123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124 |
- var rule = {
- title:'盘搜搜索',
- host:'https://www.pansearch.me/',
- homeUrl:'/',
- url: '/forum-fyclass-fypage.html?',
- filter_url:'{{fl.class}}',
- filter:{
- },
- searchUrl: '/search?keyword=**',
- searchable:2,
- quickSearch:0,
- filterable:0,
- headers:{
- 'User-Agent': PC_UA,
- 'Accept': '*/*',
- 'Referer': 'https://www.pansearch.me'
- },
- timeout:5000,
- play_parse:true,
- lazy:`js:
- input = panPlay(input,playObj.flag)
- `,
- limit:6,
- 推荐:'',
- 一级:'',
- 二级:`js:
- let id=input;
- let title="";
- let pic="";
- let typeName="";
- let dec=id;
- let remark="";
- let vod={vod_id:id,vod_name:title,vod_pic:pic,type_name:typeName,vod_remarks:remark,vod_content:dec};
- initPan();
- let panVod = panDetailContent(vod ,[input]);
- TABS = panVod.tabs
- LISTS = panVod.lists
- detailError = panVod.error
- vod["vod_play_from"]=panVod.tabs.join("$$$");
- for (var i in LISTS) {
- if (LISTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- // print(i);
- try {
- LISTS[i] = LISTS[i].map(function (it) {
- return it.split('$').slice(0, 2).join('$');
- });
- } catch (e) {
- print('格式化LISTS发生错误:' + e.message);
- }
- }
- }
- vod_play_url = LISTS.map(function (it) {
- return it.join('#');
- }).join("$$$");
- vod["vod_play_url"]=vod_play_url;
- VOD=vod;
- `,
- 搜索:`js:
- var buildId = "";
- function getBuildId(){
- const html = request(rule.homeUrl);
- const regex = /"buildId":"(.*?)"/;
- const match = regex.exec(html);
- if (match && match.length > 1) {
- buildId = match[1];
- }
- }
- function get_result(){
- const limit = 10;
- let offsetParam = '';
- const offset = (MY_PAGE - 1) * limit;
- if (offset > 0) {
- offsetParam = '&offset=' + offset;
- }
- const urls = rule.homeUrl + "_next/data/" + buildId + "/search.json?keyword=" + encodeURIComponent(KEY) + offsetParam;
- const result = JSON.parse(request(urls));
- const json = result.pageProps.data;
- const total = json.total;
- const videoIdSet = new Set();
- const videos = [];
- for (const item of json.data) {
- const content = item.content;
- let splitList = content.split('\\n');
- const img = item.image || (rule.homeUrl + "favicon.png");
- pdfh=jsp.pdfh;pdfa=jsp.pdfa;pd=jsp.pd;
- if (content.includes('1、')) {
- for (const line of splitList) {
- if (line === "") continue;
- let vodId = pdfh(line, 'a&&href');
- if (!vodId) continue;
- if (!vodId.includes('alipan.com') && !vodId.includes('quark.cn') && !vodId.includes('aliyundrive.com')) continue;
- videos.push({
- vod_id: vodId,
- vod_name: line.replaceAll(/<\\/?[^>]+>/g, "").replace(/[0-9]*、/g, '').replace(/:http.*/g, ''),
- vod_pic: img,
- vod_remarks: item.pan,
- });
- }
- } else {
- let vodId = pdfh(content, 'a&&href');
- const vodName = splitList[0].replaceAll(/<\\\\?[^>]+>/g, "").replace("名称:", "").replace("资源标题:", "");
- if (!vodId) continue;
- videos.push({
- vod_id: vodId,
- vod_name: vodName,
- vod_pic: img,
- vod_remarks: item.pan,
- });
- }
- }
- return videos;
- }
- if (!buildId.length) {
- getBuildId()
- }
- VODS = get_result();
- `,
- }