12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667 |
- # Usage options
- ## Always tell windows we can use 256 colors.
- set-option -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
- ## Set scrollback length.
- set-option -g history-limit 20000
- ## Send xterm(1) focus events to windows running under the server.
- set-option -g focus-events on
- ## Indicate modifiers like shift/alt/ctrl using xterm(1) sequences.
- set-option -g xterm-keys on
- ## Set terminal (client) titles appropriately.
- set-option -g set-titles on
- set-option -g set-titles-string "tmux - #T"
- ## Don't make Esc usage have a delay (which is annoying when using kak(1)).
- set-option -g escape-time 25
- # Style
- ## Status bar colors.
- set-option -g status-left-style "fg=colour10"
- set-option -g status-right-style "fg=colour10"
- set-option -g status-style "bg=default,fg=colour10"
- ## Pane colors.
- set-option -g pane-active-border-style "bg=default,fg=colour10"
- ## Window entries (in status bar) colors.
- set-option -g window-status-activity-style "bg=default,fg=colour235,bold,reverse"
- set-option -g window-status-bell-style "bg=default,fg=white,bold,reverse"
- set-option -g window-status-current-style "bg=default,fg=colour10,bold,reverse"
- set-option -g window-status-style "bg=default,fg=colour10"
- # Status bar
- set-option -g status on
- set-option -g status-interval 5
- set-option -g status-position top
- set-option -g status-justify left
- ## Window format, akin to catgirl(1).
- set-option -g window-status-format " #I #W "
- set-option -g window-status-separator ""
- set-option -g window-status-current-format " #I #W "
- ## Nothing on the left, a simple clock and hostname (no domain) on the right.
- set-option -g status-left ""
- set-option -g status-right "#h %I:%M %p"
- set-option -g status-left-length 0
- # Windows
- set-option -g monitor-activity on
- set-option -g visual-activity on
- set-option -g renumber-windows on
- set-option -g focus-events on
- # Keybinds
- bind N swap-window -t +1 -d
- bind P swap-window -t -1 -d
- bind S-Left swap-pane -s '{left-of}'
- bind S-Right swap-pane -s '{right-of}'
- bind S-Up swap-pane -s '{up-of}'
- bind S-Down swap-pane -s '{down-of}'