dir_dering.lyx 32 KB

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  79. \begin_layout Title
  80. Directional Deringing Filter
  81. \end_layout
  82. \begin_layout Author
  83. Jean-Marc Valin
  84. \end_layout
  85. \begin_layout Section
  86. Introduction
  87. \end_layout
  88. \begin_layout Standard
  89. This document describes a deringing filter that takes into account the direction
  90. of edges and patterns being filtered.
  91. The filter works by identifying the direction of each block and then adaptively
  92. filtering along the identified direction.
  93. In a second pass, the blocks are also filtered in a different direction,
  94. with more conservative thresholds to avoid blurring edges.
  95. \end_layout
  96. \begin_layout Section
  97. Direction Search
  98. \end_layout
  99. \begin_layout Standard
  100. The first step is to divide the image into blocks of fixed or variable size.
  101. Variable-size blocks make it possible to use large blocks on long, continuous
  102. edges and small blocks where edges intersect or change direction.
  103. A fixed block size is easier to implement and does not require signaling
  104. the sizes on a block-by-block basis.
  105. For this work, we consider a fixed block size of 8x8.
  106. \end_layout
  107. \begin_layout Standard
  108. Once the image is divided into blocks, we determine which direction best
  109. matches the pattern in each block.
  110. One way to determine the direction is to minimize mean squared difference
  111. (MSD) between the input block and a perfectly directional block.
  112. A perfectly directional block is a block for which each line along a certain
  113. direction has a constant value.
  114. For each direction, we assign a line number to each pixel, as shown in
  115. Fig.
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  120. reference "fig:Lines-for-direction"
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  149. Line numbers for pixels following one direction in an 8x8 block.
  150. \begin_inset CommandInset label
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  152. name "fig:Lines-for-direction"
  153. \end_inset
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  157. \end_inset
  158. For each direction
  159. \begin_inset Formula $d$
  160. \end_inset
  161. , the MSD is defined as:
  162. \begin_inset Formula
  163. \begin{equation}
  164. \sigma_{d}^{2}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k\in\mathrm{block},d}\left[\sum_{p\in P_{d,k}}\left(x_{p}-\mu_{d,k}\right)^{2}\right]\ ,\label{eq:direction-variance0}
  165. \end{equation}
  166. \end_inset
  167. where
  168. \begin_inset Formula $x_{p}$
  169. \end_inset
  170. is the value of pixel
  171. \begin_inset Formula $p$
  172. \end_inset
  173. ,
  174. \begin_inset Formula $P_{d,k}$
  175. \end_inset
  176. is the set of pixels in line
  177. \begin_inset Formula $k$
  178. \end_inset
  179. following direction
  180. \begin_inset Formula $d$
  181. \end_inset
  182. ,
  183. \begin_inset Formula $N$
  184. \end_inset
  185. is the total number of pixels in the block, and
  186. \begin_inset Formula $\mu_{k}$
  187. \end_inset
  188. is the pixel average for line
  189. \begin_inset Formula $k$
  190. \end_inset
  191. :
  192. \begin_inset Formula
  193. \begin{equation}
  194. \mu_{d,k}=\frac{1}{N_{d,k}}\sum_{p\in P_{d,k}}x_{p}\ ,\label{eq:pixel-average}
  195. \end{equation}
  196. \end_inset
  197. where
  198. \begin_inset Formula $N_{d,k}$
  199. \end_inset
  200. is the cardinality of
  201. \begin_inset Formula $P_{d,k}$
  202. \end_inset
  203. .
  204. Substituting
  205. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  206. LatexCommand eqref
  207. reference "eq:pixel-average"
  208. \end_inset
  209. into
  210. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  211. LatexCommand eqref
  212. reference "eq:direction-variance0"
  213. \end_inset
  214. and simplifying, we get
  215. \begin_inset Formula
  216. \begin{equation}
  217. \sigma_{d}^{2}=\frac{1}{N}\left[\sum_{p\in\mathrm{block}}x_{p}^{2}-\sum_{k\in\mathrm{block},d}\frac{1}{N_{d,k}}\left(\sum_{p\in P_{d,k}}x_{p}\right)^{2}\right]\,,\label{eq:direction-variance1}
  218. \end{equation}
  219. \end_inset
  220. Considering that the first term of Eq.
  221. \begin_inset space ~
  222. \end_inset
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  224. LatexCommand eqref
  225. reference "eq:direction-variance1"
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  227. is constant with respect to
  228. \begin_inset Formula $d$
  229. \end_inset
  230. , we simply find the optimal direction
  231. \begin_inset Formula $d_{opt}$
  232. \end_inset
  233. as:
  234. \begin_inset Formula
  235. \begin{equation}
  236. d_{opt}=\max_{d}s_{d}\,,\label{eq:direction-variance2}
  237. \end{equation}
  238. \end_inset
  239. where
  240. \begin_inset Formula
  241. \begin{equation}
  242. s_{d}=\sum_{k\in\mathrm{block},d}\frac{1}{N_{d,k}}\left(\sum_{p\in P_{d,k}}x_{p}\right)^{2}\ .\label{eq:direction-variance3}
  243. \end{equation}
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  246. \begin_layout Section
  247. Conditional Replacement Filter
  248. \end_layout
  249. \begin_layout Standard
  250. Just like the median filter and the bilateral filter, the conditional replacemen
  251. t filter is designed to remove noise without sharp blurring edges.
  252. However, it is simpler to compute and is easier to vectorize than the median
  253. filter of the bilateral filter.
  254. A regular linear filter with
  255. \begin_inset Formula $\left(2M+1\right)$
  256. \end_inset
  257. taps is defined as
  258. \begin_inset Formula
  259. \begin{equation}
  260. y\left(n\right)=\frac{1}{W}\sum_{k=-M}^{k=M}w_{k}x\left(n+k\right)\ ,\label{eq:linear-filter}
  261. \end{equation}
  262. \end_inset
  263. where
  264. \begin_inset Formula $W=\sum_{k=-M}^{M}w_{k}$
  265. \end_inset
  266. .
  267. \end_layout
  268. \begin_layout Standard
  269. The main difference between a regular filter and the conditional replacement
  270. filter is that for each tap, if
  271. \begin_inset Formula $x\left(n+k\right)$
  272. \end_inset
  273. differs from
  274. \begin_inset Formula $x\left(n\right)$
  275. \end_inset
  276. by more than a threshold
  277. \begin_inset Formula $T$
  278. \end_inset
  279. , then we use
  280. \begin_inset Formula $x\left(n\right)$
  281. \end_inset
  282. instead for the tap.
  283. The filter computation is illustrated in Fig.
  284. \begin_inset space ~
  285. \end_inset
  286. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  287. LatexCommand ref
  288. reference "fig:Conditional-filter-computation"
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  290. and an example is shown in Fig.
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  292. \end_inset
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  294. LatexCommand ref
  295. reference "fig:Conditional-filter-example"
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  325. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  326. Conditional replacement filter computation
  327. \begin_inset CommandInset label
  328. LatexCommand label
  329. name "fig:Conditional-filter-computation"
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  364. filename crf_linear.eps
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  383. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  384. Conditional replacement filter example.
  385. Up-left: original signal, up-right: noisy signal, bottom-left: filtered
  386. with 7-tap linear filter, bottom-right: filtered with 7-tap conditional
  387. replacement filter.
  388. \begin_inset CommandInset label
  389. LatexCommand label
  390. name "fig:Conditional-filter-example"
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  393. \end_inset
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  395. \end_inset
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  397. \begin_layout Standard
  398. Through alegbraic simplifications, the filter definition can be written
  399. in terms of the differences
  400. \begin_inset Formula $x\left(n+k\right)-x\left(n\right)$
  401. \end_inset
  402. , which yields
  403. \begin_inset Formula
  404. \begin{equation}
  405. y\left(n\right)=x\left(n\right)+\frac{1}{W}\sum_{k=-M,k\neq0}^{k=M}w_{k}f\left(x\left(n+k\right)-x\left(n\right),T\right)\ ,\label{eq:conditional-replacement-diff}
  406. \end{equation}
  407. \end_inset
  408. with the threshold function
  409. \begin_inset Formula
  410. \begin{equation}
  411. f\left(d,T\right)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
  412. d & ,\left|d\right|<T\\
  413. 0 & ,\mathrm{otherwise}
  414. \end{array}\right.\ .\label{eq:threshold-function}
  415. \end{equation}
  416. \end_inset
  417. The advantage of this formulation is that the normalization by
  418. \begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{W}$
  419. \end_inset
  420. can be approximated without causing any bias, even when
  421. \begin_inset Formula $W$
  422. \end_inset
  423. is not a power of two.
  424. \end_layout
  425. \begin_layout Subsection
  426. Directional Filtering
  427. \end_layout
  428. \begin_layout Standard
  429. The directional filter for pixel
  430. \begin_inset Formula $\left(i,j\right)$
  431. \end_inset
  432. is defined as the 7-tap conditional replacement filter
  433. \begin_inset Formula
  434. \begin{gather}
  435. y\left(i,j\right)=x\left(i,j\right)+\frac{1}{W}\sum_{k=1}^{3}w_{k}\left[f\left(x\left(i,j\right)-x\left(i+\left\lfloor kd_{y}\right\rfloor ,j+\left\lfloor kd_{x}\right\rfloor \right),T_{d}\right)\right.\nonumber \\
  436. \left.+f\left(x\left(i,j\right)-x\left(i-\left\lfloor kd_{y}\right\rfloor ,j-\left\lfloor kd_{x}\right\rfloor \right),T_{d}\right)\right]\label{eq:directional_filter}
  437. \end{gather}
  438. \end_inset
  439. where
  440. \begin_inset Formula $d_{x}$
  441. \end_inset
  442. and
  443. \begin_inset Formula $d_{y}$
  444. \end_inset
  445. define the direction,
  446. \begin_inset Formula $W$
  447. \end_inset
  448. is a constant normalizing factor,
  449. \begin_inset Formula $T_{d}$
  450. \end_inset
  451. is the filtering threshold for the block.
  452. The direction parameters are shown in Table
  453. \begin_inset space ~
  454. \end_inset
  455. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  456. LatexCommand ref
  457. reference "tab:Direction-parameters"
  458. \end_inset
  459. .
  460. The weights
  461. \begin_inset Formula $w_{k}$
  462. \end_inset
  463. can be chosen so that
  464. \begin_inset Formula $W$
  465. \end_inset
  466. is a power of two.
  467. For example, Daala currently uses
  468. \begin_inset Formula $\mathbf{w}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}
  469. 3 & 2 & 2\end{array}\right]$
  470. \end_inset
  471. with
  472. \begin_inset Formula $W=16$
  473. \end_inset
  474. .
  475. Since the direction is constant over 8x8 blocks, all operations in this
  476. filter are directly vectorizable over the blocks.
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  721. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  722. Direction parameters
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  725. name "tab:Direction-parameters"
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  731. \end_layout
  732. \end_inset
  733. \end_layout
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  735. Second Stage Filter
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  767. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  768. Filtering along the direction (left) and filtering across the direction
  769. (right)
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  772. name "fig:Filtering-along-across"
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  783. The 7-tap directional filter is sometimes not enough to eliminate all ringing,
  784. so we use an additional filtering step that operates across the direction
  785. lines used in the first filter.
  786. Considering that the input of the second filter has considerably less ringing
  787. than the input of the second filter, and the fact that the second filter
  788. risks blurring edges, the position-dependent threshold
  789. \begin_inset Formula $T_{2}\left(i,j\right)$
  790. \end_inset
  791. for the second filter is set lower than that of the first filter
  792. \begin_inset Formula $T_{d}$
  793. \end_inset
  794. .
  795. The filter structure is the same as the one in Eq.
  796. \begin_inset space ~
  797. \end_inset
  798. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  799. LatexCommand eqref
  800. reference "eq:directional_filter"
  801. \end_inset
  802. .
  803. The direction parameters for the second stage filter are shown in Table
  804. \begin_inset space ~
  805. \end_inset
  806. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  807. LatexCommand eqref
  808. reference "tab:Ortho-parameters"
  809. \end_inset
  810. and the filter weights are
  811. \begin_inset Formula $\mathbf{w}=\left[\begin{array}{cc}
  812. 1 & 1\end{array}\right]$
  813. \end_inset
  814. with
  815. \begin_inset Formula $W=16/3$
  816. \end_inset
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  1059. Second stage filter parameters
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  1062. name "tab:Ortho-parameters"
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  1068. \end_layout
  1069. \begin_layout Section
  1070. Setting Thresholds
  1071. \end_layout
  1072. \begin_layout Standard
  1073. The thresholds
  1074. \begin_inset Formula $T_{d}$
  1075. \end_inset
  1076. and
  1077. \begin_inset Formula $T_{2}$
  1078. \end_inset
  1079. must be set high enough to smooth out ringing artefacts, but low enough
  1080. to avoid blurring important details in the image.
  1081. Although the ringing is
  1082. \emph on
  1083. roughly
  1084. \emph default
  1085. proportional to the quantization step size
  1086. \begin_inset Formula $Q$
  1087. \end_inset
  1088. , as the quantizer increases the error grows slightly less than linearly
  1089. because the unquantized coefficients become very small compared to
  1090. \begin_inset Formula $Q$
  1091. \end_inset
  1092. .
  1093. As a starting point for determining the thresholds, we use a power model
  1094. of the form
  1095. \begin_inset Formula
  1096. \begin{equation}
  1097. T_{0}=\alpha_{1}Q^{\beta}\ ,\label{eq:setting-Td}
  1098. \end{equation}
  1099. \end_inset
  1100. with
  1101. \begin_inset Formula $\beta=0.842$
  1102. \end_inset
  1103. in Daala, and where
  1104. \begin_inset Formula $\alpha_{1}$
  1105. \end_inset
  1106. depends on the input scaling.
  1107. \end_layout
  1108. \begin_layout Standard
  1109. Another factor that affects the optimal filtering threshold is the presence
  1110. of strong directional edges/patterns.
  1111. These can be estimated from the
  1112. \begin_inset Formula $s_{d}$
  1113. \end_inset
  1114. parameters computed in Eq.
  1115. \begin_inset space ~
  1116. \end_inset
  1117. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  1118. LatexCommand eqref
  1119. reference "eq:direction-variance3"
  1120. \end_inset
  1121. as
  1122. \begin_inset Formula
  1123. \begin{equation}
  1124. \delta=s_{d_{opt}}-s_{d_{ortho}}\ ,\label{eq:variande-delta}
  1125. \end{equation}
  1126. \end_inset
  1127. where
  1128. \begin_inset Formula $d_{ortho}=d_{opt}+4\ \left(\mathrm{mod}\,8\right)$
  1129. \end_inset
  1130. .
  1131. We compute the direction filtering threshold for each block as
  1132. \begin_inset Formula
  1133. \[
  1134. T_{d}=T_{0}\cdot\max\left(\frac{1}{2},\min\left(3,\alpha_{2}\left(\delta\cdot\delta_{sb}\right)^{1/6}\right)\right)\ ,
  1135. \]
  1136. \end_inset
  1137. where
  1138. \begin_inset Formula $\delta_{sb}$
  1139. \end_inset
  1140. is the average of the
  1141. \begin_inset Formula $\delta$
  1142. \end_inset
  1143. values over the entire superblock and
  1144. \begin_inset Formula $\alpha_{2}$
  1145. \end_inset
  1146. also depends on the input scaling.
  1147. For the second filter, we use a more conservative threshold that depends
  1148. on the amount of change caused by the directional filter.
  1149. \begin_inset Formula
  1150. \begin{equation}
  1151. T_{2}\left(i,j\right)=\min\left(T_{d},\frac{T_{d}}{3}+\left|y\left(i,j\right)-x\left(i,j\right)\right|\right)\ .\label{eq:setting-T2}
  1152. \end{equation}
  1153. \end_inset
  1154. \end_layout
  1155. \begin_layout Standard
  1156. As a special case, when the pixels corresponding to the 8x8 block being
  1157. filtered are all skipped, then
  1158. \begin_inset Formula $T_{d}=T_{2}=0$
  1159. \end_inset
  1160. , so no deringing is performed.
  1161. \end_layout
  1162. \begin_layout Section
  1163. Superblock Filtering
  1164. \end_layout
  1165. \begin_layout Standard
  1166. The filtering is applied one superblock at a time, conditional on a flag
  1167. coded in the bit-stream.
  1168. This binary flag is the only information coded in the bitstream by the
  1169. deringing filter.
  1170. The flag is only coded for superblocks that are not skipped and it is entropy-c
  1171. oded based on the neighbour values.
  1172. \end_layout
  1173. \begin_layout Standard
  1174. The deringing process sometimes reads pixels that lie outside of the superblock
  1175. being processed.
  1176. When these pixels belong to another superblock, the filtering always uses
  1177. the unfiltered pixel values -- even for the second stage filter -- so that
  1178. no dependency is added between the superblocks.
  1179. This makes it possible -- in theory -- to filter all superblocks in parallel.
  1180. When the pixels used for a filter lie outside of the viewable image, we
  1181. set
  1182. \begin_inset Formula $f\left(d,T\right)=0$
  1183. \end_inset
  1184. in Eq.
  1185. \begin_inset space ~
  1186. \end_inset
  1187. \begin_inset CommandInset ref
  1188. LatexCommand eqref
  1189. reference "eq:threshold-function"
  1190. \end_inset
  1191. .
  1192. \end_layout
  1193. \begin_layout Section
  1194. Results
  1195. \end_layout
  1196. \begin_layout Standard
  1197. The deringing filter described here has been implemented for the Daala
  1198. \begin_inset space ~
  1199. \end_inset
  1200. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  1201. LatexCommand cite
  1202. key "Daala"
  1203. \end_inset
  1204. codec.
  1205. It is available from the Daala Git repository
  1206. \begin_inset space ~
  1207. \end_inset
  1208. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  1209. LatexCommand cite
  1210. key "Daala-Git"
  1211. \end_inset
  1212. .
  1213. We tested the deringing filter on the Are We Compressed Yet
  1214. \begin_inset space ~
  1215. \end_inset
  1216. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  1217. LatexCommand cite
  1218. key "AWCY"
  1219. \end_inset
  1220. ntt-short1 set over the 0.025
  1221. \begin_inset space ~
  1222. \end_inset
  1223. bit/pixel to 0.1
  1224. \begin_inset space ~
  1225. \end_inset
  1226. bit/pixel range, corresponding to a 1080p30 bitrate of 1.5
  1227. \begin_inset space ~
  1228. \end_inset
  1229. Mbit/s to 6
  1230. \begin_inset space ~
  1231. \end_inset
  1232. Mbit/s.
  1233. The Bjøntegaard-delta
  1234. \begin_inset space ~
  1235. \end_inset
  1236. \begin_inset CommandInset citation
  1237. LatexCommand cite
  1238. key "Testing-draft"
  1239. \end_inset
  1240. rate reduction over that range was 6.5% for PSNR, 4.7% for PSNR-HVS, 5.6%
  1241. for SSIM and -6.0% (regression) for FAST-SSIM.
  1242. Visual inspection confirmed that the quality is indeed improved, despite
  1243. the regression in the FAST-SSIM result.
  1244. \end_layout
  1245. \begin_layout Section
  1246. Conclusion
  1247. \end_layout
  1248. \begin_layout Standard
  1249. We have demonstrated an effective algorithm to remove ringing artefacts
  1250. from coded images and videos.
  1251. The proposed filter takes into account the directionality of the patterns
  1252. it is filtering to reduce the risk of blurring.
  1253. \end_layout
  1254. \begin_layout Bibliography
  1255. \begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
  1256. LatexCommand bibitem
  1257. key "Daala"
  1258. \end_inset
  1259. Daala website, Xiph.Org Foundation.
  1260. \begin_inset ERT
  1261. status open
  1262. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  1263. \backslash
  1264. url{http://xiph.org/daala/}
  1265. \end_layout
  1266. \end_inset
  1267. \end_layout
  1268. \begin_layout Bibliography
  1269. \begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
  1270. LatexCommand bibitem
  1271. key "Daala-Git"
  1272. \end_inset
  1273. Daala Git repository.
  1274. \begin_inset ERT
  1275. status open
  1276. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  1277. \backslash
  1278. url{http://git.xiph.org/?p=daala.git;a=summary}
  1279. \end_layout
  1280. \end_inset
  1281. \end_layout
  1282. \begin_layout Bibliography
  1283. \begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
  1284. LatexCommand bibitem
  1285. label "3"
  1286. key "AWCY"
  1287. \end_inset
  1288. Are We Compressed Yet.
  1289. \begin_inset ERT
  1290. status open
  1291. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  1292. \backslash
  1293. url{https://arewecompressedyet.com/}
  1294. \end_layout
  1295. \end_inset
  1296. \end_layout
  1297. \begin_layout Bibliography
  1298. \begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
  1299. LatexCommand bibitem
  1300. label "4"
  1301. key "Testing-draft"
  1302. \end_inset
  1303. T.
  1304. Daede, J.
  1305. Moffitt,
  1306. \emph on
  1307. Video Codec Testing and Quality Measurement
  1308. \emph default
  1309. , IETF Internet draft, 2015.
  1310. \begin_inset ERT
  1311. status open
  1312. \begin_layout Plain Layout
  1313. \backslash
  1314. url{https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-daede-netvc-testing}
  1315. \end_layout
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  1319. \end_document