guix-collection.scm 8.4 KB

  1. (use-modules (gnu)
  2. (guix packages)
  3. (guix profiles))
  4. (use-package-modules admin algebra aspell astronomy audio backup bash
  5. bittorrent cdrom chicken chromium ci cmake code commencement compression
  6. compton configuration-management cpio cran curl databases dictionaries
  7. diffoscope disk dns elf entr file freeipmi games gettext gcc gdb ghostscript
  8. gimp gl glib gnome gnu-doc gnupg gnuzilla golang graphics graphviz gstreamer
  9. gtk guile guile-xyz haskell haskell-apps haskell-xyz imagemagick image-viewers
  10. inkscape irc kde kodi libreoffice license linux lisp logging lsof lxde lxqt m4
  11. mail man maths messaging minetest mp3 ncdu ncurses networking node
  12. package-management parallel password-utils patchutils pdf perl perl-web php
  13. pretty-print photo pulseaudio pv python python-web python-xyz qt ratpoison
  14. rdesktop readline rsync rust-apps samba scheme screen shells shellutils
  15. sqlite ssh statistics suckless syncthing synergy terminals tex texinfo
  16. text-editors telegram textutils tls tmux tor valgrind version-control video
  17. virtualization vnc vim vpn w3m web web-browsers wget wm xdisorg xfce xml xorg)
  18. (define guix-collection-packages-multiout
  19. `((,glib "bin")
  20. ;; (,bind "utils")
  21. (,git "gui")
  22. (,git "send-email")
  23. (,git "svn")
  24. (,guile-3.0 "debug")
  25. (,alsa-plugins "pulseaudio")
  26. (,isc-bind "utils")))
  27. (define %large-packages
  28. (list libreoffice
  29. nyxt))
  30. (define %spelling-packages
  31. (list aspell aspell-dict-en aspell-dict-ru))
  32. (packages->manifest
  33. (append (list guile-bash
  34. kmonad
  35. feh sxiv ; Image viewers
  36. perl-image-exiftool
  37. looking-glass-client
  38. qemu
  39. ffmpeg ; Video, audio, images, gif conversion
  40. imagemagick ; Pipe to `display'
  41. xfce leafpad ratpoison gimp
  42. ;; kdeconnect
  43. dialog
  44. entr
  45. ;; See <>.
  46. at-spi2-core
  47. ghostscript/x gnuplot
  48. ;; grip ; TODO: Fix conflicting entries for python-cryptography
  49. autojump
  50. jq jo jtbl
  51. nmap
  52. ;; hosts ;TODO: Fix build failure.
  53. hss
  54. dmidecode
  55. lm-sensors
  56. cloc ; Count code
  57. diffstat
  58. direnv
  59. gnu-make ; GNU Make
  60. recutils ; Filter records like in `guix --search'
  61. stow ; Dotfiles management
  62. the-silver-searcher
  63. fd ripgrep
  64. woof
  65. zsh
  66. dragon-drop
  67. multipath-tools
  68. ;; kpartx
  69. ;; [[]
  70. ;; [How to mount a lvm volume which is inside a lvm volume - DEV Community]]
  71. gnu-gettext
  72. translate-shell ; Translation in CLI and Emacs
  73. ;; TODO: Fix cuirass
  74. ;; TODO: Fix artanis
  75. guile-colorized guile-daemon
  76. guile-fibers guile-gcrypt guile-git guile-readline
  77. guile-redis guile-ssh guile-xosd guile-wisp
  78. chicken go m4 perl python ;; python-hy
  79. r sbcl ghc
  80. mcron
  81. git tig mercurial gource vc-dwim git-cal gita
  82. colormake
  83. guile-commonmark ; Commonmark for Guile
  84. ;; gwl ; Guix workflow management ; fails to build
  85. haunt ; Guile static site generator
  86. aria2 ; Download utility
  87. ;; kodi
  88. kodi-cli ; Remote control Kodi
  89. ;; transmission ; Bittorrent
  90. qbittorrent
  91. mps-youtube
  92. streamlink
  93. twitchy
  94. youtube-dl ; Video and music from websites
  95. redshift ; Color temperature
  96. neofetch
  97. iperf
  98. xxd
  99. ;; python-clf ; Interface to <>
  100. dbus dunst xmessage libnotify
  101. alsa-utils cli-visualizer pulsemixer pavucontrol qpwgraph
  102. ;; WEB
  103. ;; icecat
  104. ;; broken: ungoogled-chromium
  105. ;; node ;Packages in <~/.npm-global/bin/>.
  106. tor torsocks
  107. ;; Mail
  108. isync msmtp notmuch neomutt swaks
  109. ;; IMAP
  111. gnupg pinentry
  112. file tree python-pygments exa
  113. ;; TODO: Fix python-parso
  114. python-language-server
  115. ;; mongodb
  116. goaccess
  117. ;; httpie ; TODO: Fix conflicting entries for python-cryptography
  118. httping
  119. ;; Utilities
  120. strace tcpdump multitail wireshark
  121. hdparm
  122. console-setup ;set font size in TTY
  123. rlwrap ; read-line wrapper
  124. tmux tmux-xpanes screen
  125. fbcat
  126. shell-functools
  127. gsettings-desktop-schemas
  128. glib-networking
  129. ;; flatpak
  130. ;; nix
  131. mlt mpv vlc mpg123 sox
  132. v4l-utils
  133. ;; PDF
  134. ;; zathura zathura-djvu zathura-pdf-mupdf poppler
  135. ;; X11
  136. keynav rofi st xauth xev scrot xsel xclickroot xmenu
  137. kitty
  138. ;; polybar
  139. sxhkd
  140. perltidy ;format Perl code
  141. perl-uri-escape ;convert url
  142. perl-moose
  143. binutils
  144. patchelf ;patch elf
  145. patchutils
  146. ;; octave XXX: Fails to compile.
  147. atop htop inxi iotop jnettop glances bmon progress
  148. moonlight-qt
  149. synergy
  150. ansible ; Configuration management
  151. ;; chezmoi XXX: Fails to compile.
  152. bc
  153. cpio
  154. detox ; Replace spaces with underscores in filenames
  155. dos2unix
  156. freerdp
  157. graphviz ;produce `dot' files graphs
  158. xdot
  159. html-xml-utils
  160. ;; XXX: Fails to compile licensecheck ; Licence checker for source files
  161. lsof
  162. lsofgraph
  163. ncdu ; TUI `du'
  164. sysstat
  165. netcat-openbsd
  166. openssl
  167. nethogs
  168. rsync
  169. picom
  170. php
  171. autossh
  172. sshuttle
  173. reptyr
  174. ;; shellcheck
  175. ipcalc
  176. socat
  177. sshpass
  178. sshfs
  179. sqlite unzip zip p7zip
  180. curl wget
  181. iputils
  182. texinfo
  183. lvm2 cdrkit-libre samba ubridge
  184. python-pymongo
  185. python-evdev
  186. mariadb redis
  187. tmux tmuxifier parallel w3m
  188. ;; znc
  189. source-highlight
  190. gnu-c-manual gnu-standards man-pages
  191. sicp ; Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  192. restic ;backup
  193. bats
  194. cflow ;C program call map.
  195. gcc-toolchain ;For Emacs `semantic-mode'.
  196. gdb ;GNU debuger.
  197. global ;Source tagging.
  198. valgrind ;Memory debug.
  199. obs-looking-glass
  200. mesa mesa-utils
  201. gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-good
  202. gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer
  203. minetest ; FOSS Minecraft like game
  204. gimp inkscape
  205. openvpn
  206. mosh
  207. ponymix
  208. ;; procmail ; fails because of gnutls-dane
  209. pv
  210. pwgen
  211. syncthing
  212. xfce4-screenshooter
  213. xfce4-terminal
  214. xplanet
  215. xmodmap
  216. whois
  217. bluez
  218. password-store ; Password management
  219. dconf ;used by virt-manager as a storage for configuration.
  220. freeipmi)
  221. guix-collection-packages-multiout
  222. %large-packages
  223. %spelling-packages))