I(x+m_x(x,y),y+m_y(x,y))$ for the pixel at $(x,y)$ with motion vector
- $\m{}=(m_x(x,y),m_y(x,y))$ as simply $I(\m{})$.
- \begin{figure}[tb]
- \center
- \scalebox{0.99}{\figinput{blockidx}}
- \caption{Vertex and edge indices for a block.}
- \label{fig:blockidx}
- \end{figure}
- With this notation in hand, we give formulas for the sixteen possible edge
- labelings.
- There are six unique cases; the others may be obtained by rotational symmetry.
- \setlength{\multlinegap}{0pt}
- \begin{description}
- \item[VVVV]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:vvvv}
- I\left(\w0\m0+\w1\m1+
- \w2\m2+\w3\m3\right)\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \item[BVVV]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:bvvv}
- I\left((\w0+\w1)\m0+
- \w2\m2+\w3\m3\right)\cdot \s0\,+ \hfill\\
- I\left((\w0+\w1)\m1+
- \w2\m2+\w3\m3\right)\cdot \s1\,+ \hfill\\
- I\left(\w0\m0+\w1\m1+
- \w2\m2+\w3\m3\right)\cdot\left(\s2+\s3\right)\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \item[BVBV]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:bvbv}
- I\left((\w0+\w1)\m0+
- (\w2+\w3)\m3\right)\cdot\left(\s3+\s0\right)\,+ \hfill\\
- I\left((\w0+\w1)\m1+
- (\w2+\w3)\m2\right)\cdot\left(\s1+\s2\right)\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \item[VVBB]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:vvbb}
- I\left((1-\w1)\m0+\w1\m1\right)\cdot \s0\,+\,
- I\left(\w1\m1+(1-\w1)\m2\right)\cdot \s2\,+ \hfill\\
- I\left(\w0\m0+\w1\m1+\w2\m2+\w3\m3\right)\cdot \s1\,+\,
- I\left(\m3\right)\cdot \s3\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \item[VBBB]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:vbbb}
- I\left((1-\w1)\m0+\w1\m1\right)\cdot \s0\,+\,
- I\left(\m2\right)\cdot \s2\,+ \hfill\\
- I\left(\w0\m0+(1-\w0)\m1\right)\cdot \s1\,+\,
- I\left(\m3\right)\cdot \s3\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \item[BBBB]
- \begin{multline}
- \label{eq:bbbb}
- I\left(\m0\right)\cdot \s0+
- I\left(\m1\right)\cdot \s1+
- I\left(\m2\right)\cdot \s2+
- I\left(\m3\right)\cdot \s3\hfill
- \end{multline}
- \end{description}
- It is a straightforward exercise to verify that these give the desired behavior
- along each edge.
- These formulas are not unique, but have been chosen to be compatible with the
- adaptive subdivision introduced in the next section.
- Each associates a bilinearly interpolated vector with each vertex and then
- bilinearly blends the resulting predictors.
- Using the same vector interpolation formula for multiple vertices makes the
- prediction more like the CGI in~\eqref{eq:vvvv}.
- Using multiple copies of the same nodes within a particular interpolation
- formula makes the prediction more like the OBMC in~\eqref{eq:bbbb}.
- A similar set of formulas exists for triangular meshes using barycentric
- weights.
- \section{Adaptive Subdivision}
- \label{sec:subdiv}
- In order to extend our method to handle variable block sizes while maintaining
- continuity along the edges, we borrow a data structure from the related
- graphics problem of surface simplification, called the semi-regular 4-8
- mesh~\cite{VG00,DWSMAM97}.
- This is normally used to represent a hierarchical triangle mesh, but we use it
- for variable-sized quadrilaterals because its subdivision rules provide a
- simple means of preserving continuity across block boundaries.
- The vertices in the 4-8 mesh are arranged in a quadtree, where subdivision
- proceeds in two stages, as illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:4-8sub}.
- In the first stage, a new vertex is added to the center of a quadrilateral.
- This subdivides the quadrilateral into four \textit{quadrants}, but does not
- add any additional vertices to the edges.
- Such edges are called \textit{unsplit}.
- In the second stage, each of the quadrilateral's edges are split and connected
- to the center vertex, forming four new quadrilaterals.
- One useful property of this dual-stage subdivision is that the number of
- vertices in the mesh merely doubles after each stage, instead of quadrupling
- as it would under normal quadtree subdivision.
- This provides more fine-grained control over the number of MVs transmitted.
- \begin{figure}[tb]
- \center
- \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{4-8sub}
- \caption{The first four subdivision levels in a 4-8 mesh.
- Solid dots indicate vertices with transmitted MVs.
- New vertices at each level have arrows pointing to their two parents.
- Vertices from the previous level have arrows from each of their four children.
- In both cases, some may lie in an adjacent block.}
- \label{fig:4-8sub}
- \end{figure}
- This is accomplished by assigning every vertex two parents in the tree, which
- are the two adjacent nodes from the immediately preceding subdivision level.
- A vertex may not be added to the mesh until both of its parents are present.
- This ensures adjacent blocks never differ by more than one level of
- subdivision.
- Therefore, we need only specify how to handle a block that has undergone stage
- one subdivision, but still has one or more unsplit edges, as illustrated in
- Figure~\ref{fig:vbunsplit}.
- Such a block is divided into quadrants, and each is interpolated separately
- using the formulas from Section~\ref{sec:switching}, with some restrictions
- and modifications.
- \begin{figure}[tb]
- \center
- \figinput{vbunsplit}
- \caption{Interpolation setup for a quadrant resulting from stage one
- subdivision.
- The MVs used at each corner are labeled, as is the type of interpolation
- performed along each edge.
- $c$ marks the exterior corner, which receives the extra blending weight along
- the top edge.}
- \label{fig:vbunsplit}
- \end{figure}
- The first restriction we impose is that an interior edge perpendicular to an
- unsplit edge must use the same interpolation type.
- It is actually well-defined to have an interior `B' edge adjacent to an unsplit
- `V' edge, but having an interior `V' edge adjacent to an unsplit `B' edge
- would require that the MV converge towards two values simultaneously, blended
- in equal proportion.
- It might be possible to develop a scheme that would accomplish this, but it
- would be overly complex, and the edge itself would not actually behave like
- other true `V' edges.
- We don't expect either case to be useful in practice and so disallow them both.
- Hence, an unsplit `V' edge can be handled by simply averaging its two MVs
- and using the result for that corner of the quadrilateral.
- An unsplit `B' edge is only slightly more complicated.
- The same two MVs are used along the edge as before, but we shift some of the
- weight used for blending from the middle of the edge to the exterior corner.
- More precisely, the weights $\s k$ are replaced by modified weights $\s{k}'$.
- For example, if $c$ is the index of the vertex in the exterior corner,
- $\oplus$ denotes addition modulo four, and $c\oplus 1$ is the index of the
- corner bisecting the unsplit edge, then
- \begin{align*}
- \s{c}' & = \s{c}+\frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 1} &
- \s{c\oplus 1}' & = \frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 1}\ .
- \end{align*}
- The remaining weights are unchanged.
- A similar modification is used if it is $c\oplus 3$ that lies on the unsplit
- `B' edge.
- The modifications are cumulative.
- That is, if both $c\oplus 1$ and $c\oplus 3$ lie on unsplit `B' edges,
- \begin{align*}
- \s{c}' & = \s{c}+\frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 1}+\frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 3} &
- \s{c\oplus 1}' & = \frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 1}\\
- \s{c\oplus 3}' & = \frac{1}{2}\s{c\oplus 3} &
- \s{c\oplus 2}' & = \s{c\oplus 2}\ .
- \end{align*}
- It is clear that this strategy matches an adjacent quadrilateral along an
- unsplit edge, but careful examination will verify that it also matches other
- quadrants along the interior edges.
- Each of the resulting weights can be evaluated with finite differences at the
- cost of one addition per pixel, plus setup overhead.
- The blending can still be done with three multiplies per pixel, since the
- weights always sum to one.
- %The blending now requires four multiplies\footnote{A three-multiply version is
- % still possible, but requires a much more complex inner loop}, however,
- % compared to the three required by an optimized version of the bilinear
- % blending kernel.
- The mesh itself may require more vertices than the unconstrained meshes of
- previous work to achieve a given level of subdivision in a local area, but
- requires fewer bits to encode the subdivision itself, simply because there are
- fewer admissible meshes.
- As long as a $(0,0)$ MV residual can be efficiently encoded, the worst-case
- rate of the 4-8 mesh should be close to that of a similar, unconstrained mesh.
- \section{Multiresolution Blending}
- \label{sec:blend}
- While the bilinear blending functions we have chosen ensure a gradual
- transition from one block to the next, they can still produce unwanted
- artifacts.
- For large image features, a structured color shift may still be visible, though
- blurred, while small image features may appear doubled or superimposed.
- To solve this problem, Burt and Adelson proposed a multiresolution blending
- procedure~\cite{BA83}.
- They decompose each image to be blended with a wavelet transform and then
- perform the blending with a transition region commensurate with the scale of
- each decomposition level.
- The coefficients from each level are then recomposed to form the blended image.
- Each $I(\cdot)$ term in our interpolation formulas forms a predictor image that
- must be blended.
- For simplicity, we perform only one level of decomposition into $LL$, $HL$,
- $LH$, and $HH$ bands using a Haar wavelet.
- This can be done in only a few additions and subtractions, since common scale
- factors can be ignored.
- We assign the same weight to corresponding coefficients in all four bands,
- given by $\s k$ evaluated at the center of the $2\times 2$ block of pixels
- they represent.
- The $LL$ band is then bilinearly blended as normal.
- But in the $HL$, $LH$, and $HH$ bands, we choose the sample with the largest
- weight and discard the others.
- In fact, because the shapes of the weight functions $\s k$ are regular, in
- practice we need not ever compute the discarded samples.
- The Haar transform is then reversed to produce the final prediction.
- Because the bilinear blending occurs only in the $LL$ band, fully $\frac{3}{4}$
- of the multiplications in this step are avoided.
- \section{Implementation and Motion Estimation}
- The algorithms in Sections~\ref{sec:switching},~\ref{sec:subdiv},
- and~\ref{sec:blend} have been implemented in a (TODO: describe codec).
- To reduce aliasing, the reference frames are first upsampled by a factor of
- two in each dimension using a Wiener filter~\cite{Wer96}.
- This corrects for aliasing at the half-pel locations, where errors are the
- largest~\cite{WM03}.
- Samples at finer fractional displacements are bilinearly interpolated from the
- upsampled image.
- Luma blocks are square with sizes ranging from $16\times 16$ to $4\times 4$.
- At the coarsest resolution, the control points are placed in the center of each
- macroblock, and an extra ring of control points is added outside the image
- with MVs fixed at $(0,0)$.
- This accomplishes several things.
- It makes the minimum number of transmitted MVs the same as in BMA, it aligns
- the interpolation kernels with the piecewise-linear segments of any
- $(1,2)$-regular subband filter, and it simplifies boundary cases when decoding
- the adaptive mesh.
- In the chroma planes, color subsampling may produce smaller, rectangular
- blocks.
- Multiresolution blending is disabled for chroma blocks if either dimension is
- smaller than $4$.
- We perform rate-distortion (R-D) optimization during motion estimation to
- balance the error attainable against the number of bits required to achieve
- it~\cite{OR98}.
- These two metrics are related by a Lagrangian multiplier in the cost function
- \begin{align}
- J & = D+\lambda R
- \end{align}
- For a particular choice of $\lambda$, a minimal value of $J$ represents a point
- on the optimal operational rate-distortion curve: i.e., the best achievable
- distortion for a given rate, or vice versa.
- The value of $\lambda$ required to achieve a given rate can be found with a
- bisection search, or a reasonable estimate may be obtained directly from the
- target quantizer setting~\cite{SW98}.
- Since the residual errors after motion compensation are reasonably
- well-approximated by an exponential distribution, we use the Sum of Absolute
- Differences (SAD) in the luma plane as our distortion metric~\cite{SLH00}.
- We approximate the rate of each MV with the number of bits required to
- represent the magnitude of each component in binary (after subtracting a
- predictor), plus one bit for the sign.
- A magnitude of zero requires one bit to represent.
- The rate term for each vertex also includes a bit for each flag that indicates
- the presence of a child (2 per vertex on average), and a bit for each edge
- label (2 at level $0$, and 3 at levels $2$ and $4$).
- The real motion information is arithmetic encoded, so this approximation is used
- to avoid having to update the rate term for every vertex every time one is
- changed.
- We use a median-of-four predictor for almost every motion vector, as
- illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:mvpred}.
- The middle two values of each MV component are averaged, rounding towards even
- values.
- The only exception is if a predictor lies inside a $16\times 16$ block that
- comes after the current one in raster order, in which case we use the median
- of the three remaining predictors.
- This occurs for the level $2$ and $4$ vertices on the right and bottom block
- edges.
- Excluding this predictor allows the mesh to be encoded one block at a time,
- instead of level-by-level.
- This permits lower latency in the encoder, and it increases cache coherency and
- decreases memory footprint in the decoder.
- \begin{figure}[tb]
- \center
- \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{mvpred}
- \caption{The predictors used for the MVs at each level of the mesh.
- Except at level $0$, these are all ancestors of that MV, and thus are required
- to be present.}
- \label{fig:mvpred}
- \end{figure}
- The number of combinations of subdivision levels, MVs, and edge labelings
- available make finding a globally optimal set of parameters impractical.
- The problem of finding optimal subdivision levels alone is known to be
- NP-hard~\cite{AS94}.
- The estimation procedure outlined here attempts to balance speed with
- compression performance, though it could certainly be improved by future
- research.
- It proceeds in several stages.
- \subsection{Initial Estimates}
- First, a EPZS${}^2$-style algorithm is used to produce an initial MV estimate
- at each subdivision level using BMA~\cite{Tou02}.
- This algorithm computes several MV candidates using spatial and temporal
- neighbors and assuming constant speed or acceleration.
- The candidates are ranked by reliability and the search terminates early if one
- is found with a SAD below a dynamically chosen threshold.
- Otherwise, a local gradient search is performed using a square pattern around
- the best candidate vector.
- An alternate version, dubbed simply EPZS, uses a small diamond pattern instead
- of a square.
- However, because duplicated SAD checks are easy to eliminate, the complexity
- savings are relatively small: $3$ or $5$ new candidates for the square vs.
- $3$ new candidates for the diamond, per iteration.
- This makes the square pattern more attractive, as it produces slightly better
- MVs.
- Tourapis does not use a Lagrangian cost function, relying solely on the
- correlation among predictors and the termination thresholds to achieve
- smoothly varying, easily compressible MVs.
- However, incorporating a rate term greatly improves the quality of the result.
- %TODO: Cite?
- Therefore we use $J$ to select the best candidate at each stage.
- We continue to perform threshold checks on the raw SAD values, however.
- The thresholds in EPZS${}^2$ also ensure extra computation time is spent only
- on blocks whose predictor can reasonably be expected to improve.
- At level $0$, $16\times 16$ blocks centered on the control points are used,
- which correspond to macroblocks.
- Levels $1$ and $2$ use $8\times 8$ blocks, while $3$ and $4$ use $4\times 4$
- blocks.
- As the mesh is subdivided, existing vertices do not have their MVs re-estimated
- with the smaller block sizes, even though the area that MV influences is
- reduced.
- The larger support used by previous searches yields more reliable estimates,
- and the accuracy of BMA is already highest at the block center~\cite{ZSNKI02}.
- All MVs are estimated only up to whole-pel accuracy at this stage.
- \subsection{Adaptive Subdivision}
- The second step fixes the mesh subdivision.
- During this stage, the SAD for each block is computed using the proposed
- prediction method instead of BMA.
- Since MV interdependency has thus far been ignored, we use `B' labels for all
- of the edges, as these dependencies have a less pronounced effect on the
- prediction quality with OBMC.
- The MVs produced by the previous stage are held fixed in this one; only the
- mesh subdivision level changes.
- The extra subdivision required to add a vertex to the 4-8 mesh is similar to
- the implicit subdivision used by Zhang \textit{et al.} in their variable block
- size OBMC scheme~\cite{ZAS98}.
- The difference is that we optimize over and encode such subdivision explicitly.
- We use a global R-D optimization strategy with general mesh decimations, as
- proposed by Balmelli~\cite{Bal01}.
- This is a greedy approach that starts with a full mesh and successively
- decimates vertices.
- Restricting decimation candidates to the leaves of the mesh often produces
- sequences where the distortion goes \textit{down} as the rate is decreased,
- clearly indicating that the previous rate allocation was not optimal.
- General mesh decimations, on the other hand, allow any vertex to be removed at
- a given step, not just the leaves.
- If a non-leaf is decimated, all of its children are decimated as well.
- This helps smooth out non-monotonicities in the distortion measure during the
- decimation process, especially at low rates.
- The following notation is needed to describe the algorithm.
- The current mesh is denoted by $M$, and $M_v$ is the \textit{merging domain} of
- $v$ in $M$: the set of vertices in $M$ that must be removed to remove $v$.
- This includes $v$ and all of its undecimated children.
- Additionally, the variation $\Delta\underline{u}(M_v)$ contains the pairs
- $(\Delta D(M_v),\Delta R(M_v))$: the change in distortion (SAD) and rate
- caused by removing $M_v$ from $M$.
- We also refer to the change in SAD in a single block $b$ caused by removing a
- single vertex $v$ as $\Delta D_b(v)$.
- Finally, $A_v$ is the set of ancestors of $v$ in $M$.
- Some minor additions to Balmelli's original algorithm are made to handle the
- fact that distortion is measured over squares, not triangles.
- The steps of the algorithm are:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item For all $v$, compute $\Delta\underline{u}(M_v)$.
- \item Do
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item $v^*\leftarrow\argmin_{v\in M} -\frac{\Delta D(M_v)}{\Delta R(M_v)}$
- \item If $-\frac{\Delta D(M_{v^*})}{\Delta R(M_{v^*})}>\lambda$, stop.
- \item For all $w\in M_v$, sorted by depth from deepest to shallowest:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item For all $a\in A_w$, $\Delta\underline{u}(M_a)\leftarrow
- \Delta\underline{u}(M_a)-\Delta\underline{u}(M_w)$
- \item Remove $w$ from the mesh.
- \item\label{step:deltad}
- If $w$ was on an even level, then for each adjacent block $b$ with a $w'\in M$
- such that $w'$ lies on the same level as $w$:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item $\delta D\leftarrow (\Delta D_b(w')$ for that block after decimating
- $w)-(\Delta D_b(w')$ for that block before decimating $w)$
- \item\label{step:deltadupdate} For all $a\in \{w'\}\cup A_{w'}\setminus A_{w}$,
- $\Delta D(M_a)\leftarrow\Delta D(M_a)+\delta D$
- \end{enumerate}
- \end{enumerate}
- \end{enumerate}
- \end{enumerate}
- These steps ensure that $\Delta\underline{u}(M_v)$ contains the up-to-date
- changes in the global rate and distortion after each merging domain is
- decimated.
- This update process properly accounts for overlapping merging domains due to an
- inclusion-exclusion principle; see Balmelli for details~\cite{Bal01}.
- Step~\ref{step:deltad} handles the case of decimating one corner of a block,
- $w$, when the opposite corner, $w'$, remains.
- This changes $\Delta D_b(w')$, the cost of decimating the opposite corner, and
- that change must be propagated to each merging domain to which $w'$ belongs.
- No change needs to be made to the common ancestors of $w$ and $w'$ however:
- once $\Delta D(M_{w'})$ is updated, the normal update process is sufficient.
- The addition of these extra steps does not affect the computational complexity
- of the algorithm, which is $\Theta(n\log n)$, where $n$ is the size of the
- initial mesh.
- The distortion measurements needed to initialize and update
- $\Delta\underline{u}(M_v)$ can be computed once, in advance, by computing the
- SAD value of each block in all sizes and with all possible combinations of
- unsplit edges.
- All told, each pixel in the image is used in exactly nine SAD computations.
- Also, since the mesh only undergoes four levels of subdivision, there are only
- a small number of unique merging domains and ancestor sets.
- These can be computed offline in advance to simplify the decimation process.
- To compute the set difference $A_{w'}\setminus A_{w}$, we note that $w$ and
- $w'$ share a single common parent, $p$.
- The common ancestors of $w$ and $w'$ are now formed by the set
- $\{p\}\cup A_{p}$, meaning one can add $\delta D$ to the nodes in $A_{w'}$ and
- then subtract it from the nodes in $\{p\}\cup A_{p}$ to effect the set
- difference in Step~\ref{step:deltadupdate}.
- Alternatively, one could simply use a larger set of lookup tables.
- \subsection{Iterative Refinement and Edge Labeling}
- The next stage uses the iterated dynamic programming (DP) proposed by Chen and
- Willson to assign edge labels and refine the MVs, accounting for their
- interdependencies~\cite{CW00}.
- In this scheme, a single row (resp. column) of MVs and edge labels is optimized
- at a time using a Viterbi trellis~\cite{For73}, while the rest remain fixed.
- If there is no direct block edge between two consecutive MVs in a row (resp.
- column) then the trellis stops, and a new one is started.
- This continues until the entire row (resp. column) has been examined.
- The process is then repeated until the total change in Lagrangian cost $J$
- falls below a given threshold.
- Each vertex being examined has $h$ candidate MVs, and $2h$ trellis states, one
- for each candidate and edge label.
- One state for each MV candidate uses a `B' label between that vertex and the
- next vertex, and the other uses a `V' label.
- However, the edge label associated with the \textit{next} vertex does not
- affect the SADs of the blocks around the current vertex.
- Therefore, we need only check $2h^2$ trellis edges between states, not $4h^2$.
- \subsubsection{Rate and Distortion Changes}
- We use the \textit{change} in rate and distortion to compute the cost of each
- path in the trellis.
- A single MV can influence the distortion of as many as 12 neighboring blocks.
- Only the ones to the left (resp. above) are added to the current cost of each
- path.
- When the following edge label and MV are chosen, an additional 2 to 8 blocks
- may be added.
- If necessary, the blocks to the right (resp. below) are added after the last
- MV in the trellis.
- %TODO: Figure.
- Unfortunately, the rate of a MV depends on the values of the MVs used to
- predict it.
- Chen and Willson assume MVs use 1-D differential coding, as in MPEG-1, but
- modern video codecs use a median of three or four neighboring MVs to predict
- the current one.
- This means that several (not necessarily consecutive) MVs on the DP path may be
- used to predict a given MV, and the corresponding change in rate is not known
- until a MV has been chosen for all of them.
- If we were to consider all possible combinations of candidates for the
- predictors, the number of trellis edges would increase by several orders of
- magnitude.
- This seems excessively wasteful, since as long as the changes to the MVs are
- small, the median operation ensures only one of them is likely to have any
- influence on the predicted value in the first place.
- Instead, we immediately compute the rate change in each predicted
- vector---excluding those that themselves lie further along the DP path, since
- we do not yet know what MV will be encoded.
- We do this assuming all MVs not already considered by the DP remain fixed, and
- add the change to the cost of the current path.
- If changing a subsequent MV on the path causes the rate of one of these
- predicted MVs to change again, the new rate change is used from then on.
- Because we essentially discard a large number of trellis states of limited
- utility, we might theoretically discard the path that does not change MVs or
- edge labels, even though its true cost is lower than the ones we keep.
- Thus, as a safety precaution, we check the final cost of the best path, and do
- not apply it if it is greater than zero.
- This does occur in practice, but very rarely.
- Other, simpler alternatives to this approach are also possible.
- For example, we tried only considering rate changes for MVs on the actual DP
- path, which is much like Chen and Willson's approach.
- However, on frames with complex motion, we have seen dramatic improvements in
- visual quality and motion field smoothness by properly accounting for
- \textit{all} of the rate changes.
- This is because a level $0$ MV, for example, may be used to predict up to $20$
- other MVs, only $6$ of which lie on a given DP path.
- In a dense mesh, the rate changes off the path may dominate the ones on it.
- Finally, there are the edge labels to consider.
- Optimizing them for compressibility now would bias them towards the default `B'
- label used in earlier stages.
- Therefore we ignore the cost of labels during this stage.
- This is equivalent to our previous assumption that they will each be coded with
- one bit.
- \subsubsection{Complexity Reduction}
- Chen and Willson showed that using a logarithmic search instead of an
- exhaustive one for the DP resulted in an average PSNR loss of only $0.05$ dB
- and an average MV bitrate increase of $55$ bits per frame.
- We take an even more aggressive approach, and replace the logarithmic search
- with a diamond search~\cite{ZM00}.
- Because the complexity of a given DP chain increases as $O(h^2)$, reducing the
- candidate count can give a substantial performance boost.
- The logarithmic search uses a $9$-candidate square pattern in each stage.
- The displacements used in the pattern shrink by a factor of two in each phase.
- Chen and Willson used a 3-phase search to achieve an effective search radius of
- $\pm 7\times 7$ pixels.
- In our framework, this requires examining $3\times 2\times 9^2=486$ trellis
- edges per MV for one full iteration.
- However, the large displacement patterns only alter a small number of MVs that
- have usually been grossly mis-estimated.
- They are even likely to cause further mis-estimation in areas with repeated
- structure or a lack of texture, which makes further refinement less effective.
- One alternative is to simply discard them, and only perform the square pattern
- search with one-pixel displacements.
- The chance of being trapped in a local minimum is increased, but three times as
- many iterations can be performed in the same amount of time.
- On the other hand, a small diamond search pattern has only $5$ candidates,
- making it even more attractive.
- The diamond search (DS) algorithm has several problems when used for BMA.
- It fails to identify strong global motions, and at higher resolutions produces
- non-smooth motion fields due to an increase in large, uniform areas.
- However, EPZS${}^2$ does an excellent job of identifying global motion, and the
- use of a Lagrangian cost function helps ensure easily compressible MVs.
- Although the performance advantage of DS over a square search is slight in
- BMA, in a DP context, the small diamond only requires examining
- $2\times 5^2=50$ trellis edges per MV per iteration.
- This allows more than nine times as many iterations as the full logarithmic
- search in the same amount of time.
- TODO: Initial results on coastguard suggest that the PSNR loss for using the
- diamond pattern is only 0.0013 dB per frame!
- The speedup, however, is dramatic.
- %No quantization, small threshold, 100 frames:
- %On average, $3.70$ full logarithmic search iterations are needed per frame,
- % compared to $4.37$ diamond pattern iterations.
- %> 35 dB quantization, large threshold:
- On average, $2.02$ full logarithmic search iterations are needed per frame,
- compared to $2.03$ diamond pattern iterations.
- This represents about $9.6$ times fewer trellis edges examined, with virtually
- no quality loss.
- Of the 299 predicted frames, 150 have a slightly \textit{higher} PSNR when
- using diamond search.
- This needs to be tested more thoroughly (more sequences, more $\lambda$
- values), and the effect on bitrate also needs to be measured.
- Note that the computational complexity is still relatively high.
- In a single iteration, each of the four edges of a block are traversed exactly
- once by a DP path, during which its SAD is evaluated $50$ times, for a total
- of $200$ SAD calculations per block.
- This is nearly as many as full search BMA with a $\pm 7\times 7$ window, and
- computing our interpolated, blended residuals has a much higher complexity.
- Thus it is not suitable for a real-time implementation.
- A DP solution for choosing edge labels alone, however, requires only $8$ SAD
- calculations per block, and could feasibly be used in a real-time system.
- %TODO: Use thresholds to eliminate blocks from the DP.
- %Only examine vertices adjacent to a block above threshold.
- %How do we determine thresholds?
- %Because of the adaptive subdivision, we will not have the same set of
- % consecutive blocks in adjacent frames.
- %We instead mark each block whose SAD remains above its threshold, and consider
- % only MVs that affect those blocks in subsequent iterations of the DP.
- %This focuses extra computation time only on areas where the motion estimation
- % is performing poorly, as that is where we have the most to gain.
- %When used in DP, this is not the case.
- %TODO: Test! Does that actually make it better?
- \subsection{Sub-pel Refinement}
- The same small diamond-pattern search can be used to refine the motion vectors
- to sub-pel precision.
- Our implementation supports half-, quarter-, or eighth-pel resolution MVs.
- First, the DP process is iterated with the small diamond and half-pel
- displacements until the change in Lagrangian cost $J$ for an iteration falls
- below a given threshold.
- %The first iteration is applied to all MVs in the mesh, not just those adjacent
- % to a block with a high SAD.
- %TODO: Optimize edge labels for compressibility.
- Finer resolutions are only used if they provide an overall R-D benefit, which
- is tested on a frame-by-frame basis.
- First, iteration is done with quarter-pel displacements, followed, if
- successful, by eighth-pel.
- If the decrease in SAD from the finer resolution MVs cannot balance the 2 bit
- per MV increase in bitrate, then the coarser vectors are used instead.
- %TODO: Continue to allow edge labels to vary?
- \section{Results}
- The motion estimation algorithms described here were tested against several
- standard sequences.
- Because the presence of coding errors can have a large impact on motion
- estimation performance, each reference frame was produced by encoding the
- residual error using DPCM with a uniform quantizer and simple 1-pixel error
- diffusion.
- This was chosen because it is simple to implement---and thus easily
- reproducible---and does not suffer from blocking artifacts.
- The resulting reference frames have a PSNR of greater than $35$ dB.
- \bibliography{daala}
- \end{document}