bqr.js 3.7 KB

  1. var rule = {
  2. title:'不求人搜',
  3. host:'',
  4. url:'',
  5. detailUrl:'/pgc/view/web/season?season_id=fyid',
  6. filter_url:'fl={{fl}}',
  7. searchUrl:'/x/web-interface/search/type?keyword=**&page=fypage&search_type=',
  8. searchable:1,
  9. filterable:1,
  10. quickSearch:0,
  11. headers:{
  12. 'User-Agent': PC_UA,
  13. 'Accept': '*/*',
  14. 'Referer': '',
  15. 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  16. },
  17. timeout:5000,
  18. class_name:'华语电影&日韩电影&欧美电影&其他电影&华语电视&日韩电视&欧美电视&其他电视&欧美动漫&国漫动漫&日本动漫&纪录片&综艺片&教育&其他视频&华语音乐&日韩音乐&欧美音乐&其他音乐',
  19. class_url:'2&3&4&5&7&8&9&10&14&12&13&16&17&18&19&21&22&23&24',
  20. play_parse:true,
  21. lazy:`js:
  22. input = panPlay(input,playObj.flag)
  23. `,
  24. limit:5,
  25. 推荐:`js:
  26. function parseVodList(resp) {
  27. const rspData = resp;
  28. const jsonData = base64Decode(rspData.payload.substring(9));
  29. const json = JSON.parse(jsonData);
  30. const videos = [];
  31. for (const item of json.payload) {
  32. videos.push({
  33. vod_id: item.fullSourceUrl,
  34. vod_name: item.title,
  35. vod_pic: '',
  36. vod_remarks: item.source
  37. });
  38. }
  39. return videos;
  40. }
  41. const tid = "";
  42. let pg = 1;
  43. let url = rule.homeUrl + '/api/busi/res/list?typeId=&source=ALI_WP&q=&statuses=PUBLISH&statuses=INVALID&orderBy2=&pageSize=25&pageNum=' + pg + '&total=0&_t=' + new Date().getTime();
  44. let html = request(url);
  45. let resp = JSON.parse(html);
  46. VODS = parseVodList(resp)
  47. `,
  48. 一级:`js:
  49. function parseVodList(resp) {
  50. const rspData = resp;
  51. const jsonData = base64Decode(rspData.payload.substring(9));
  52. const json = JSON.parse(jsonData);
  53. const videos = [];
  54. for (const item of json.payload) {
  55. videos.push({
  56. vod_id: item.fullSourceUrl,
  57. vod_name: item.title,
  58. vod_pic: '',
  59. vod_remarks: item.source
  60. });
  61. }
  62. return videos;
  63. }
  64. const tid = "";
  65. let pg = MY_PAGE;
  66. let url = rule.homeUrl + '/api/busi/res/list?typeId=' + MY_CATE + '&source=ALI_WP&q=&statuses=PUBLISH&statuses=INVALID&orderBy2=&pageSize=25&pageNum=' + pg + '&total=0&_t=' + new Date().getTime();
  67. let html = request(url);
  68. let resp = JSON.parse(html);
  69. VODS = parseVodList(resp)
  70. `,
  71. 二级:`js:
  72. let id=input;
  73. let title="";
  74. let pic="";
  75. let typeName="";
  76. let dec=id;
  77. let remark="";
  78. let vod={vod_id:id,vod_name:title,vod_pic:pic,type_name:typeName,vod_remarks:remark,vod_content:dec};
  79. initPan();
  80. let panVod = panDetailContent(vod ,[input]);
  81. TABS = panVod.tabs
  82. LISTS = panVod.lists
  83. detailError = panVod.error
  84. vod["vod_play_from"]=panVod.tabs.join("$$$");
  85. for (var i in LISTS) {
  86. if (LISTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
  87. // print(i);
  88. try {
  89. LISTS[i] = LISTS[i].map(function (it) {
  90. return it.split('$').slice(0, 2).join('$');
  91. });
  92. } catch (e) {
  93. print('格式化LISTS发生错误:' + e.message);
  94. }
  95. }
  96. }
  97. vod_play_url = (it) {
  98. return it.join('#');
  99. }).join("$$$");
  100. vod["vod_play_url"]=vod_play_url;
  101. VOD=vod;
  102. `,
  103. 搜索:`js:
  104. function parseVodList(resp) {
  105. const rspData = resp;
  106. const jsonData = base64Decode(rspData.payload.substring(9));
  107. const json = JSON.parse(jsonData);
  108. const videos = [];
  109. for (const item of json.payload) {
  110. videos.push({
  111. vod_id: item.fullSourceUrl,
  112. vod_name: item.title,
  113. vod_pic: '',
  114. vod_remarks: item.source
  115. });
  116. }
  117. return videos;
  118. }
  119. const tid = "";
  120. let pg = MY_PAGE;
  121. let url = rule.homeUrl + '/api/busi/res/list?source=&q=' + KEY + '&statuses=PUBLISH&statuses=INVALID&orderBy2=newest&pageSize=25&pageNum=' + pg + '&total=0&_t=' + new Date().getTime();
  122. let html = request(url);
  123. let resp = JSON.parse(html);
  124. VODS = parseVodList(resp);
  125. `,
  126. }